
Viewing 501 - 520 of 702 results

Paul's Thursday Reviews CXI · 5:34pm Apr 5th, 2018

Two topics of note today. First is giving back to followers. Now, the truth is I've never been the type to thank every follower that comes along with a personal message saying so. It's redundant and, with that redundancy, begins to seem meaningless. But since I do appreciate my followers, I always struggled to find a way to thank them. In the last month, I finally came up with a solution: every time someone follows me, I add one of their stories to my RiL for later review. What better

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Story updates · 11:05am Dec 10th, 2022

Due to popular demand, Cherry Berry's Accidental Flagging will take precedent over all other updates. I might do a mass updating next Friday and drop Aftermath of the Blanks, Family Facade, and Cherry Berry at the same time Friday evening. Not sure but Cherry Berry story will be what I will write now.

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FIM Compilations: All Star Wars References · 3:41am Dec 10th, 2022


After a long day of moving and prepping for the new job... · 1:24am Jul 29th, 2015

...I come home tired and plopped myself down on the living room couch. What do I spy under the TV?

I've never seen it but the internet is abuzz about it. So I pop in the first DVD and decide to watch one episode.

I've made a huge mistake.:twilightoops:

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Please check out this author who is CRIMINALLY underrated: "BlueColton" · 11:24pm Jul 4th, 2016

There are many writers here on my following list whose works I've read that I feel deserve more praise and follows. Today I'm starting some writer spotlights with a fimfic writer whose work is absolutely phenomenal.

BlueColton is an amazing writer who has many different types of fics. I've chosen to focus on the dark and horror ones.


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The best reaction to the CMC cuties marks ever on YouTube · 9:03pm Oct 11th, 2015

Seriously, look at this guy's eyes. He was so close to watering up completely.

Gonna be honest, I had a similar reaction myself, not gonna lie. Holy crap, just think where everything goes from here now!


It's been two years..... · 11:05pm Mar 2nd, 2016

Today, it's exactly two years ago that I finished the first chapter of "Journeys and Destinations: A Friendship for Eternity", my first Cutie Mark Crusaders fanfiction, and that I sent it in to Equestria Daily for the Writer's Training Grounds for "Twilight Time".
And since then, I barely continued it, despite how much this story means to me.
This story has gone through some really crazy times.

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Why 'Ashes' is now longer than 'Autophobia' and other stuff maybe probably totally. · 6:01pm Jan 5th, 2018

If you know a couple things about me, it's that I've probably/maybe made some kind of Satanic pact to update things like I do, or might just be some eldritch vortex that has legs but mostly just vomits up words. Something like that.

This, of course, never means that I don't go back and revise/tweak little bits and things in my older stories. I reread my stuff often enough, especially to try and spot a rare typo or something that might have slipped by and see the quality of my work. Etc.

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Poll Results! · 1:19am Sep 5th, 2017

I have finally finished my first pay period: I completed 13,142 words over my past five stories/chapters, for a total Patreon income of $1! And it only took me a little over a month! :pinkiecrazy:

Buck apples get bits.

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Read It Later Reviews #36 – Present Tense, Apple Whine, Pinkie Pie vs the Soufflé, Height, It is Upon These Words That the Fate of Equestria Hangs · 12:29am Nov 18th, 2015

Well, trying to be a busy little beaver dragon this week and spend my free time doing productive things instead of browsing the Internet and wasting time procrastinating. It is invigorating to throw myself into things, and I wonder just what it is that keeps trying to pull me back into the petty and frivolous when I could be doing far more enjoyable things.

Is it base human nature?

Is it fear of actually trying?

Is it just the ease of consuming the easily digested?

Ah, well.

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The fifth chapter of A Dazzling Trio is out now~ · 1:50am Jan 7th, 2023

Hello, everyone~

I hope you're all doing well! I know we all had some pretty busy times recently with Christmas, New Years, and the new semester of uni starting. I definitely know the feeling. But I did want to upload a new chapter before the my new semester starts on Monday~ I hope you all enjoy this Sundagio fluff!

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I can't seem to stop writing, so you're welcome. · 2:06pm Jul 28th, 2022

Hello, everyone~!
This will be a short update since I have lots of things to do today, but I just wanted to say I can't seem to stop writing. I have once again uploaded another chapter of A Shimmering Heartbreak and I hope everyone enjoys it~ This is the longest chapter I've made so far and I wouldn't be surprised if I outdo myself again. Stay special, everyone!

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Questions Raised By S5E21 "Hearthbreakers" · 12:47am Oct 26th, 2015


I generally liked this episode, which had something important to say about sub-cultural variance in Equestria and how customs can vary even among kin. There are some interesting questions raised by the story, however.

I. What Is the Nature of the Choosing/Pairing Stone?

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Where is Everypony continue... · 8:37pm June 19th

What secrets will Spike discover inside the clubhouse belonging to the CMC? Are they missing too? Could they be alive? What was their fate in this hellish empty world that Spike awoke to?

[Adult story embed hidden]


YEEHAW! The New Chapter o' The Iron Horse is Up, Y'all! · 11:39pm Feb 15th, 2016

You read right! This here chapter is good t' go! An if ya don't feel like moseyin' over there to took at 'er on yer own, then don't fret, cause I got this link! Hope y'all enjoy the start o' this new arc, too, 'cuz it features the much-anticipated, the much-requested, the one-an'-only Applejack!

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Original Trollfic: Aplejek Getz Stuk In A Barel · 2:56pm Nov 1st, 2016

Original Trollfic: Aplejek Getz Stuk In A Barel

One day Aplejek, one of teh most famus dirt ponies in all of teh wurld, wuz workin on teh farm becuz despite savin teh wurld 20 millonz of timz she was still a poor aple pesent wit no moniez. It wuz okay tho as farm pony wuz too stupid to relize she never got paid for saving teh world like teh other ponies did.

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Adorable Distress! · 6:58pm Aug 9th, 2018

I think this may be cruel, but damn it's cute! What monster would really do this?

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New Story! Cute Crusaders Too! · 12:22pm Jan 27th, 2020

Hey Everyone, Just wanted to let you know I put out another story! Hopefully, y'all check it out down below.

[Adult story embed hidden]

But if you just came here for some cute pictures of ponies, thats fine too!


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Mini Re-Reviews: "Sleepless in Ponyville" - Season 3 Episode 6 · 10:48pm Apr 28th, 2020

SCOOTALOO: "This is the Best Flight Ever! Am I right?"
RAINBOW DASH: "Heh, maybe, squirt. It's no Sonic Rainboom, but this is pretty cool. Although, is this your first time speaking for one of these? It's just, that nod to 'The Best Night Ever', it needs to be about..."
SCOOTALOO: "...Twenty percent cooler?"

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Episode Review: "The Last Crusade" - Season 9 Episode 12 · 4:19pm Jun 15th, 2019

Right as rain, it's another Season 9 episode, and yet another episode fulfilling something fans have wanted to see for a long time at that.

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Viewing 501 - 520 of 702 results