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New Story is Posted · 1:35pm Dec 6th, 2016

Just an announcement that I posted a new commissioned story, 'Pounding Flurry', on my account. It's a story about Pound Cake, Pumpkin Cake, and Flurry Heart 'exploring' each other. Yes, it contains foalcon.

Link to story

A special thanks to 'Frost' for commissioning me, your patronism is much appreciated.



I have not learned my lesson. · 11:10am Aug 11th, 2017

I'm starting a new story.

Yes, I already have two stories. But sometimes an idea just won't get out of your head.

It's a crossover. Which means, it might not get published at all - I'm not confident it'll be any good. Most crossover ideas I get only get a chapter or two in before I realize that the idea is kinda cool for the first two chapters or so before I realize that I have no real plot, and the entire thing is "I think it would be really cool for character X to meet the ponies."

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Wow · 3:14am Mar 23rd, 2016

So I just submitted a new story, and I just wanted let all of my *checks hand* 4 followers know. Divided will still be updated, and this new one too, but very slowly, so be patient, will ya?!
Anyway, yea. I gotta go to bed. Night my homies :coolphoto:


On the Verge of Something · 2:13pm Jan 16th, 2019

Just submitted the two parts of the first chapter of my second story to the one friend of mine who knows that I'm interested in this stuff to see if it makes sense. (damn, don't you just hate run on sentences) If he thinks that it looks o.k., I'll submit it for approval, maybe even before the end of the week. It would be easier if I had a fellow brony to check this for me, but as an older fan that really hasn't been an option. I'm going to be taking on some rather nasty subjects in the next few

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A Long Lost Promise is Coming Soon · 2:45am Apr 8th, 2018

So over a year ago I promised that a certain story would come out, and thanks to the way life happened during that time I lost focus on my goals here. So pretty soon you can expect that story to be coming out. I know it's not my best work being so old, but I do feel that its long past time that I give this story out to those who were interested in it. So here's hoping you all enjoy the story. XD

Report TheCrimsonDM · 175 views · #new story #sequel

New Story: Night Moves · 10:10pm Apr 5th, 2021

It's another one of them stories where I hear a song on the radio and then just have to write a story to capture that feel. This time, it's Bob Seger's "Night Moves", hence the title.

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The Danger Within is out · 7:30pm Jan 11th, 2018

It's been far too long since I last published anything (late February, in fact!), so here's a real live new story from me. Placeholder title image for now; it will probably be changed at a later date:

TThe Danger Within
A magical accident at a castle garden party leaves Fancy Pants, Rarity and Fluttershy apparently alone in the middle of... somewhere. But where, and how will they make it home?
Loganberry · 8.8k words  ·  14  1 · 560 views

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Report Loganberry · 255 views · #new story #writing

My Story is now Officially Published! · 8:19pm Aug 3rd, 2016

The Power of Man finally has its first chapter approved! Feel free to go give it a read! You have no idea how happy I feel inside right now.

Anyway, Cheers!

Report SelectFilly · 286 views · #Yay #New Story

I finished another story · 3:27am Jan 17th, 2019

I’m just saying right now that this is the best I can come up with for a new story, as for new chapters that’s something I’m still thinking about. And if the Spring Break Special gives me what I wanted since June of 2016, I’ll might make Equestria Girls Cruise fanfic stories kind of like the beach ones. I still don’t take requests, I’m slowly losing my passion on my ideas on fanfics.


Have I Got a Story For You · 5:13pm Jun 3rd, 2019

As reluctant as I am to bury my generous offer, I’ve got two amazing bits of news to share:

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So I Wrote A Thing. · 3:42am Dec 1st, 2015

That title pretty much says it all. I can't really explain what the thing is, but it's there.

More to the point, it's [link removed because fuck stupid rules].

I don't know whether I'll submit this for the general site, or if I'll just leave it for the curious passersby, maybe put a link to it on my FF-page like I should have done with "Highs And Lows" eight months ago.

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New Story: Learning to be a Family · 10:31pm Jul 12th, 2016

Learning to be a Family is what I have been working on after I clawed my way out of the Steam Summer Sale. This was written as a collab with Twilight-the-Pony for our mutual friend TadStone.

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New Story! · 10:18pm Apr 25th, 2017

You read that right, I've posted a new one-shot fic! This story actually serves a two-fold purpose since I did it primarily as a birthday present for typhwosion on tumblr, but it also let me get out of my comfort zone and figure out how to write something more light hearted. Hopefully this'll help vary up the tone of Alicornae once I get back to it, but for now go and enjoy Fun

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New Story: The Battle of Alkatin Pass · 9:12pm Jan 31st, 2019

Well this one is different, isn't it?

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Monoxide · 11:20pm Oct 30th, 2021

I hope you're doing well. I'm still here, alive. Don't be alone this Nightmare Night: be with good company.

I've placed a story below.


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Drivers · 7:35am Jun 6th, 2017

I typed out another thing that I wrote by hand. Took me three hours from 10 PM to 1 AM; the only good time to write during the middle of exams and reviews. AKA, last thing you’re getting until summer break. Enjoy.

Go check it out!

Report Odd_Sarge · 257 views · #new story #drivers

One-shot coming together · 5:39pm Sep 27th, 2018

I'm writing a short one-shot for fun as I'm kind of stuck on Xenophobia at the moment. Here's a sneak preview of the description:

Shining Armor is in a bit of a pickle.

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Report Symphony · 353 views · #one-shot #new story

Back In Action, Baby! New Fic and Great News! · 9:12pm Mar 24th, 2019

Okay, yes, it's been a while since my last blog post, hasn't it? Well, I've got good news for my followers: I'm assembling a new team of co-authors, supporting authors, editors, etc. who will help me get a lot of my old fics back off the ground, proving they weren't dead, just merely comatose. This is an extensive process, but in the meantime, I've got a new fic! Don't worry, this time, I have an outline already stretching from beginning to end, so the fic should reach completion.

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What happens when the world you know falls apart? · 3:05pm Dec 10th, 2018

Remember that blog post a while back that was basically a trimmed down story? Yeah, how would you like a real story based on it? I've been thinking about it for a while, and I decided "Why not?" So I'm here to ask:

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New Story Sneak Peek · 6:10pm Jan 25th, 2020

Hey guys, been a while, but shit happens that requires more immense attention. To give you a but of a treat, here is a sneak peek of something I am working on.

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Viewing 501 - 520 of 2,643 results