
Viewing 501 - 520 of 903 results

The Patreon Commission Story Poll for October 2019 is officially open! · 5:07am Oct 24th, 2019

As most of you may already know, I hold an open poll in which my Top-Tier Patrons have the chance to suggest their own story prompts! This poll will be open until the 31st of October, so you better cast your choice before midnight on that Thursday! The stories featured for this month's poll include:

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Patreon? · 6:19pm Nov 6th, 2017

Hello to my followers!

I know there may not be that many of you at the moment, but I figured I'd pose a question to you all.... if I were to get a Patreon, would anyone be interested in being a Patron? Those who would, would be able to see material earlier than everyone else, and I'd also be willing to show my creative process and outlines possibly as well. I would also be interested to see if anyone would be interested to see it for my art as well.

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The April 2020 Patreon Polls are completed! · 5:30am May 1st, 2020

And holy crap, this was the largest upsurge of votes I've ever gotten in the years I spent on Patreon! A total of 206 votes were casted over the past week, with the top three entries receiving 31, 32, and 41 votes respectively! That amount of attention is unbelievably awesome, and it means so much to know that so many people are paying attention to my work!

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Just as a quick reminder · 7:19pm Feb 12th, 2021

I'm going to be working on the epilogue of Showing His Place: Sacrifice this month. I'm almost done with an Aggretsuko story on my Patreon page, which'll be posted on FurAffinity and SoFurry before this weekend is through. After that, I have a SPH-themed commission between Sunburst and Stygian that I hopefully

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March is gonna be a busy month! · 6:38pm Mar 2nd, 2021

Heya guys! It's been a while since I posted any updates; of course, given how stressful February had been for me, I doubt many people would be too surprised about a slight hiccup in output. Heck, considering how my car was stolen and totaled just a couple weeks ago, it's downright shocking I managed to write out so much content since then. Nevertheless, that doesn't change the fact that March is going to be my busiest month to date.

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New Chapter of Cruel Beauty · 3:59pm Apr 24th, 2021

I wrote 'Cruel Beauty' as a Patreon reward years ago. The patron wanted me to continue it in exchange for more of their monthly rewards and so I wrote it under the working title 'Sleeping Duty'. Unfortunately the patron dissolved their patronage before the fic was finished and Sleeping Duty went into storage with only a few chapters written. However, I always kind of liked where it was headed back then - even if the direction ended up being not quite what the patron envisioned. It seemed silly

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The Patreon Commission Poll for August is online · 1:07pm Aug 25th, 2019

Every month, I hold an open poll in which my Top-Tier Patrons have the chance to suggest their own story prompts! This poll will be open until the 31st of August, so you better cast your choice before midnight on Saturday! I'll announce the winning story on my FimFiction page on the 1st of September, and the story will be written out later in the month.

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The Pitfall with Patreon · 8:49pm Oct 3rd, 2019


I hope you guys are gonna get excited this weekend! · 1:50pm Jan 3rd, 2020

I just finished my first of two poll-winning stories from my Official Patreon page. Cruising 2 is slated to be written next, and I'm honestly really hyped for how that story will turn out. But for right now, the other story that I just completed is up on my Patreon as we speak. Along with writing out almost 9K words of steamy EqG content, I also created this cover page to go alongside it:

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My first-ever Overwatch fic is being written on Patreon · 7:24pm Oct 28th, 2020

Heya guys! Last month, I ended up getting a unique combination of ideas for my upcoming Randomizer poll story. It's going to involve Reaper and Soldier from Overwatch having breakup sex in a sex shop; and despite how interesting this idea is, I'll admit it's a little daunting since I never played the Overwatch games in my life. Nevertheless, if you want to see what I've written so far, you can visit my Official Patreon Page and join to help out! :D

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New Patreon Update: Spike's Special Live-Stream is in progress · 9:18pm Sep 30th, 2022


I Made A Patreon! · 8:08am Jun 19th, 2019

I finally joined up! Click the link here to be redirected to my Patreon! You can support me by being a bronze, silver, gold, or platinum tier member! You can unlock benefits like free commission art, commission discounts, and at the highest level, a free 2000 word commission of your choice! Help support me and my writing, by joining me on my journey on Patreon!

Thank you guys!



just some thoughts regarding What If's eventual sequel. · 5:51am Nov 10th, 2023

Y'know how I sometimes pull a longer, more serious chapter out of nowhere?

What if I make a Patreon tier/add to a patreon tier a benefit so that y'all can request one such chapter per month? Same rules apply as the regular What If chapter request stuffs, except that maybe the most upvoted comments are put into an elimination tournament to leave only The One True Chapter™ to rule the month. maybe I'll throw in "scribble out a drawing of the scenario too" while I'm at it idk


We Need Patreon Support for ATN · 12:23pm Nov 30th, 2015

If some of you don't know lately, we've been losing Patreon support for our ATN comic. This is not good as Gray, the artist, needs the Patreon Support to help her with her living conditions. The comic has lost much of its funding over the months and it's been damaging our efforts to create more ATN content for you guys. There are rewards and such for those who donate to ATN such as drawings and shoutouts, but so far we've been seeing a decrease then an increase. If it gets too low, then we have

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Midnight Updates · 9:10pm Sep 8th, 2015

Hello followers, its your friendly neighborhood Midnight and I'm here to talk about a few things pertaining to me.

Number one, I've got a Youtube channel that, hopefully, I'll start expanding to streaming, gaming, and such. Right now its mostly music.

Now, this means I need money, and I really hate to ask, but if most of you were to donate, hell, even a dollar, to my Patreon when I get it set-up, I can get my own TV, other streaming devices, possible laptop, and other things I may need.

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Help Needed-Night Post · 2:48am Mar 5th, 2017

So, I opened my mail today and found a letter from State Farm... The sweet and short of it is that my insurance is only covering half of what the damages were from a accident in July 2015.

That makes me responsible for 5,590.70$

That is... Such a very big number...

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Adapting TO Night: The Hero In Blue Part 8 and 9 · 11:41am May 23rd, 2017


One last update until July · 8:30pm Jun 28th, 2018

I swear to god, this is my last blogpost for June. I just have two things I want to point out:

1.) My Patreon Poll is still up and open to the public, and will be finalized on the 30th. It's currently at a tie for 1st place, so anyone who hasn't voted yet should consider doing so:

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October Patreon Reward – Happy Halloween! · 3:58am Nov 1st, 2017

I’ll keep this short, as I am beat! The October Patreon Supporter Award has arrived over on Patreon. And it is awesome.

What is it, you may ask? Why it’s a story! That’s right, a story. For Halloween. An early draft, but about 8.5k words long.

Oh, and it’s the sequel to Monthly Retreat from Unusual Events. And it has some other familiar faces show up as well.

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February Patreon Supporter Reward News, Shadow of an Empire News, and Other News! Basically News. · 8:44pm Mar 2nd, 2018

Viewing 501 - 520 of 903 results