
Viewing 501 - 520 of 762 results

Friends Talk, Chapter XIV: Rarity Investigates! · 3:34am Sep 23rd, 2015

Okay, so there's this joint blog thing that Prane and Gulheru do where they review episodes, and they invite in guests to talk about them as well sometimes. Well, this time they invited me and Wolfscape Wolfcape!

Afterwords, we're all kinda supposed to post it to our blogs, or we can anyways, so here it is! Oh, spoilers below. Lots of spoilers. Well, any review is spoilers, isn't it?

(Reviewers: Core Team + SweetAI Belle + Wolfcape)

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Amending Fences Review and Recap. · 4:23pm Jul 4th, 2015

Happy 4th of July Everypony. If you too busy helping your friends out with a cookout. Then you reading this from the Mobile device. Anyway, in today episode of Season 5. We throwback at Episode 1 of the series and twilight reunite with her old friends. Minutette,Lemon heart,Twinkleshine,and Moon dancer. She was being a bad friend before she head off to ponyvillie. If you watching the Very 1st episode of the 2010 reboot. if you

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FIENDship is Card Games: The Dream Team (Also Friends Forever #15) · 12:18pm Mar 26th, 2017

This week is all about leaders, underlings, and two very different management styles. Let's compare and contrast.

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Friendship is Card Games: Micro-Series and Friends Forever #2 · 12:08pm Oct 30th, 2016

Welcome to the sixth interseasonal hiatus, ladies and gentlemen. For those of you joining me since the second half of Season 6, I’ve long since run through the backlog of past pony episodes (easily findable through the archive here,) so I’m making my way through the comics. This week, it’s side comics, with Rainbow Dash’s micro-series issue and the CMC/Discord team-up. Let’s take a look.

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Friendship is Card Games: How Rarity Got Her Groovy Back and Friends Forever #3 · 12:39pm Nov 6th, 2016

We’re sticking with the side stories for a bit to bring things to some semblance of parity. As such, this week, we have Rarity on a commune and a team-up between two of the most important people in Twilight Sparkle’s life.

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Friendship is Card Games: Micro-Series and Friends Forever #4 · 1:15pm Nov 13th, 2016

Two more weeks of side comics before we cut back to the main storyline. Right now, we have an art competition and a haunting to look into.

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Reignition · 7:20am Oct 23rd, 2016

Hey guys. Sorry for those I promised the story to be out soon and not delivered. I am motivated to finish it, But a lot has been happening and I am finally getting on track. Job changes, suicidal friends, etc. It's been rough. I just want to apologize to everypony. I am going to make this chapter good for you guys and I hope to get a good rhythm going again. I wanted to hopefully make friends doing this and maybe write an actual story. Hehe. I need to reignite my passion for this story. I still

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These past couple of days have been great! · 1:05am Jun 8th, 2016

Yesterday a friend and I sat in the grass at a park and then went to the grocery store to get those frosted cookies that are so bad for you. We also got pop-its since I'm old enough. Today another friend and I gave our friend a graduation gift that consisted of tea, chocolate, and a mug with a picture of us on it. I had a bit of trouble getting home, but I stopped by the hardware store and found this beautiful moon cactus. It was red, orange, and yellow and looked like fire! The

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Tag, you're it! · 2:20pm Mar 1st, 2016


Friendship is Card Games: Angel's Big Day and Friends Forever #37 · 11:56am Nov 4th, 2018

This week, we have one of several issues that directly connect to Season 7 episodes, along with the penultimate Friends Forever. Let’s begin.

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Signal Boost for a friend · 8:36pm Feb 24th, 2017

So Stegtorn has begun season 2 of his Horse la Horse story.
It follows Anonymous the human in a near dystopian Equestria as he engages in over the top situations, stylish combat, and bizarre social interactions with a load of references to garnish this dish. If you haven't read season 1, I recommend it. It's a lot of fun and when you're finished, go read season 2.

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Dear American followers of mine - how badly managed IS your country right now?. · 4:03am Oct 3rd, 2017

"Donald Trump was elected to make America great again. He's brought it to its f**king knees."

Dear American friends and followers, how true is this statement?


Friendship is Card Games: For the Pony Who Has Everything and Friends Forever #32 · 10:55am Jul 15th, 2018

Be advised, there may be a new episode coming this Friday at 2 PM. It’s clear that Discovery Family’s “Summer Surprises” is code for “lol what’s regular, predictable scheduling.” On a similar note, today’s comic took me off-guard during my scheduling.

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Friendship is Card Games: Friends Forever #33 and #34 · 7:03pm Jul 30th, 2018

A day late, but hopefully not a dollar short. Let’s make this last card blog of the intraseasonal hiatus worth the wait.

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Friendship is Card Games: Micro-Series and Friends Forever #1 · 12:06pm Jul 17th, 2016

Hello, all. I'm deviating from the main series this week to at least start the other comic lines; the first issues of both the single-character-focused micro-series and the two-character-focused Friends Forever line. Let's see where this takes us.

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I'm Calling Dibs on Silverstream! · 10:32pm Mar 24th, 2018

I never thought I'd actually be the first person to ever write a canon character, but here I am. My longest oneshot to date, Daydream Warrior, is heading to your computers right now, starring Silverstream in her debut FiMFiction appearance. Even though I actually liked Ocellus a little bit more in the actual premiere, I can't help but be a little honored to be the first to write Silverstream. She really is an interesting character.

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The End, and Beginning, of Friendship · 6:43pm Oct 13th, 2019

The reason I'm well is that something marvelous happened to me right when I needed it.

It was dark in the first Discord episode when Twilight lost her will, but Princess Celestia did something remarkable in response: she sent Twilight's letters back to her.

Thanks to Celestia's voice actress, the same thing happened to me. Literally.

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041 Frenemies Talk: Make New Friends But Keep Discord feat. Miss Spectrum · 7:52pm May 17th, 2015

041 Frenemies Talk: Make New Friends But Keep Discord feat. Miss Spectrum

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HarmonyCon 2020 · 9:53pm Sep 1st, 2019

Just so y'all know, I'm currently slated to give panels at HarmonyCon 2020, and I think y'all should look into going.

Here is the website.
Here is the Discord.

They are doing the first in a series of regular streams right now, that's why I was thinking about it.


Birth of a Story: Wicked Games · 1:49pm Mar 29th, 2021

So, where did 'Wicked Games' come from? What spawned this idea, and what is the background behind it?

The next chapter is going to include a lot of backstory and details regarding the past, as well as the present, some of which I'm still working out. As such, it might take me a bit longer to get finished than the last one. However, I thought I might make a little blog post telling you all a bit about where the idea for this story originated.

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Viewing 501 - 520 of 762 results