
Viewing 521 - 540 of 2,643 results

:) · 3:50am Jan 22nd, 2021


The O(ddly)rganized Blog Post · 1:02pm Jul 17th, 2017

This is my repository of blog posts, organized for ease of access and reading pleasure:
the main categories are organized alphabetically; following subcategories are organized chronologically from oldest to newest.

Keep on reading!

(Last Updated 4/2/2023)
Chronological Timeline of All Blog Posts


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Started Fallout Equestria Side Fic. · 4:18am Aug 30th, 2015

I'd like to announce that as of today, I have started my Fallout Equestria Side-Fic, being written in GDocs and edited by my good friend, Word Worthy.

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New Story. Windy and Shy: Cruise Controlled · 10:09am May 28th, 2019

Just posted the first part of my newest story; Windy and Shy: Cruise Controlled. As I cover in the author's note, this is another first for me being a M-rated, anthro story with a more dynamic storyline. As always, I invite all levels of critique, insight and advice from my readers. Check it out. :twilightsmile:


Unity · 11:18am Jan 23rd, 2021

Finally new story time. Unity is a fresh idea not linked to any of my other works and seeks to introduce a new and unique challenge to Equestria. This one is another story written in the vain of the show, something that I could envision working within canon. As always, everyone make your thoughts on the work known and don't forget to like if it really resonates with you. This is a self contained story but can be expanded if there is enough interest. Enjoy.


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Spook Story Posted · 4:04pm Oct 16th, 2019

Should only be a matter of time before you guys see it. Thrillers and such aren't really my specialty, but I love them and wanted to put idea to paper, so I did. Hope you all enjoy.

Now, updates on other stuff.

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Report Mini Minrie · 187 views · #Update #New Story

G5 Story by mwah coming soon...? · 7:26am Nov 9th, 2021

Hey Folks!

I have attempted something completely new and fresh; writing for G5. I haven't finished just yet... :ajsleepy:but I have begun. Sort of wanted to make an announcement cause I'm way too excited for it to be out. The character I have chosen to focus on has apparently never been written for; which gives me a lot liberty for her character. Don't wanna spoil it but... I do at the same time... so to contain that part of me, here you go; a teaser for it

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Another non-MLP Project · 2:45am Aug 21st, 2021

One of my latest stories is Dragoness's Knight, an erotic love story

Report dracone · 209 views · #Non-MLP #New Story

Prologue is up! · 9:08pm Dec 9th, 2017

Last night I submitted the prologue for approval, and now its up! I would love to hear any comments people have on it, cause this is my first story actually put on paper (or at least digital paper). I have the next chapter started, and it should be done some time soon after next week (finals are not conducive for fic writing). i'm really happy with the story I have planned and hope you guys like it too!


This Author Is Not Dead · 1:52pm Jun 17th, 2022

Aside from a small sample of blog posts here and there, I haven't been all that active on this site. That doesn't mean I haven't been writing, however; on the contrary, I have. Relatively speaking, I started writing a new story around the end of April, early May, just before the Make Your Mark special aired.

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Report Jarvy Jared · 240 views · #new story #g5

Upcoming Story I'm Working On! · 8:36pm Feb 18th, 2022

I'm back and ready for some writing as I've got something that I've been working on for a while now and can't wait to show you guys it once it's finished. I won't give any more spoilers for it, this time, but I hope you guys like it.

Have a great day! 👍


Editing takes forever! · 1:14pm Dec 3rd, 2022

Hay there I know it’s been a while. My upcoming story is in editing and we are about 57 pages into about 106 pages we’re working on it as fast as we can, releasing on here late spring early summer. I want to cry with how long this is taking, and in between school and work, and now being in December. The holidays coming, I feel like I failed you all the promise of a story, and I’m sorry. Please find it in your heart to give me a chance again and please read the story, when it’s ready.


It's been awhile Bronies and Pegasister · 4:50am Aug 7th, 2021

So your probably wondering why I have not updated any stories for a while. Well, that's because I have been working on my first official Title. I hope to have it published by the end of this year :yay:! That said, I have not forgotten about you all. After finishing this book, I shall release a new book on here for peeps to read. So drop your suggestions in the comments, or inbox me with your ideas, and I’ll work with your Idea to create a unique story none have seen before!

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On a somewhat-related note to the blog about stringing together every story I've posted here in Crew-T: · 8:45am Jul 28th, 2021

I've started on a Tonkus-verse story. :raritywink:

It's fully original-fiction, so unfortunately it can't be posted here on Fimfiction, but I'm using the experience I've gained across the seven years I've been writing, counting the time before I made my account here on Fimfic.

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New Story · 3:41am May 30th, 2019

Hey there

So.. inspiration and the urge to write hit simultaneously a little while ago, and the results look promising. I'll share a few excerpts below, but so far I have the first few chapters planned out nicely and the first chapters is almost done. Progress has been slow lately, but not nonexistent.

Alright enough excuses, time for teasers

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Report Lingo · 200 views · #new story #update

Off the Hiatus · 6:56am Feb 17th, 2020

Sorry for my long hiatus. It was a time in my life where I felt disorganized and all over the place, so I took the time to get my life together. Now that I am at a satisfying place with myself, I’m back to my story writing! Also, while I was gone I came up with a little something. So, to all you comic fans out there...

A CRISIS is coming...

Report Xeraidiant · 191 views · #Hiatus #Update #New Story

Should I post it yet or nah? · 8:21am Jul 17th, 2020

'cause, y'know, splintershard prequel.



Oh god- · 3:43pm Mar 28th, 2022

Hello, I'm here to dump some more garbage on your feed

Report Spazz Kid · 88 views · #new story lmao

Mann vs Mane... An Interesting Concept with very good grammatic. · 3:48pm Mar 1st, 2021

It isn't mine the story, but here I leave the link so you can check it out. And yes, it is a TF2/MLP crossover.


Released 3rd story · 9:45pm Oct 2nd, 2021

I just released a third story on here. Rainbow Dash Vs. Ronald McDonald. It's just a short silly story inspired by Rainbow Dash outpizzas the hut and Rainbow Dash Tries to Avoid the noid. Hope someone enjoys it.

Report BrightMac86 · 162 views · #New story out
Viewing 521 - 540 of 2,643 results