
Viewing 541 - 560 of 903 results

Chapter 22, Patreon Changes, and UBOAT · 10:12pm Jun 29th, 2020

Hey, hey, people. Gold here. It's been a fair while since I got an update out, for... reasons. Not good reasons, I guess, but you know how it is.

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Stuff Done and Upcoming Pieces · 9:22pm Feb 22nd, 2021

On Patreon right now is the Pre-Edit preview of Chapter 56 for Dead Tree. You can view that here for 3$ or wait till it comes out in the next 2-5 days when Props finishes with it:

Also this is now publicly available ^^

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Bradel's New Economics I – Crowdfunding is Awesome · 12:42pm Aug 27th, 2015

After reading some of the things bookplayer and Applejinx have been posting lately, I wanted to write up a blog on why you should care about networking, and why it's not a dirty word. I wanted to do a whole discussion of new economic ideas. I wanted to talk about

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Patreon Rewards Updated · 4:19pm Dec 17th, 2019

Changed my patreon rewards around a little bit. The one dollar reward now has a bit more incentive being the most notable.


Act One Complete! [SPOILERS] · 4:53pm Dec 8th, 2018

Whoa, what a ride, am I right? Did you see that ending?

Before I go any further—in the event that any of you suffer from a malignant illness that keeps you from reading the last 36% of the characters in a blog title, I'm assuming going into this that you have in fact read all of Empty Horizons. And that means SPOILERS AHEAD. You've been warned.

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I Made A Patreon! · 8:08am Jun 19th, 2019

I finally joined up! Click the link here to be redirected to my Patreon! You can support me by being a bronze, silver, gold, or platinum tier member! You can unlock benefits like free commission art, commission discounts, and at the highest level, a free 2000 word commission of your choice! Help support me and my writing, by joining me on my journey on Patreon!

Thank you guys!



just some thoughts regarding What If's eventual sequel. · 5:51am Nov 10th, 2023

Y'know how I sometimes pull a longer, more serious chapter out of nowhere?

What if I make a Patreon tier/add to a patreon tier a benefit so that y'all can request one such chapter per month? Same rules apply as the regular What If chapter request stuffs, except that maybe the most upvoted comments are put into an elimination tournament to leave only The One True Chapter™ to rule the month. maybe I'll throw in "scribble out a drawing of the scenario too" while I'm at it idk


Progress Report 14 November 2015 - Chapter Posted! · 12:35am Nov 15th, 2015

Hi all!

New Rites chapter up!

Anxiety level has been rather high lately, and recent medical news hasn't helped any. Blood tests show a problem with my liver, and the doctor suspects it's from on of my antidepressants. Thus, I've had to discontinue that one, so I'm likely to just get more nervous and depressed. I'm glad my doctor was monitoring me for that, though. He really is a good doctor.

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Patreon, more ANE, and a Sunset Shimmer side-story. · 9:42pm Oct 11th, 2016

So, as many of you are aware, I started writing on this site around the edge of early 2013. In March of 2013 to be exact. I started with the first book of a series which as of right now is on a permanent hiatus while I work on A New Equestria and it's expanded universe. This here, is mostly an announcement for three main things. One, I'll be getting on a lot more then I have been the past year, and as such there will be more new content for you people to read. Two, yesterday I started up a

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Triple update · 8:02pm Mar 21st, 2016

Got three things to say this time.

1. I will be attending Anime Boston this weekend with some very dear friends of mine. If anyone wants to meet up, just let me know when and where.

2. A member of Youtube has requested permission to upload dramatic readings (I think that's what they are called?) of The Lost Element to his Youtube account. If anyone is interested in following along, you may find him here.

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King Sombra in 2016! · 1:46am Aug 29th, 2016


New Patreon! · 5:25pm Jul 3rd, 2017

Hey everypony,

I just set up a patreon. Check it out!


Update! · 5:01pm May 17th, 2017

Hey guys I've been working on something that will be out by this weekend. I'm thinking Saturday or Sunday. Sorry I haven't written anything so far this month, life has been pretty hectic. But I promise I'm going to start to get myself back on a schedule. In the meantime, you can support me through patreon and or PayPal if you wish through PayPal you can support me how much ever you want, and through patreon your support can range from a dollar to 20. So I'll leave the links for that.

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EH Audiobook Call For Voices · 10:50pm Dec 17th, 2018

Hi-hi, skreks. It's Golden here with exciting news and boring updates about my life. To start with, Empty Horizons now has the start of a fic reading on YouTube. You can find Fanfiction Reader's digital reading of the first two chapters here! It's pretty cool that he's taken the time to do this, and I feel kinda bad about what I'm going to do next.

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WHAT IS THE MOTHER F***ING DEAL HERE?! Patreon reward for nuclearcore ! · 6:49am Mar 1st, 2018

Heya readers!

First off, if you missed it and want to summon up a demon to make you wiser or screw it up and get everyone you know and loved killed, feel free to check out my last blog about Baal.

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Patreon or Paypal? What is the answer? · 7:02pm Nov 8th, 2018

Okay so this is something that has been bugging me for a while now. This hobby of mine to write is one that I love to do but recently I have been having far too little time to properly work on it, with my economy being rather strained. Thus have I begun to actually consider asking support to let me keep doing it.

So I have decided to either use Patreon or Paypal to seek aid from others to support my hobby.

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Becoming a full time writer. · 5:20pm Mar 23rd, 2019

Okay then, its been a long time, but I've finally begun to take my first steps towards becoming a full time writer. Well, okay, I guess all the writing I've done over the years were, technically, the first steps. But thanks to a really good opportunity, I've finally found myself with the chance to dedicate myself fully to writing, as more than just a fun hobby but as a actual job. It's a huge risk, and I don't know if I'll be able to make it yet. But I know if I don't try it now, I may never

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Displaced into Nothing Abridged · 5:49am Jul 3rd, 2019

In a sudden burst of creativity this morning, I started writing an "abridged" version of Displaced into Nothing. I just posted it on my Patreon, but only for Raccoon Feeders. It will become visible to the everypony else on Saturday at Noon.

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Here are some quick writing updates before June: · 8:49am May 31st, 2019

1.) This month's Patreon Commission Story Poll is still ongoing as we speak. The poll will officially close by midnight TONIGHT, so I would recommend casting your ballots now if you haven't already. The poll is open to everyone, so you don't have to be a Patron to vote:

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Hey, guys! Wanna see what I'm writing?~ · 8:26am Oct 5th, 2019

As a lot of you may already know from my last blog post, the winner of my Patreon Commission Story poll for September happened to be Pleasing Your Stallion 101. This will officially be the last fanfic I write before MLP officially ends, which is a weird thing to really think about. Now before anyone misreads this post, let me just say that I am NOT going to stop writing MLP fanfiction after the series ends.

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Viewing 541 - 560 of 903 results