
Viewing 561 - 580 of 847 results

This Is For You · 6:36am Apr 25th, 2020

Hello all :pinkiehappy:

My little gift for the amazing treat of being featured will be a Q&A for you all to get those questions like: "Why don't you update more?" or "Have you ever tried writing something good?" off of your mind :derpytongue2:

I've never really done anything of the sort before, so I figured this would be a treat for all of you wonderful readers that were curious about anything*.

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Awesome Art Project!!! · 7:39pm Oct 13th, 2015

Sooo... well, I'm quickly approaching 50 followers. And I promised when I hit 30, that I would make an awesome art thingy just for you guys.

Well, I've decided to mash the two together.

And for a little hint at what it may be...

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I Reached 100 Followers! Celebration · 1:01pm Oct 10th, 2017

Yesterday, I received my 100th follower. That's right, after 2 years writing MLP fanfics I got 100 followers who think my works are worthwhile! I can't begin to describe how happy this makes me. Before I started writing, I went through an emotionally trying time, when I wasn't sure I wanted to live and didn't see the point of my life, but thanks to FimFiction and this Fandom I rediscovered my passion for writing and know my life isn't a mistake. Hundreds of encouraging comments, likes, follows,

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Yeah! · 8:11pm Jun 8th, 2015

In Tech-ed, we're designing T-shirts. When I have the finished product, I'll post a picture of it here. I won't say exactly what it is, but there's a ton of Rainbow Dash on it.

On another note! As I am currently at 84 followers, 16 away from 100, I have to ask, what do you want me to do when I hit 100? I'll do pretty much anything, although I have veto power, and I'm not ready to show my face. Still a bit early, but hey, gotta get set up for when I get to 100.

Creepy Dash out!


Tumblr · 7:01pm Jan 30th, 2016

I have a Tumblr now... Woopdie Doo! If y'all are interested in my creative writing featuring stories such as Parental Guidance, Cleo the Wanderer, and Normal St. please follow me here. I want to be known for writing and creating wonderful characters and stories, and I need your help to get there! So get out there and follow your favorite barbecue deity!


>mfw less than 10 followers away from 1000 · 1:24am May 3rd, 2016


Improvements! · 6:04pm Mar 20th, 2016

So, for those of you who may have worried, no, I'm not dead, I have just been extremely busy with being a full time grad student and working 20 hours a week. Writing and self-editing new chapters and stories takes a lot of time. Time that I do not usually have. However, this is spring break for me, and while I have plenty of other work to catch up on I do have enough time, this week at least, to make some progress on my stories here. I am currently making some major edits to An End to

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Number 20 is out, thanks everyone · 4:26pm Jul 26th, 2015

The 20th story is finally out.

The Chaotic Adoption of Scootaloo is now out.

This is a celebration piece for 200 followers and nearly a year on the site and twenty stories.

Your all awesome :yay:


...Um Ask me? · 7:47pm Jun 24th, 2015

*giggles* Wow 700 of you are following me??? I dunno what I did to deserve this but THANK YOU!
Now what to do... Oh I know AS OF RIGHT NOW I AM HAVING A ASK ME ANYTHING!!!
OR you ask any of my characters anything as well! Anything you ever wanted to know ask i'll give some sort of answer!


Finally Reached 100 Followers! & Happy New Year 2017! · 1:06am Jan 13th, 2017

Hey guys!

First of all, I hope you guys had a great time over the holidays. I hope there wasn't too much drinking or getting stuffed by stuffing! HAR-HAR! But no seriously, I really do hope you guys had a great time. Now that we're past the new year mark, heading into the unknown void of which is 2017. I hope you all stay safe, be well and have much success in the year. Because 2016 was a shitty year for mostly everyone I think.


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Shout-Out: Orbiting Kettle · 9:11am Dec 5th, 2016

There is a relatively unknown writer on Fimfiction who is a very good writer. I don't normally do promotional stuff, but his follower count is low and his stories are excellent. It's maddening that more ponies don't know about him.

Orbiting Kettle

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Look What I Have Created! · 1:32am Jun 26th, 2017

I have made fire!

No wait, that's not it.

I have written clop!

Yes, the clop scene for the Sunset Shimmer x human one-shot I've been writing for the last year or so is now finished. (As is a little post-clop scene between Celestia and Cadance that I was inspired to add.)

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New days · 7:44pm May 10th, 2016

Wooop!!! I finally got chapter 5 out, yay me! I hope you guys enjoy it. :twilightsmile: but that aside, I wrote a one shot that should be passed any moment so that happened and siding with that the one shot is introducing my OC. His name is Ink Quill and he is well, me. The story is called Ink Quill goes shopping it was a fun little story to write, I really enjoyed it.

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500 Followers! · 10:36pm Oct 1st, 2017

Thanks to everybody who for one reason or another had decided I was worth following. Hope you've enjoyed it and that I will keep making stories that people like.


300 Followers. · 11:38pm Apr 5th, 2017


THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! 300 Followers!?!?!? This is so awesome!!! To celebrate, I'd like you all to ask me any question you want, and I mean ANY question! NSFW questions and answered will be blurred and at the bottom half. Please, PM me them. I'll answer them via another blog.

To answer Two in One question(s): How did I get into Fanfiction? And MLP Fanfiction?

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Why did you stared watching me? · 5:53pm Aug 15th, 2018

I’m one more to my 60 follower list this made me wonder why did start following me? I don’t think I would end up posting a fanfic on this site at all. Or post my thought of the new episode on the show itself. Only thing keep coming to this site is the Game crossover group and anime crossover group which I only post funny image or video in their forum section.


New Chapter of Warmonger Is Out · 11:15pm Mar 3rd, 2018

Nothing like a freak snowstorm right at the end of winter to get you in the writing mood.
It's a long one and is pretty much interlude but it includes OC Guest-Star cameos for my followers including...
Whitewolf Stormrunner
Senor Cornholio
And Legendbringer.
Thanks everyone! You guys are awesome and I hope you enjoy it!
If anyone else would like an OC Cameo, please say.

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Follow these four awesome guys Dalek-Galvo, Akula966, Mixmaster226, and JimmyHook19 · 6:35am Jun 26th, 2020


Question For My Followers · 10:25pm Mar 5th, 2021

Hey everyone. I've got a quick question for you regarding potential interest in an upcoming story idea I've had. This would be a new long, multi-chapter story, another crossover, but not Danganronpa. This one would be Star Trek. Without getting into too many details, it would involve Twilight Sparkle (pony Twi not Sci-Twi) trying to find her way home to Equestria, while serving in Starfleet, set in the 24th century era of Trek(TNG/DS9/VOY), and I would do my best to blend the two universes much

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!(please read)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! · 7:37am Jan 1st, 2018

Hello everybody and happy new year! I can't believe it's been a year already and I just wanted to thank everyone of my followers for your support and love. I'm serious I love each and every one of you and to show I love you I made a tribute to every one of my loyal followers:


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Viewing 561 - 580 of 847 results