
Viewing 41 - 60 of 121 results

G5 Bingo Writing Contest: one week · 10:58pm Jan 3rd, 2022

There's just one week left in the Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest, so get your stories published and into the contest folder pronto!


G5 Bingo · 6:10pm Jul 10th, 2021

We're starting to see a lot more details emerge about the upcoming G5 movie, My Little Pony: A New Generation, including a date: it'll be on Netflix from the 24th September.

If you haven't, this is a good time to grab yourself a bingo card:

Here's my bingo card:


Is Opaline the mother of Starlight Glimmer? · 1:35pm Oct 25th, 2023

So after being inactive for centuries, I Suddenly show up again with an interesting theory regarding Gen 5's mane villain, Opaline.

Now, Opaline has become something of a polarizing character for multiple Reasons, chief among them being the fact that she's the reason the tribes are at odds with each other in the new era.

So why not make it worse for her by connecting her to another polarizing character? XD

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I don't want to get my hopes up but, if Hasbro is facing financial woes and G5 might meet an untimely end, I have only one thing to say · 5:33pm Jan 16th, 2023



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Report Leondude · 191 views · #g5 #generation 5 #mlp g5 #hasbro

Pipp Petals: Fifth Edition Dungeoneers · 1:37am Oct 5th, 2021

From the top of Zephyr Heights, with four levels and the help of David Silver's Ponyfinder work, prances the penultimate pony in this pentagon of premiere pop stars! And would you look at that, she's an actual pop star. Everyone, put your hands, hooves, or other appendages together for the one, the only...


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Site Post » Contest: Generation 5 Bingo Contest! · 9:20pm Sep 18th, 2021

As the new generation approaches, some things stay the same. Like contests. Check this one out!

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Hitch Trailblazer: Fifth Edition Dungeoneers · 5:02pm Oct 4th, 2021

Once more we delve into Fifth Edition D&D, with the help of David Silver's trusty Ponyfinder work. Once more I say that these G5 characters are only fourth level by the end of the film. And once more I select a pony to provide statistics to. Today, of course, we're choosing somebody Sunny's known all her life...

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G5 · 7:07pm Sep 26th, 2021

So, (finally) watched the new movie The Next Generation A New Generation today.

Normally, I prefer 2D animation to 3D, and this was no exception, but I'm still impressed with the end result. Not that I'm an animation buff or anything, but if I had to imagine an ideal 3D version of the show, it would be somewhat reminiscent of this. Overall, I liked it! The new cast are fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing more.

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Sunny Starscout: Fifth Edition Dungeoneers · 5:50am Oct 4th, 2021

In the interests of WELL THIS IDEA WON'T LEAVE MY HEAD I've decided to whip up D&D character stats for the Gen5 pones! I am using some elements from the Ponyfinder setting crafted by David Silver, because they actually fit pretty well into what we're going for here. That said, since all we've got is a single movie, I'm going to say that they're all only at fourth level. And who better to start us off than...

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Question to all who are fans: What are a few things you like about the new Generation 5 show so far? What are some things you would improve or change? What are some things you want to see? · 11:47pm Dec 14th, 2022

For me, at least, I want to see more of Sunny's past explored, and more information on her father's research. I like these new characters a lot, but I wanna know more about Sunny the most.

What are your thoughts?


[Analysis] The Hasbro Investor Event 2021: A Male Mane Character for Generation 5? + A First Look at Generation 5 Toys and Merchandise! · 9:25pm Apr 8th, 2021

A couple weeks ago, Hasbro's investor event happened and it's high time to look into it in more detail and to write about it! There was surprisingly little information about Generation 5 during the event's livestream, but a few interesting observations could still be made.

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[Analysis] Equestria is Magic: Unicorn Horns are a National Threat · 1:28am Sep 17th, 2021


The Current Status and Future of my Generation 5 Analyses · 7:58pm Sep 5th, 2021

The announcement that all of Generation 5, not just the Movie that will start it but also the Generation 5 Show, will be animated in full CGI had me, albeit subconsciously, question whether I still want to analyze Generation 5 and all the news about it as deeply as I said I will before the announcement on February 25th. Even my optimistic words in

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So, about that popular theory that all of the events in "Friendship is Magic" only happened in a TV show that exists in the world of Generation 5..... I have a bit of a different idea about that. · 1:25am Sep 19th, 2021

There is a popular theory about Generation 5 going through the fandom right now, because of the Elements of Harmony merchandise that Sunny has in her bedroom. Namely that everything we have seen in Generation 4 never actually happened and is all just a TV show (or, alternatively, book) that exists in the world of Generation 5. This theory originated, probably independently, both in a comment on Equestria Daily and on Discord/Twitter:

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[Analysis] Equestria is Magic: The First, Concrete Generation 5 News and Equestria's Dystopian Future · 4:43am Feb 22nd, 2021


The three pony tribes separated again and this means the Mane Six ultimately failed Equestria and everything they did was for nothing in the end..... But that's not true and here's why. · 1:13am Sep 20th, 2021


The Hasbro Investor Event 2021 with (most likely!) new Generation 5 infos will start in under an hour! (Livestream link inside!) · 2:08pm Feb 25th, 2021

Most who read this probably already know about it for weeks, but I thought a little reminder and redirection to where everything happens can't hurt:

In under an hour, Hasbro will have an investor event that will very likely bring new Generation 5 infos! Nopony knows if that will be a fully animated and voiced teaser or trailer (unlikely), a few teaser screenshots (much more likely) or just verbal information (most definitely).

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[Analysis] Equestria is Magic: Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow, the Rightful Heirs of the Equestrian Throne · 12:47am Sep 16th, 2021

Since we learned about Sunny's and Izzy's full names, I am noticing a connection between them. Both of their names refer to celestial bodies, "Sunny" and "Starscout" to the sun and "Moonbow" to the moon. That connection made me curious and I wondered what that means and if the two of them might be related (especially considering how Izzy's name doesn't seem to refer to her special talent, which I predict is

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In regards to the series finale · 3:47pm Mar 30th, 2019

(I know that I'm late to the party but I'm still going to speak my mind on it.)

Bronies, Pegasisters, Writers, and Artists, lend me your ears!

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I watched the G5 movie 'cause goshdarnit it's my birthday today and if i ain't gonna enjoy it i don't know what to do · 4:57am Sep 25th, 2021

I liek da movee.

Plot was a little on the weak side, but it's still enjoyable of a watch even though it's a bit predictable.

Just gotta see what the rest of G5's gonna have in store from here on out.

And if I'll bother to actually watch every episode this time unlike G4 and the two seasons I watched in full

Viewing 41 - 60 of 121 results