
Viewing 41 - 60 of 202 results

Can't help but laugh (don't know why) · 2:38am Dec 6th, 2018

It's a rather tangential to MLP, but it is somewhat related, and I just have to share. Tumblr and pornhub related.

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Highlights from Ironclaw, Pt. 2: · 5:09pm Oct 24th, 2017

"I'm going to need a bow and arrow if I'm going to fight our enemies."
"Hah! What wolf needs a bow to fight, when you have claws and teeth?"
"I only have one claw. But it's faster and sharper than any other."

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Yume Nikki: Origins · 2:44am Nov 16th, 2017

Seemed some (or at least one) of you enjoyed my post regarding my weird-ass Trump dream. Well it turns out that wasn't my most vivid dream to date, and certainly not my first. Oh no, there's been one that's remained fresh in my mind since my sophomore year of college, back in 2009. So I figure I may as well share it as well, as it is one of the most bizarre things I've ever thought up, and something that never fails to befuddle and amuse those whom I tell. Therefore, I shall relate it to you

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Well, that happened · 5:54pm Mar 18th, 2018

For those of you confused, I’m referring to a series of shirts I created on teespring. I made a shirt for every one of the Greek Zodiac signs. Each has an amusing statement, meant to be a joke of some kind (not sure how I did with a few).

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It's That Day! · 8:23pm Mar 10th, 2017

Happy March 10th! Hope you're doing well!


I Did A Word This Week :D · 2:17pm Oct 20th, 2016

A word brought up in computer class as we sat around doing our work my friend turned to me and said, “You know there is a word for throwing things or people out of a window right.”
With interest tickling I turned to him with doubt and said, “really? What is this word?”
And he said, “I don't know but google does.”

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SOMEONE IS WATCHING ME??? · 5:46am Apr 6th, 2022

Today, I woke up to a menacing notification on this pony fanfic site.

“(The username isn’t even important) is watching you.”

I get the chills and turn my head towards the window. In horror, I see…

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Here's a wholesome meme for my Comrades! · 1:27am Jul 2nd, 2019

Homophobes: *exist*


Faust · 3:22pm Apr 7th, 2016

Have any of you ever heard of the old German legend of a man named Faust and his deal with a demon, along with its poor consequences that followed it like a lame pup? It is one of my favorite tales, and I plan to adapt it... with an interesting twist to it.

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On Tempest Shadow · 4:37pm Nov 2nd, 2017

Okay, I admit this is mainly just to get the now horribly out of date Halloween picture selection out of your faces, but these two pieces were funny enough I decided I had to share them anyways. First found them on the Fallout: Equestria Discord channel, and thought they were hilarious. I do plan to try and get an actual review on the MLP movie out eventually, or at least my views on Tempest herself, but for now...

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Besties FURever! (Zootopia Edition) · 4:54am Jul 25th, 2016

Zootpoia themed! Best thing that happened since Frozen, cause I'm tired of hearing let it go.......... So funny pics and cute stuff with a bit of crude humor here and there.

(The boyfriend you wish you told your parents about BEFORE you introduced them XD)

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Report zalla661 · 1,535 views · #Zootopia #Nick #Judy #funny #CRUDE HUMOR

Funny Fridays - Ponified Joke #2 · 1:32am Nov 24th, 2023

So... I know it's still not Friday in most of the world, but it already is where I live, and again in the spirit of having something to share that isn't me complaining or apologizing for delays, I thought I should have another one of these jokes.

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Little update on my life and my story plans · 5:46pm Nov 26th, 2023

Currently reading through my own stories to remind me where I take off last time.
Next update will be my Cynder story and than I will be going for my Necromancer story.
My potencial new boss will see me for a job interview tomorrow, if I get accepted or not? Who knows...

Anyway have a great Sunday and stay snuggly.


Humor Practice · 12:45am Jan 27th, 2016

(I was never a particularly funny individual, so I thought I'd post a micro-fic to see if anyone gets a kick out of it.)

I didn’t honestly think of it at the time. I didn’t think of Sweetie Belle’s quizzical look. The little blush on her cheeks. You have to understand, she was a SMART KID! I’m not saying I didn’t share some of the blame in this case, but Sweetie has always been clever enough to know when something was wrong.

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When Ya Gotta Go... · 4:18am Aug 7th, 2015

You know that feeling when you're so heavily invested in something, and you just gotta take a piss? Then you hold it in for awhile, and it builds up to the point where you're doing the Happy Dance? And a little bit leaks out, and you hold it more and more leaks out, then when you finally get up, the former urgency just becomes: "GET DA FUCK OUTTA MAH WAY, BITCH!!" Then you're finally there, and you drop drawers and let loose, but only a little bit comes out and you're all, "Dafuq?" And after

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Cards Against Harmony · 1:01am Jan 22nd, 2019

No, I'm not doing a Cards Against fic (no matter how tempting the thought is).

However, I did read a new one this morning and start tracking it. As you might've guessed from the blog post title, it's Cards Against Harmony - and it already seems to have vanished. WHY?

Link (dead):

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Because I don't have a review post ready today, some gems I've seen on Reddit since the last time I posted about them · 12:23am Nov 5th, 2016

Grandure: "I'm not scared of a computer passing the Turing test... I'm terrified of one that intentionally fails it."

Raske3zy: ITT: a bunch of computers posing as redditors

CarryTreant: The scary thing is, if there was a hyper-inteligent AI out there hiding its presence from us, I imagine it could quite easily manipulate people via social media without ever being detected.

NSA_Chatbot: That's preposterous.

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Hiatus and other stuff · 10:59pm Nov 29th, 2016

I rethought about the very first story I wrote. I have read it again. It's garbage, it's absolute garbage, I'm ashamed of what I've wrote. All the things that I wanted to tell, there aren't almost any. That was a first try and boy, what an epic fail.

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Funny Fridays - Ponified Joke #3 · 10:30pm January 26th

So... it seems I'm not the best at delivering these on a regular basis... which I suppose is to be sadly expected, considering I'm far from the best at keeping a consistent update schedule with my actual stories.

That said, as with my actual stories, I haven't forgotten these. As such, here is yet another one, which I hope you enjoy.

But more than that, I hope all is well with all of you, and thank you for taking the time to read this. :)

Take care, all of you.

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Funny Fridays - Ponified Joke #1 · 12:57pm Nov 17th, 2023

So... I know this is a bit of a random post... but I've been thinking that maybe my blog needs a bit more from time to time that isn’t just stuff about my life or sharing previews of fics that may be years in the future.

So, I've decided to try to start sharing ponified versions of jokes that I know (as in, versions of the jokes where the characters are ponies) on Fridays.

I can’t promise I'll do this every Friday, but I'll try to at least make this a semi-regular thing.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 202 results