
Viewing 41 - 60 of 427 results

Episode Re-Review: Made in Manehattan · 4:41pm May 3rd, 2021

So, after the map called all of the mane six to a village in the middle of nowhere, and then called Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash to Griffonstone, what was next for the map? Calling Applejack and Rarity back to Manehattan, a familiar location. This episode actually has a very interesting production history, because it was originally going to involve Flim and Flam again. One of them would become mayor and ban all apple products within the city. However, it would all turn out to be another

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Episode Re-Review: Look Before You Sleep · 6:58pm Jan 27th, 2021

So the show got back on track with "Dragonshy", well it wasn't going to last. This episode is the start of a small dry spell that, again, I'm so glad it didn't get the show killed or cause people to completely lose interest. Charlotte Fullerton wrote this episode, and it's rather weird because she is the only one of the original writers who had never worked with Lauren Faust before. I would assume she was either recommended by Hasbro, or one of Lauren's assembled writers knew about Charlotte

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Episode Re-Review: The Cutie Re-Mark Parts 1 and 2 · 3:41pm May 11th, 2021

And so it was that, after a season of several unexpected shake-ups as the show seemed to be maturing (or at least trying to), we would come to a finale where spoilers had already given away what was going to happen. A sign of how things would not be as tightlipped for future seasons as they had been in the days of The Hub. So instead of another "Twilight's Kingdom" that everyone was looking forward to, it seemed like the finale would be another "A Canterlot Wedding" or "Magical Mystery Cure"

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Episode Re-Review: Fall Weather Friends · 6:12pm Feb 1st, 2021

So we're closing out the first half of Season 1 with what by all accounts is a classic, even by the show's standards given how much they seemed to love trying to call back to this in later seasons. It's also an episode that I think almost singlehandedly launched the ship of AppleDash, which alongside FlutterMac used to be all over the place in the fandom's early days. Amy Keating Rogers wrote this episode, so we should be in for a good time, right? Well, let's find out.

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IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #8 · 3:10am Sep 24th, 2020

So another comic arc had to wrap up in four issues, and this one was just full of problems and questionable continuity nods/errors. But considering the previous arc was able to kind of get back on track at the very end, maybe there was hope for this one to do the same? Well, let's find out.

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Episode Re-Review: Dungeons & Discords · 5:43pm May 29th, 2021

Discord had been noticeably absent from Season 6 up to this point, though this was not entirely by intent considering he was planned to appear in "A Hearth's Warming Tail" but was cut due to time constraints. Spike, meanwhile, had been through his ups and downs that included "Gauntlet of Fire" and "The Times They Are a Changeling". The idea of them sharing an episode was certainly out there, and Season 6 really needed something to get back on track after two duds and an episode about racism

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Episode Re-Review: P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View) · 8:00pm Jun 2nd, 2021

So after Season 6 gave us Starlight Glimmer at her absolute worst and made her the one character all season who couldn't apologize sincerely for making a mistake (Applejack and Rainbow Dash, Discord, Twilight and even debateably Trixie all managed to do when they screwed up at various points), it really needed something to be able to improve its reputation considering the lows were standing out more than the highs. But perhaps if that was the case they shouldn't have paired up the writing staff

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Episode Re-Review: Where The Apple Lies · 5:48pm Jun 3rd, 2021

This episode was originally going to air in the U.K. early, but due to the show changing networks there it had to make changes owing to regional differences: In the U.K. cider is seen as an alcoholic beverage, whereas in the U.S. it is not (at least not by default). That's arguably what this episode ended up being remembered for far more than what it was initially hoped it would be known for. But I'm getting ahead of myself. David Rapp was once again in the writer's seat, and this time the

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Episode Re-Review: Non-Compete Clause · 3:41pm May 18th

Well, the next several episodes to be re-reviewed are going to be tough to get through, many of them contain some of Season 8's worst missteps or otherwise blunders. But I gotta get through them. This episode marked the debut of yet another new writer in the form of Kim Beyer-Johnson, who among her previous writing credits wrote for Transformers: Rescue Bots, which aired on The Hub and Discovery Family between 2012 and 2016 before Hasbro pulled the plug on it. She would go on to write

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Episode Re-Review: The Ending of the End, Parts 1 and 2 · 6:20pm Jul 17th, 2021

This is it, the big one. The penultimate episode/episodes of the show and the final two parter. Originally, this two parter got bundled back to back with "The Last Problem" to be part of a prime time finale for all of FiM, on a Saturday night in October when most people were likely watching college football games (it's almost like Discovery Family wanted to kill the show by ensuring it got as low as possible in ratings). Much like "School Raze" this two parter has two different writers with

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IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #16 · 3:00am Oct 2nd, 2020

So the bookworm arc didn't start out very good, but Friends Forever was off to a somewhat rocky start with subpar art and a story that got hijacked by an OC. So maybe there was still a way to turn this arc around as the Friends Forever series seemed ready to kick off in high style with a DiscordxCMC issue. But did the arc here in the main series turn it all around? Well, let's find out.

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Episode Re-Review: Parental Glideance · 5:47pm January 27th

Fun fact about this episode, it aired in the U.S. about a week after Mother's Day and about a month before Father's Day. Of coruse, by now much of the fandom's attention was on early episode airings coming out of Treehouse T.V. in Canada, and on what was announced for further down the road. Interestingly, this episode marked the debut of a new writer in the form of Josh Hamilton, whose previous writing credits included both Avatar cartoons (The Last Airbender and The Legend of

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Re-opening Something Magical This Way Comes · 2:18pm Jun 17th, 2016

So it has finally been rewritten!
Something Magical This Way Comes is back up and running! Or at least cantering gently along!
Been looking forward to getting some fresh momentum going on this story, it was my first one, and I set it on a back burner after a break up with my special somepony of the time. But that was then and this is now, so let's ride this train!

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Update! First Chapter is re-released. · 9:07pm May 8th, 2017

Thanks to a ton of kind people I fixed up the problems of the first chapter.

and was finally released today!

I also put up Credits for the many people that helped me, if I forgot someone please just kick me and I'll add you as soon as I can.

Second chapter should follow shortly.

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Chapter Update News: Dashes of Life - Tape 1 · 8:23pm Jun 29th, 2015

After some thought, some discussion and some editing and advice from a few editors, you know who you are :twilightsmile: Tape 1 is going to be getting a major overhaul. This isn't something I do often, and it's not something you should expect to happen from me often in the future. But, as a big, new, experimental project, I wanted to gauge the opinions of the format before I really committed myself to the story. Now that I'm committed... here we go.

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IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #1 · 1:25am Sep 17th, 2020

I know there are some people and groups that are starting to do rewatch threads and reviews for episodes of the show, and maybe eventually I'll at least go back and touch up on my reviews from Seasons 1-4 (and possibly Seasons 5 and 6) to better reflect my opinions of them now that I've had more time to think about them, but for right now I don't quite want to do that. What do I want to do is go back and update some of my comics reviews from years past, particularly the early ones for at least

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Episode Re-Review: Call of the Cutie · 4:48pm Jan 31st, 2021

So after a long string of episodes that were average at best and insanely bad at worst, the show really needed something to get it back on track. Surprisingly, the choice to do so was to a pilot episode for a planned spin-off, and Meghan McCarthy was tapped to write it. Given the success the CMC would go on to have within the show itself, was this episode the burst of quality the show desperately needed? Well, let's find out.

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Episode Re-Review: Owl's Well That Ends Well · 6:37pm Feb 12th, 2021

Well, at long last the show decided to do a Spike episode. He had kind of gotten "A Dog and Pony Show" but nothing where he was the solo star. But who did he get to write his first focus episode? None other than Cindy Morrow, the woman who had gone from average at best with "Griffon The Brush Off" and "Winter Wrap Up" to just plain awful with "The Show Stoppers". But hey, M. A. Larson and Amy Keating Rogers could bounce back from missteps, so who's to say Cindy Morrow couldn't do the same?

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Episode Re-Review: Luna Eclipsed · 6:56pm Feb 17th, 2021

So after not being seen at all since the pilot, Princess Luna had indisupitably become the Brony fandom's mascot. Entire headcanons had been written around "Woona" based entirely on her design from Season 1 and what little we had seen of her in the pilot's closing minutes. But then this episode came along and would be Luna's official re-debut into the show. This episode was so popular in fact, that during the only major marathon The Hub ever ran (the "We Heart Ponies Fan Favorite Mareathon" in

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Episode Re-Review: Hearts and Hooves Day · 6:59pm Mar 2nd, 2021

This episode had a good deal of hype surrounding its initial release, even though it ended up getting leaked by Apple ahead of its planned airdate. The Hub ran a marathon leading up to the special entitled the "We Heart Ponies Fan Favorite Mareathon", consisting of what people had voted as the ten best episodes of the show up to that point (with "Luna Eclipsed" taking the number one spot). Considering Season 2's second half had sputtering and the first half had ended with some of the most

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 427 results