
Viewing 41 - 60 of 151 results

Ficdom Structure 2: Author heat map · 2:07am Jun 9th, 2017

In "Author clusters question", I wrote about finding clusters of authors on fimfiction using data on who followed them.  What I'm going to show you now is less sophisticated, but visually easier to grasp.  Actually I did this first, back in November.  See that earlier post to explain the derivation of my measure m2(A,B), a measure of distance between authors.

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Updates · 10:20pm Mar 18th, 2019

Hey there guy's I've got some updates as of things that recently happened each of them good some, a little bad starting with the good news

"I got my computer fixed, and it's back with me No I've got my little fella back to I'm happy and this means I should have some relatively writing, heh I'll be returning the computer to the person I borrowed."

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Warning And Question: Next Big Hardware Purchase. · 10:44am Mar 18th, 2018

Geez, Cracker, mood whiplash much?

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Fuck 3: Fuckin' yippee · 6:42am Dec 30th, 2020

computer not broke anymore


Grave News · 3:20am Oct 27th, 2016

I regret to inform all of you that my computers are currently inoperable. I will have access to school computers tomorrow with which I shall write like no one has written before. The good thing is that I have written notes so I should be able to whiz through my stories and publish them throughout the day. Otherwise I hope all of you have a glorious time.


Computer issues · 1:08pm Sep 2nd, 2017

After my computer freezing early yesterday, forcing me to do a hard reset, my computer is now running a little slow.  On top of that, I can't even open my writing program, OpenOffice.  Not even to uninstall it.  I'm working on the issue, asking around...

I don't know what to do.

I can open Notepad, but that won't let me do as much formatting as OpenOffice could.  I need to be able to write normally...


My conputer is messed up · 12:18am Feb 7th, 2019

Well my computer messed up and im not able to get on the internet its a real pain so tomorrow ill be having a family friend come by and working on it though till than i can't update sorry. :/ ill send a message that says i got it fix when i can im doing my best to keep commissioners happy hope you understand


Final Poll for this week, i promise! · 12:51am Aug 5th, 2016

Okay, just got one last poll for you guys. At the end of the week, my computer may finally get the verdict on if it's salvageable or not,:yay: and if it is managed to be saved, besides a new chapter for The Magic of... Music?, I will be putting out one of three one shots and I just want your opinion on which I should do first as I'll probably be doing all three anyways.

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It's fixed! · 7:59pm Sep 30th, 2016

Yep, you heard right! My family's computer is finally back up and running!:pinkiehappy: I feel if I'm on a permanent high because of this and nothing can get me down.Mind you, because of Dad's work schedule we won't get it back till Monday but either way, I won't have to use a tablet for much longer.:yay:


¿Should I buy a new computer now? or ¿wait for the current 1 to fail? · 12:35am Feb 16th, 2017

I have a 2007 24-Inch iMac with 3GB of RAM and 750 GB Hard Drive. The HD is starting to lockup. I must wait for it to cool-off. I have a question:

¿Should I replace the computer immediately? or ¿wait as long as possible in hopes of getting another year or 2 before the HD will finally fail?

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Status Update · 5:26am Apr 9th, 2016

So my computer is no longer with us:applecry::fluttercry: (the graphics card is fried and sense it was a laptop it was integrated with the motherboard so I need a new computer:twilightangry2:) it lasted me a good four years and I have gotten a lot of good use from it, but I am now forced to use my tablet to wright When the Time Comes (this blog post was written using it and with no key-board it makes it rather tedious to write). So unfortunately it will take longer than hoped to finish the

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Cons and Woes · 9:22pm Feb 15th, 2023

What a year, and it's only February! I was initially hoping to get the next chapter of Bluebird ready for proofreading just before I went to a furry convention in Glasgow... only for my computer's power supply to fail two days before I was set to travel.

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8 Bit Ponies Group · 3:33am May 5th, 2018

I created a group for 8 bit pony related stuff a while back:

Images, Apple II games, C64, etc, are all welcome :) BitPonies FTW.


Refitting my Work Computer. · 4:43pm Apr 16th, 2016

Here is the mission.

My old Work Computer, on which I do most of my developing, website managerial tasks, and other things related to my employment, was showing its age.

So I pulled some of its guts out. I left the HDD, disk drives, FDD, and other things inside, because those are irrelevant.

Here are its guts. Note the old NVidia GPU and the old Athlon 64.

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Report Alsvid · 470 views · #computer #repair #amd #cpu #tech #rig

Updates. · 9:53pm Aug 21st, 2016

So I think I'm on a good stopping point in TMS' latest chapter draft after borrowing my parents' computer. Once I get my laptop back, I''ll send it to my proofread/ editing team to take a look along with chapters from other stories. I have quite a bit sitting in the back burner, so I think I'll put them up starting next month. Thanks for being patient with me, and editors, I hope you're up for the challenge. Until next time,

This is Dudeler, signing off.


Computer Problems 3: Electric Boogaloo · 9:42pm Jul 16th, 2016

I need some advice on whether or not a solution is a good idea.

So, my new computer stopped working today, in what appeared to be exactly the same way as the last one.

"Not again!" I cried.

So, I pulled out my motherboard, but before totally disassembling it, I decided to breadboard it.

It worked.

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My desktop computer broke down · 7:58pm Feb 17th, 2017

As the title says, my main computer has come to an end. I'm afraid this also have a huge effect on my motivation to continue writing or fixing my stories right now. I still have my laptop, but I rarely use anything but my desktop to write. It's not like I could just put the laptop on the same table and continue like nothing ever happened. To be honest, I'm quite mad because I lost a lot of stuff. Building a new PC would be really expensive and I'm not sure if I can afford that right now. It

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I've been gone for so long. · 8:37pm Jun 9th, 2017

I've basically ignored Fimfiction due to two reasons. 1. I was really burnt out and to lazy to bother with it. And 2. My computer broke so I couldn't do anything, I'm currently writing this on my phone. If anyone reading this know how to fix a boot configuration data error then please help me!


Oh no I forgot to clear my search history... · 7:55pm Jul 22nd, 2021

Maybe if I hurry back to my room in time...

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Youtube · 10:22pm Jul 18th, 2017

Can't wait to get back to making youtube videos and reading on MY computer right now i'm using my brothers which is worse and small...

BUT still usable BTW my youtube account is Halo Knight if you want to know!

Viewing 41 - 60 of 151 results