
Viewing 41 - 60 of 323 results

Being Special · 11:45pm Nov 3rd, 2020

When Cozy was chatting with Princess Luna earlier in my story and she told Luna how she didn't want to be special or different, in reality, that was really me saying that I actually don't want to be transgender... I often wonder, why can't I just be like everypony else you know? Why do I have to be different? I sometimes cry actually because the truth is, I didn't want any of this! I didn't want to lose my wife and life after all, but it happened! Slowly over time, everything decayed... Years

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Frenemies · 9:44pm May 18th, 2019

I watched the new episode and all I can say is WOW! This episode was spectacular. I thought seeing an episode that focused solely on the villains was amazing. After seeing this episode I am thinking more than I was before that Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis will turn on Grogar at some point. What I found hilarious and adorable was how Cozy Glow kept on saying that Grogar put her in charge, typical Cozy for you. It also seems like she doesn't have any doubts that those three could come up

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So, about Cozy Glow... · 4:35pm Jun 5th, 2018

...Did anyone else suspect that she was Chrysalis in disguise? (Next episode is the Chrysalis one, according to Wikipedia)


Cozy Glow · 12:37pm Oct 15th, 2019


Sequel? · 7:03am Jun 7th, 2020


There may be something in the works. Maybe.

It might have something to do with a certain pesky pegasus filly and her stress-case alicorn rival. Do you guys want to see what happens?

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Report Thunderbug80 · 390 views · #sequel #cozy glow

What it really means... · 7:50pm Dec 29th, 2021

I've been thinking a lot about what I wrote here over the course of about 17 days. I've been re-reading segments of it and trying to make sense of it, because the truth is, I just knew I had something to say. But I did not know exactly what that was... But the more I analyze it, the more I'm starting to realize that at its core, this is a story about letting go. Here, I'm consciously making a decision to leave my past behind... Like Twinkle Shine said, I don't need to remember. Simply

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Micro-shots series: "Cozy Glow & the Infinite Detention" (aka should I start posting words again?) · 12:57am Aug 15th, 2022

I'm thinking of testing the waters and getting back into writing now that I'm guaranteed to be sober and whatnot.

No more shitnanigans to distract me from the world of hoers.

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An Ambitious Sequel · 2:00am Oct 11th, 2019

The first chapter of the sequel to At the End of Ambition is up. I've decided to carry this story forward, despite the fact that it was intended to be one-shot. I thought for a while about how to go about it and this is basically the direction I've decided. To be honest, I don't really like what the final season ultimately did with the villains. I won't spoil anything but they really dropped the ball with Grogar and the final battle, while cool, ends exactly the way you think it does. I think

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All That We Are. Chapter 5 · 7:58pm Oct 26th, 2019

With chapter 5 we do some checking in, mostly setting the stage for what comes next. I'm looking forward to getting to the next chapter as that is where one of my major ideas behind this story makes itself prominent. The feedback for this has been great so thank you to everyone who is reading, commenting, liking and favoriting; it's greatly appreciated. Enjoy

EAll That We Are
All processing their encounter with Aurelian very differently, the three villains part ways on paths that will ultimately lead them back together in a way they did not expect.
Marezinger Z · 39k words  ·  276  9 · 4.8k views

All That We Are. Chapter 6. · 7:45pm Oct 30th, 2019

Time for things to start shaking up as Aurelian reunites with the first of his friends. It's an event that starts to bring our cast together once more as they try to make sense of what may come from Aurelian's moves. Enjoy.

EAll That We Are
All processing their encounter with Aurelian very differently, the three villains part ways on paths that will ultimately lead them back together in a way they did not expect.
Marezinger Z · 39k words  ·  276  9 · 4.8k views

Soon... · 8:24pm Sep 19th, 2023


Huh... · 3:36am Jul 14th, 2020

Suddenly in the mood to write more Cozy Glow and King Sombra stuff...



The Result of Absolute Power: My Reaction · 6:56am Nov 10th, 2018

I posted that story roughly ten minutes before I had to go to work, and came home expecting some people to have some pretty strong opinions about it. I fully expected to have some people accuse me of defending Cozy Glow, or taking it took far. The biggest expectation I had was for people to accuse me of jumping on the bandwagon that is the pretty loud outcry over this episode.

Funny how the one I expected most was the one that didn't happen.

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Trixie Interviews: 5/25/2020 · 11:46am May 25th, 2020

The truth is that I actually had no control over the nightmares Cozy experienced in the last chapter. As such, it stands to reason that I should figure out what they mean before figuring out what they would mean to Cozy Glow. So I've begun reviewing them and I just took some notes on what those visions mean to me. That way, I'll be able to interpret them and let them play into the next chapter.

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Why Did Discord Propose Petrification for the League of Evil? · 11:26am Nov 13th, 2019

One interesting aspect of the Season Nine Finale is that Discord actively advised the Princesses to punish the League of Evil with petrification, which is to say the exact same punishment he endured for over a thousand years. By "actively," I mean that he stepped forward and decided to speak to them of his own initiative.

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Onward! · 12:04am Nov 17th, 2020

So I spoke to my editor earlier today and we're looking at about two weeks for the final chapter of Trixie Interviews, plus epilogue... I confess that I'm feeling somewhat emotional, although Cozy lives on in my new project. I've been working on the first chapter and I have just over 8 pages and cranked out another 1000 words today! In chapter 10, we saw, A Filly Named Cozy Glow, as I was trying to paint a picture of what sort of person Cozy actually is. In the first chapter of this next

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New Story!! · 1:37am Aug 30th, 2020

I wrote a story for a Cozy Glow contest.

So far the ratings are not looking good.

This is a real bummer because I am interested in continuing the story but now I am wondering if I should?

Any thoughts on my one-shot story are welcome.


All That We Become Continues. · 8:14am Aug 15th, 2022

Yes, I am still alive. :rainbowlaugh: Forgive the wait but All That We Become finally continues with A Normal Little Girl. We catch up with Tirek, Scorpan and Cozy Glow as she finally begins school and meets her first steps and hurdles. I hope this series continues to do these characters justice for everyone and don't forget to give a thumbs up if you enjoy the tale.

EAll That We Become: A Normal Little Girl
First steps and first hurdles await Cozy Glow as she begins her life at a new school.
Marezinger Z · 8.4k words  ·  39  0 · 1.1k views

All That We Are. Chapter 4 · 2:48am Oct 23rd, 2019

Chapter 4 is finally up and we make a quick check in with Cozy Glow before moving into Aurelian's return to the surface. I spent a lot of time re-writing Celestia's talk with Aurelian as I wanted to make Celestia's argument for his return to sound logical when posed against his conviction to abstain from the world. Enjoy.

EAll That We Are
All processing their encounter with Aurelian very differently, the three villains part ways on paths that will ultimately lead them back together in a way they did not expect.
Marezinger Z · 39k words  ·  276  9 · 4.8k views

Coming soon: The Social Rejects Squad! · 2:20am Nov 8th, 2020

So I just finished my epilogue and made the final touches on the last chapter. I gotta admit, I'm getting emotional. I spent about 7 months working on this project and wrote over 83,000 words! And it was all about me! And I even got an editor in the process and created new ponies!

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 323 results