
Viewing 41 - 60 of 585 results

On Deleting a Blog Post · 2:15pm Dec 24th, 2019

Today I did something that seems wrong, but necessary. I deleted my most recent blog post. Now I know that in theory at least blogs are supposed to me one's thoughts in real time, unvarnished and true. So why does one do such a thing?

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Ho Mah Gawd, Humans Resplendent · 12:10pm Jan 11th, 2017

"Hmm. Going by these blogs, Knighty released some new character tags. Well, it's about time.

"Ah. There they are. Uh huh, uh huh. Doesn't seem like too much to— Wait. There are different tags for the human and pony versions of the Mane Six!?


"Knighty, why." :raritydespair:

So yeah, given how I need to leave for work in about half an hour, don't expect all of my stories to be fully up to date or reflect the proper horse/ape distinction quite yet.

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How will this end? · 12:42am Sep 10th, 2019

I've been following some of the chatter about the most recent season, mainly because I've been reluctant to watch it. It seems odd when you look back at it, to create the School of Friendship, and introduce us to the Young Six, and then push them to the sidelines because their headmare is about to become ruler of Equestria. And are we really to believe that our heroes will still be able to live their lives, continue to teach, and also rule Equestria in some capacity alongside Twilight? It was

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Life and fiction · 2:37pm Feb 23rd, 2018

Was reading the comments section of a clopfic (which I am prone to do before deciding whether to go further) and I was struck by a passage that hoped somehow for cosmic justice. I have seen several stories over my time on this site that left me wishing for the same thing, which is hardly a comment meant for all clopfics. But let's face it, some of those stories are pretty hardcore.

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Losing my nerve · 2:20am Feb 4th, 2019

Got myself into another debate about the movie. I know, probably not a good idea, as those who have seen the movie seem to be in any number of camps. I personally think that there were a lot of issues with the plot, but I haven't yet gotten the sense that there are many people out there that share that sentiment. And getting into arguments about it I'm afraid may bring negative attention to what I've written. It all kind of reminds one of politics these days, in some ways a bit too much. How do

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Strange Brew · 2:48pm Feb 25th, 2019

I've been looking at some of the stories again, killing a bit of time while I procrastinate about my current story, and I've noticed once again something I find disturbing. That is, the tendency of so many stories to generalize behaviors over entire groups. I had thought that things like this were limited to certain clop-fics, but I've found it showing up in other places as well, even to a certain degree in the MLP movie. And for me at least, it raises the question of just how the ponies of

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The Rise of "Anon" · 2:17pm Jan 21st, 2019

I've been trying to keep an eye on some of the new stories coming on to the site recently. It's great to see that interest in our favorite story line hasn't diminished, but there is one thing that I find a bit odd, the widespread use of anonymous characters. I've always felt that naming a character is quite important (in fact, I've made it a habit of using the names of famous race horses for my original characters. Hopefully it doesn't get me in trouble) O.K., maybe I just answered my own

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The Existence Spell Worked? · 2:43pm Nov 20th, 2021

It's interesting to see some Gen 5 stuff going on here on the site. Now I know it's not just Friendship is Magic on here, even though G5 is technically the same universe. Anyways, this blog post is to show that I have returned to the site. I might post a NEW series of fictions which will be a new GX story, even though some of the characters referenced are from different universes altogether from it. I have thought about doing this for a couple days now, so I decided to post to show

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Report Unknown Tale · 179 views · #Generation X

Appreciate the Difference · 3:23pm Feb 27th, 2020

Yesterday, just as a change of pace, I shut off my access to adult rated stories. I know, it's not the best choice, as I will miss out on some stories that deal with mature themes. But I was just getting turned off by all the porn that seems to proliferating on the site (or at least that's what it looks like). And I get that it's a major part of the fanbase, and I'm not advocating the idea of turning everything here into G rated fluff. (And I do read some of it, and not just for the drama) But

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The value of feedback · 2:25pm Dec 9th, 2019

I was just flipping through some of my old blog posts today, and I was puzzling over the lack of feedback. Not that I'm that surprised that blog posts don't tend to get much, and it's not like I'm that popular a writer and have thousands hanging on my every word. I myself rarely comment on blog posts, except recently to make a suggestion or two or in one case try to send a word of encouragement to a young writer who's going through a rough patch. I guess I don't understand how a blog is

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Something is Coming · 3:09am Nov 17th, 2022

I've been plowing ahead these last few days on the long delayed next chapter of "Danger Close", and I think I can say that it will be finished by next week. I should ideally feel a certain sense of pride, were it not for the fact that it has taken me close to two years to get this far. It's not that surprising as such things go. There are a lot of stories out there that have stalled out over the years, basically because life goes on, and distractions come up in life. I hope that there is still

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A simple update · 6:48am Feb 6th, 2016

So, to anyone who actually check out my blog, not that I usually have much to say, I do have a stories coming slowly down the pipeline. It's not that I haven't been focused just well, more distracted I should say. But hey, who hasn't had that excuse.

A list of fics that i have been working on here and there.

Luna's contemplation (one-shot with Luna and Celestia and a winter cottage and stars)

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Report Zubric · 284 views · #update #stories #general

#DreamComeTrue · 4:06am Sep 14th, 2016


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Three Words · 12:10am Sep 1st, 2017

Specifically, what3words, a global addressing system that assigns every ten foot-by-ten foot square of the Earth's surface its own unique set of three random words. It's been around for a few years, but I only just became aware of it. Why am I mentioning it?

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MLP SFM Month. · 9:57pm Dec 9th, 2016

Ah, December. Christmas is coming, 2017 is on its way as we say goodbye to 2016 The year was shit
and you know what? I decided to make December the month of MLP related content directly to SFM.
Do you know Ed+?, he's a SFMer
You know Bwaebutt? he's a SFMer on Tumblr Viewer Discretion is advised
but you know what hasn't been done? MLP SFM content created by you the Fans

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Report Lilrq28 · 358 views · #SFM #MLP #General #Random

The Puzzle of the "Monomyth" · 5:10pm Nov 25th, 2018

I'm in the middle of a discussion with a artist on DeviantArt about MLP:TM. He went through the story and compared it to stories like the Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars, in terms of the formula used and the quest concept of one hero surviving trials and saving the day. It rings very true in terms of how the movie was constructed, and the plot elements that were used. But I had to admit to him that the formula didn't work for me.

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This · 10:31pm Oct 10th, 2021

No essay this time. All you need is this.


PS. Those are muffins.


HIE fics for Generation 5 · 6:25am Jul 8th, 2021

Since we know very little about generation 5. Human in Equestria fics could spawn when we know a lot more about G5. We probably will have expanded knowledge if we were to watch the series rather than just the movie.

But as of right now, we have little to no knowledge about the world. For a funny story, we could have a Brony human in Equestria, who is disappointed to be in this Equestria rather than G4 if it turns out to be bad. Who knows.

Report Bendy · 163 views · #g5 #generation 5

Zephyr Heights Politics · 1:44am Oct 17th, 2021

Queen Haven was placed under arrest, and a warrant was issued for Princesses Zipp and Pipp as well. Obviously, this is not an off-with-their-heads absolute monarchy, and that is a good thing. However, one cannot help but wonder what manner of checks and balances Zephyr Heights has that allows the tables to be turned almost instantaneously.

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The Creators Guide #1: Inspiration · 12:38am Apr 29th, 2016

Hello fellow readers! I decided to make an advice blog for creators of all kinds. I will be taking suggestions and I will try to do this at least once a month.

Anyways, all creators at some point have dealt with Writer's Block. Or Animator's Block. Or Designer's Block. My point is, everyone gets a creative drive through inspiration, but sometimes there's not enough to go around. How do we get through this? Let's find out.

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Report Willow Spark · 181 views · #General #creator #help
Viewing 41 - 60 of 585 results