
Viewing 41 - 42 of 42 results

Back from Movie Land · 1:03am Oct 31st, 2017

It has been a while..... But I have returned now. The last few weeks have been very exciting.
I have spent a total of ten days pretty much in cinema to watch the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Movie over and over again, a total number of eleven times (look at the counter on my userpage!).

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The Comedy (Is Serious Business) Contest Update Re-Release [PLATINUM EDITION] · 8:17pm Jan 31st, 2018

So, Aragón has officially entered the workforce -- kinda!

I mean, technically it's an internship... But let's be honest. I get up at seven every morning, put on a suit [1] and then work at the bank doing market research for eight hours. That counts as a job. Cut me some slack, I'm still a lil' kid.

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Viewing 41 - 42 of 42 results