
Viewing 41 - 60 of 903 results

New Gold Tier Story Updated! · 12:13pm Aug 31st, 2023

Hello everyone, just wanted to let you all know that the first chapter of a new Gold Tier story titled Hypnotized Warriors has been added to the Bronze Tier Folder. (The first chapter will be made public after the second chapter is updated)

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 227 views · #patreon

New Bronze Tier Story Updated! · 8:40am Apr 25th, 2023

A new story titled Marvelously Entranced has been added to the Bronze Tier Folder. The story will be made public on May 24th.

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 153 views · #patreon

Nightmare's Embrace: Rewritten Chapter Updated! · 2:53pm February 27th

After a lot of time editing and fixing several aspects of the story, the first rewritten chapter of Nightmare's Embrace has been added to the Bronze Tier Folder!

Don't worry though, the other chapters will be updated more frequently as well! If you wish to see the newly written chapter early, hit me up on Patreon.

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 283 views · #Patreon

WE GOT IT UP · 6:29am Jul 20th, 2015

Well, after the overwhelming response... Here it is! THE PATREON IS LIVE!

Report OneUppington · 431 views · #patreon

I now have Patreon · 7:07am Mar 16th, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

Yeah, I know it seems like I'm riding on the coattails of ocalhoun and shortskirtsandexplosions, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I am now on Patreon, under my pen name. I need the cash and I need the motivation. Hopefully, I'll get my passion for the craft back, and will help me recover from my most recent depressive episode. If you can, donate and help me get on my feet. I'd really appreciate it.

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Report LightningSword · 414 views · #Patreon

Patreon reminder · 8:00pm May 22nd, 2016

Quick reminder as I get ready to post a new chapter soon. If you'd like to support me in releasing future chapters and stories, head on over to Patreon and become a patron! Anything helps, and pledges start at only $1 per chapter!

I'd also like to thank Foals Errand, Erik, and Phillip for their support so far.

Report JKinsley · 341 views · #patreon

Patreon · 1:24am Jun 8th, 2017

Hey peeps! I realized my schedule has kind of slowed down but ive also taken up drawing in addition to another part time and a casual job. So i havent had alot of time for you peeps which is unfortunete. I have tried to keep up (and i am still penning some udpated that should be soon) with the one sitting one shots but I dont feel like its enough. Which is why i opened a patreon! I figured this way if it gets

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Report Jest · 459 views · #patreon

Patreon Sponsorships? Well That's Just Gold! · 8:39am Jul 3rd, 2017

I was very pleased to learn from fellow author The Abyss that knighty has taken a very heavily-suggested feature from awhile back and implemented it into the site a couple weeks ago; paid sponsorship for the site via Patreon.

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Report milesprower06 · 426 views · #patreon

New Patron Tier · 11:12pm Sep 24th, 2017

I made a new tier, at $20, Cheering Pony. If you grab it up while it's still there, you can get an extra update or any current incomplete story per month. Kick a story back into motion that's fallen by the wayside or hurry up a story that isn't updating frequently enough for your tastes. Want more? Put in more over the tier. For every $20 more, you get another chapter/month and crack the whip, making more horse words happen.

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Report David Silver · 317 views · #patreon

Justice sells out (Patreon Details inside) · 11:13pm Oct 30th, 2017

Heya readers,

I've finally taken the plunge and decided to give you all the opportunity to help me get horse words out to you!

You can find greater details here!

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Report Justice3442 · 382 views · #Patreon

I've got a Patreon Page! · 4:12pm Sep 14th, 2017

As the title says, I've got a Patreon page. If you wish to support me or get a commissioned story, simply head to my page. Tier 3 and higher will get a story, though for more details I've included a link to a post about it in my Presentation on Patreon. Thanks to anyone who will contribute, and I hope that any money you give you will consider a sound investment.

Here's the page: Link

Report Celesti Lateo · 337 views · #Patreon

PATRON ALERT: Patreon Error Causes Declined Payments, ALL Creators Affected · 3:53pm Aug 2nd, 2018

Patreon is currently having payment issues. If you are a patron that uses a credit card, please check w/ your bank to approve the charge as non-fraud or update your payment method. Many of the creators I know have had 30-50% of their income essentially deleted, myself included.

I have audited my patrons and at least 3 of you (some BIG SPENDERS!) need to contact your card issuer ASAP & get this sorted out. I am presently minus 35% of my monthly Patreon income because of this.

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Report MythrilMoth · 618 views · #patreon

I've got a Patreon! Give me money and I give you custom words! · 3:13pm Oct 11th, 2017

No seriously we're doing this thing, fam.

Report Daemon McRae · 258 views · #Patreon

I HAVE A PATREON · 10:40pm Feb 27th, 2018

Just so you guys know, I'm mainly doing this as an experimental project to see how well I can work with the tiers I put up. I have no idea how this will go, but I figure it's better than nothing, right? So, if you guys are curious to see what I have to offer, I recommend checking it out and seeing whether or not to contribute.

Report TheVClaw · 251 views · #Patreon

Follow up to Frailty · 4:56pm Jun 20th, 2018

So like I promised, if Frailty reached 50 likes I would make a sequel, and well I'm going through with that promise, but this will be different than my other stories. This will be a labor of love fro me. I intend to do put a lot of time and effort into this story and I have to say it's a daunting task and I'm going to be fully utilizing the AU tage to make the story more unique. Now that being said I will list a few things I have planned, but nothing majorly important, just things that are

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Report Phoenix Nebula · 274 views · #Patreon

I Made A Patreon · 10:49pm Feb 12th, 2018

If you're down to support my twisted ass for whatever reason, feel free to throw your singles into my digital G-string by clicking here. If you don't feel like it, then I don't blame you. Either way, have a blessed day.

As Always, Dolla Dolla Bill Y'all

Stay Cool, Kids

Report Ringtael · 244 views · #patreon

Patreon · 8:09am May 12th, 2018

Patreon Link
If you like my content feel free to pledge. as time goes on I'll probably think of good things to give out as rewards for those who do pledge

Report Silver Butcher · 253 views · #Patreon

Patreon · 1:28am Oct 24th, 2018

So a friend of mine suggested I get a Patreon.

I put it off because I didn't want to look like some kind of Egotistical Jerk who thinks he is bigger than he really is, or some greedy idiot who begs for people to give him money for no reason, so I put it off for so long.

But, if anyone would like to donate to my Patreon here it is:


Patreon-Story Updated: Rise of the Serpent Queen · 3:05pm Jun 7th, 2020

With the fourth chapter up, the third chapter of Rise of the Serpent Queen has been updated here on Fimfiction!

Of course, if you wanna read ahead you can see Chapter 4 on Patreon!

Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 170 views · #Patreon

My patreon (please read). How would I go about reworking it? Do people actually watch streamers write? · 5:25pm Nov 3rd, 2019

I was thinking of doing something simple now. I'm going to remove all those extra levels above ten bucks to start with. I wanted to make it so that first dollar patrons get to see the unpublished chapter in advance for example, and see what story is coming next (You'll also get an invite to my discord, at which point you can create an infinitely lasting invite for any friends you want to bring over. Or you just ask me now. Needs new blood).

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Report The Psychopath · 163 views · #patreon
Viewing 41 - 60 of 903 results