
Viewing 581 - 600 of 956 results

Happy New Year! · 10:59am Jan 1st, 2017

2017 is gonna be good. After all, it can't be worse than 2016. However, 2016 wasn't all horrible. After all, FIM Season 6 was good, Donald Trump was elected President of the U.S. (can't wait for inauguration day!), we got Pokémon Sun and Moon, plus Pluto is a planet again thanks to a little someting called "Planet Ten." So yeah, things are looking up this year. However, let's take a look at the resolutions I made at the start of the year and see how I did.

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Truly Humanized Ponies part 1 (maybe for a fic) · 3:00am Dec 19th, 2017

Name: Samantha Bright
Age: 17
Occupation: Living with her adopted brother, Isaac, in the apartment above the Riverside Library, told to learn to socialize.
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: Olive, warm undertone.
Eye Color: Hazel
Build: Very average, straight.
Height: 5'5"

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I just played a super intense match of Soul Calibur 6 and I want to share it with y’all · 11:25pm Oct 1st, 2019

I had to record this on my phone and upload it to twitter so excuse the potato quality. IT WAS AN EXCELLENT MATCH ON BOTH SIDES, THOUGH.

My intense sc6 match uploaded to twitter


Episode Review: "The Beginning of the End" - Season 9 Episodes 1 & 2 · 8:48pm Apr 8th, 2019

Well, with a title like that, they're really not holding back on accentuating it's the final season, are they?

Going to try giving this review-every-episode-of-the-season-right-after-its-come-out thing a go. Also reviewing primarily for fellow fans, rather then theoretically anyone. Well, this IS a Pony website, to be fair.

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200 Followers · 2:30pm Jul 18th, 2019

Wow I can't believe we made it to 200 followers I wonder how we should celebrate it. I know a small little contest, It won't be like the last one but this one will be fun, send me an idea you might have for a story it must be something within 5,000 words or less, I'm willing to do any story but the best story will win the contest. It'll be a small bit before i can release it but I'll work on it as soon as i can. It can even be a sequel of a story i've done if you want.


I drew more ponies · 8:35pm Nov 29th, 2020

This is a very rough sketch with flat colors, consider these concepts for how I want to start drawing ponies in the future because I was unhappy with my previous style.


Smolder: Scales or Sludge? · 7:00am Oct 2nd, 2019

(The vast, vast majority of this journal is lifted from a discussion I had with saturdaymorningproj, separated by an entire year, over on their DA journal for Father Knows Beast. Reading and exchanging thoughts has been an inspiration for me, so I need to credit them.
---Season 8--Episode 24---

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My Project: One Year in Equestria Audio Drama Series -- Writer's Call · 9:13pm Feb 1st, 2020

Hello, everyone! I am currently looking for some help with a project writers' room for my series of fanfics/projects, under the working title of "One Year in Equestria." It follows the adventures of the main gang in Ponyville after Twilight leaves to go rule in Canterlot in S9. This series serves as a bridge between "The Ending of The End" and the final scenes of "The Last Problem", and helps to fill in some of the continuity (Rainbow Dash becoming the leader of the Wonderbolts, Granny Smith's

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Stories from a Shattered Equestria Update! · 9:18pm May 27th, 2018

Chapters 2 and 3 are up, I have more on the way including info on the underdark and some Zebra history. But I'm debating whether to post them in this or under a different title all together. Any thoughts are welcome.


Season 6, Episode 8 Thoughts and Review · 1:29am May 17th, 2016


Observation of Mare Do Well (WARNING: MINOR SPOILER FOR SEASON 6 IN THE END) · 11:49pm Nov 27th, 2015

What if, in an alternative universe, Mare Do Well is her own pony? An alicorn in hiding.

In the show, Mare Do Well is presented as an alicorn, based on her capabilities to have all the abilities of three races. She seems to focus on her duty in saving ponies while being a symbol of what it means to be a hero. Somepony who do the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing.

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Spotlight Review on Dreams: Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? · 4:15pm Jul 16th, 2015

Do you dream of spoilers?

This episode, guys. This episode. If it is not hitting you with one thing, it hits you with another. The reason this post will be a combined Spotlight and Review is because after I talk about the episode itself, I want to talk about something that is very important personally: Dreams.

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Hasbro is a fucking liar · 9:56pm Jul 9th, 2015

Oh well:

They're like:

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So.......Royal Alicorn Baby...... · 11:56pm Jan 29th, 2016

Well......yesterday, Hasbro and Discovery Family announced that season six of FiM is coming in the spring (thank goodness, I'm hopeful it comes out around end of March/beginning of April), but they also revealed a clip from episode 1....and in this clip...we get to see that the premiere will involve...the child of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence.....and she is an alicorn.....and has a huge horn and giant wings for a foal her size........

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Happy Hearth's Warming Eve to you all this December, followers who actually like me! (which might be about 100 out of 538 probably...) · 3:43am Dec 14th, 2016

A bit of a rough piece of animation, but I was just wanting to make something quick this month to contribute to the Christmas spirit and the holidays. Hope somebody out of the 208 people who actually like me enjoys something in this video.

I'm awful at animation. Slit my wrists and donate the blood to hospitals so I may serve some useful purpose in death. XD


To Where and Back Again S6Ep25 Review and Recap · 11:50am Oct 6th, 2016

Spoilers be damned, I want more pony and I want it now!

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My Thoughts on Episode 16, "The Times They Are a Changeling" · 2:12am Aug 21st, 2016

EARLY! Okay, okay... got that done. So I made this seconds after the stream/episode ended! But, I finished today. So, yeah now... the thoughts!

To put it basically, I really liked this episode! Spike makes friends with a changeling by the name, Thorax, which is creeping me out... Anyway! So during the stream, some people were all like, making a ship name for Spike and Thorax. They eventually, ended up with Sporax. And I was there half looking at the chat.

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The Gen. "Spikewall" Dragon SEQUEL · 1:54am Jul 15th, 2016

Hello all.
Far and away, the most popular option voted in the sequel poll was World War 2, with Spike as George S. Patton.
I had a stroke of creative vision last night and began writing this sequel to the wildly successful Gen. "Spikewall" Dragon. You can expect it probably within the next ten days. Usually sequels serve to destroy the franchise, but in this instance, I believe the sequel will be even better than the original, ala The Empire Strikes Back.

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Pony Thoughts: Dungeons & Discord · 7:40pm Aug 27th, 2016

What happens when Spike and Big Mac ask Discord to join their RPG night? What do you think?!


Headcanon Corner: Are Hippogriffs a Thing? · 10:04pm Sep 10th, 2016

Warning: Spoilers from the latest episode, The Fault in Our Cutie Marks, abound. Proceed with caution.

So, after Tender Taps, the CMC have finally gotten themselves a new client. Why aren't there more episodes like this one? I'm more interested in seeing the Crusaders tackle Cutie Mark problems than building go-carts or selling prank cookies.

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Viewing 581 - 600 of 956 results