
Viewing 601 - 620 of 847 results

So close!!! · 2:00pm Aug 17th, 2016

What's up guys? I have some cool news. We are one follower away from 20 Followers. That's pretty exciting. I may just think about writing a new story as well. I'm thinking of doing something special at 50 followers. It's a surprise. So at 20 followers I'll be writing a story. Also... next week is my last full week until school starts. :flutterrage::pinkiesad2::applecry: But don't worry stories will be coming more and more. So dont be sad. Anyways, have a good day, night, or afternoon wherever

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You Shall Go To The Gala Fanart By Theatroid · 9:33pm Nov 18th, 2018

I'm mighty proud to welcome Theatroid to the Rejuvenationverse Group, an exceptional artist who's recently shown me some incredibly impressive fanart from my fic, You Shall Go To The Gala (A story most of my followers tell me is their favourite)

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Something I Find Odd · 9:54pm Jun 26th, 2017

So, I have 83 followers, right?

Chances are, at least five of them are because of my stories. But that still leaves 78.

There are also high chances that 10 of them are because I added their stories to my shelves, but that is still 68.

So why, then, do my reviews, on average, get a view count of 40?

It's just something I find interesting.

Oh, and I have been slacking more than I'd like on getting more of those reviews out. Sorry.


Update: Re-writes, Followers, and Covers oh my!!! · 4:11am Apr 23rd, 2019

Hey everyone, just a quick update on story progress.

After an Easter weekend to relax I'm beginning writing in full on my two stories again, as school work has winded down to a point where writing can become a little regular again.

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I'm Shameless · 1:49am Jun 26th, 2015


Well, I'm 40 followers away from 100! And since my feed is filled with blogs asking people to follow other people so that person will have 100 or more people watching their every move, I eventually just said: fuck it. And now I'm turning to you peeps! Tell your friends and whoever watches you to follow me, because these following projects are coming soon*!

Half-Life: Elasticity! You know, the one I won't shut the hell up about!

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2,000 followers!! ⭐⭐ · 11:18am Jul 15th, 2020

My calligraphy account has achieved another milestone. I am super grateful to be part of the calligraphy/lettering/art community in Instagram. I made a celebratory post (so sorry for messing up the zeros) as a way of saying thank you to them. Pinkie Pie, time to whip out your party cannon once again!


100 Followers! :pinkiehappy: · 5:07pm Feb 29th, 2020

Hooray! Today, I have officially just hit 100 followers! :pinkiegasp::raritystarry::pinkiehappy::yay::twilightsmile:
A huge thank you to all 100 of you (and soon 101 black and white paints (pony version of dalmations)). Additionally, Kaiju4ever, my 100th follower shall get to choose a storyline for a future story of mine. This day just got even better!


Anyone else having trouble with FIMFiction mysteriously unfollowing people · 12:43pm Aug 2nd, 2015

Over the past few months I think I've gone to look at 3 different profiles now that I was following just to see if I happened to miss stuff and found that I had apparently unfollowed them at some time. Either that or the site unfollowed me from them on accident.


50 Followers! · 8:40pm May 5th, 2017

Just a "thank you" from me personally. This is a big milestone for me, as you could imagine. :twilightsheepish:

I really don't have anything planned for 50, mostly 'cause I'd never thought I'd get 10, so I've been caught quite off-guard.

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Thanks... · 9:00pm Aug 7th, 2016

Thanks to the at least 30 of you who went to my party to hang out. Congrats to the raffle winners, thanks for my friends in voice with me, and thanks for 500 followers.

I'll be working on that story I previewed for you guys today, should have it out this evening. It' fluffy.

Anyway, love you idiots. Love you.


EDIT: No new story tonight, things have come up. Will work on for tomorrow.


50 Follower Bonus · 5:23pm Jun 12th, 2016

... Wow, I did not realize I'd hit 50. Thanks for your interest, folks! So, as a reward, I'm throwing open a poll for a short reward fic. Post the number you like as a response and any details you think would be awesome.

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Happy F-Day! · 2:22pm Jun 19th, 2016

And the "F" doesn't stand for Father...

(But in all seriousness, everyone have an incredible Father's Day! Take this day to realize your dad has worked hard to get you where you are now, and you should appreciate that more than anything in the world.)


Let's Talk About Dreams and Disasters · 6:56pm Jul 26th, 2016


My Music · 7:07pm Mar 1st, 2016

So typically I don't post my music or make blog posts about it here, but something I recently that I'm really proud of and I wanted to show it to you guys here


I would also appreciate if you looked at my other stuff<3

Criticism would be awesome! Always looking to improve!


100 Followers! Yay. · 3:14am Apr 27th, 2016

So today of the 27 of April for me I hit the number I been aiming for since I got to 90 followers and that is get 100 followers before my two year anniversary on the second of May. It hard to believe I came this far, I only kept going because of your guys and girls, the comments, the likes, the favorites and the follows. Not only show that people like my work but showed that people want to see more of it and well as I said in my 60 followers that mean a lot and makes me have a real smile when I

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500 View, 50+ Followers, and almost 2 years now. · 9:58am Apr 23rd, 2017

For other fics, this probably just an early milestone, but at least in FOE, I'm really excited to have been able to reach this point. Every once in a while, I see that there are a few more views and it amazes me every time. Its been 2 years since I started planning out Joker's Wild, and its really coming together. I'm humbled that people have been willing to give it a look, and I really appreciate those of you who have stuck around with the story.

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75 Follower Special! Ask Me Anything! (Part 1) (And Discord Server) · 4:54pm Oct 28th, 2017

As with last time, I'll do this post in two parts. This part, where you can ask questions and then I'll reply to them, and then in a few days, I'll make a second post with the list of people, their questions, and my answers.

As with before, I'm not putting hard limits on the questions since I'm not expecting high participation.

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1,000 Followers! + Where's The Broken Bond? · 6:44pm Mar 25th, 2018

A sweet little milestone for me to hit! Thank you everyone who likes my work enough to warrant a follow.

Now onto another means of business: where is 'The Broken Bond'? If you're a fan and you've tried looking for it, you might have already noticed it's gone. Rest assured that it isn't.

I really should have written this sooner, but I didn't think any old readers would come back and notice. Sure enough they did, so I'm sorry for the scare everyone!

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Intent doesn't always meet hopes or expectations · 12:16am Jun 24th, 2019

I’ve recently updated a new story, the intent was to take advantage of RPG setting to have the readers sort of play along with deciding how things go, I even stated this few times in the author’s notes a few times with my phrasing things like it was a sort of game. But only 2 readers have actually shown an active in this sort of approach, I’m kind of disappointed more readers aren’t taking advantage of this sort of thing. Yes, the story is Mature, but when I put it to a poll, for of the

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Survey for those participating in the OC story, Updates, Small good news! · 6:08pm Apr 1st, 2020

Hello everyone! If you read my last update you know I have limited access to upload my fics; thankfully, the local library was kind enough to let me use their wi-fi, so I can update with a brand new story and another chapter update for Depths of Oblivion! (The two finished pieces I have on hand, otherwise I'd love to upload more, but nothing else is anywhere near ready for publishing!) Expect to see the mystery story soon, unrelated to anything else I've written.

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Viewing 601 - 620 of 847 results