
Viewing 6501 - 6520 of 10,591 results

A Dash of Happiness Soared Through the Skies UPDATE · 11:25pm Oct 25th, 2015

So! Recently, I started my very first FIMfiction story! It's called: A Dash of Happiness Soared Through the Skies. I am currently working on chapter five!

The reason I've been so good with all the updates is because it was the weekend! But, alas! All good things must come to an end! So, I won't be as consistent with the updates for the story.

How are you liking it so far? Expect chapter five to be uploaded in the next couple hours! Get ready for some fluff!

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There's a storm coming, and it'a big one · 7:47am Aug 29th, 2015

Can you feel it? After a near three months of inactivity on this site, it's finally time for me to crawl back from underneath the rock I was sent. There, where I have been working on my stories for the past couple of months (and not having it finished, by the way), have I finally emerged again and I'm ready.

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"Quarantine Period, Part 4: The Case of Twilight Sparkle Versus Ponyville" Posted · 2:15am Jul 9th, 2015

Yep, it has been a loooong time in coming, but I finally finished the dratted thing. Some of the slow-down was due to my being nervous about my ability to write a fight scene (I think I actually managed it pretty well), some due to depression, and some due to other interests taking center stage in my life for a while. I never gave up on working on this though.

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Revelmode Stream · 8:21pm Dec 10th, 2016

Another Great Stream for another great cause!

Be sure to donate for this cause! Every dollar counts! This is the (Link) btw.

Working on the next chapter btw. :P


So what's next, after Warrior Meet? Or during? · 2:14pm Dec 18th, 2016

Little bit of a preview/what's to come for the near future.

Warrior Meet is ongoing, weekly updates are scheduled. No change in plans there.

My next two story ideas have been converted to more or less chapter-by-chapter and scene-by-scene outlines, work on those will begin shortly, but I'll get to the timing in a bit.

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Let the hate flow! · 10:29pm Sep 19th, 2016

Just a heads-up!
Chapter 12. will be...different. I expect a lot of you to hate me and the story for it, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. For those of you, who'll actually enjoy this turn, Formica will be a breath of fresh air!


General update · 1:35am Sep 1st, 2016

Hey folks...

Just a general update. I've started a new job, but being an IT developer for a large bank means that the standards are much stricter and I can't Skype from it. It also means I can't install any nonstandard software on my box, and that includes chat software like Skype, so I can't talk during the day, unfortunately.

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Chapter 25: Something About Her SNEAK PEAK · 12:02am Sep 25th, 2016


Chapter 25: Something About Her

"Rainbow Dash!" Soarin yelled, breaking into a run in the direction of the house.

"Tell me, Soarin," she said in a voice dangerously low, "why did you really marry me? Huh? Huh?"

"I know I'm a pathetic isolate little being!" Rainbow Dash suddenly cried out, causing Soarin to gasp at her. "I know I deserved what my mother did to me! I know that I wasn't good enough for her!"

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It has been over two months since my last chapter? · 7:56am Sep 26th, 2016

Yep, looks that way. I am working on the next chapter. It is at 11k currently and on the final scene.

Think I found my mojo again for writing. Still not a writer, but I am getting there, or at least getting better at not doing anything at all.

2016-09-29 Edit: Waiting on approval from pre-readers/proofreaders and it will be out before the month is over.


Chapter 33: The Plan SNEAK PEAK · 1:54pm Nov 18th, 2016


Chapter 33: The Plan

"So you're telling me..." Sweetie Belle said, walking with her two best friends, "you used to be a childhood friend of Speeder Skies, one of the most famous hoofball players in all of Equestria?"

"Why are you here?" she asked bluntly. Speedy sighed, closing his eyes and pushing his hooves together. He turned back towards her with a serious expression.

"So you came here? To make amends?" she asked.

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Every other day · 7:56pm Aug 3rd, 2015

Yo, how are you all? *Pause for 20 seconds whilst you all tell me how you are* Great! I'm good too. I just thought I'd let you all know that the daily blogs probably won't be so 'daily' anymore, more than likely the blogs are going to be once every couple of days, simply because I always forget to update this blog daily and have so much other things going on in my head right now!

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Hello · 10:11am Aug 9th, 2015

Yeah, I'm still here... ish. I've been kind of just jumping on to check messages and reading chapters here and there. I haven't really been doing anything because of art commission that I have been getting, and work doesn't allow happiness, so I'm not left with much time of anything. So, I am hoping I can finish the outlines for this drawing to post before I have to go to bed. So far, I have one pony down and one left to go. Once that is done, then I will post it. This is what I have so far:

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The New "Iron Horse" Chapter is Here! - "The Lionhearted, Part 3!" · 8:22pm Aug 13th, 2017

The finale comes full circle as the fate of Equestria is decided and Turing Test has a request for Twilight Sparkle...


New Cover · 12:27am Apr 21st, 2017

Hey everyone. Just a shout-out that I updated the cover to my story.

This one's a little more refined than it's predecessor, and should remain up unless you all hate it or something. Anyways, work's begun on the next chapter, very minute stuff, only at about 500 words or so. Anyways hope y'all enjoy. Old cover is available to see on my devaintart page here.

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The reason there's been no new updates · 9:52pm Feb 19th, 2017

Hey, guys.

I don't like normally talking about my writing process publicly, but I've been getting a lot of messages asking 'when's this story going to continue?' 'You know it's been two years since the last update, right?' and other things along those lines.

I figure it's best to just bite the bullet and tell you guys what's going on.

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UPDATE - I'M NOT DEAD YET · 5:08am Dec 26th, 2016

So my spine is getting worse every day, my left leg is starting to give out while my right leg just hurts more and more every day. Breathing is still a battle of willpower and constant reminder that "Breath. OW, BREATH, OW" is just the way life has to be. I've been struggling through work because I have literally no other way to pay my bills but it is getting to near impossible for me to work anymore. If it continues to get worse (which is kind of the thing with this disease) I'll be out

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Get hype! · 3:23pm Jan 8th, 2017

Well, I did finish the new chapter of The Changeling That Bugged My Heart, and it's in edit for the time being.

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The Door to the Realms is Thrust Open... · 4:19pm Jan 20th, 2017

And at long last, I am able to show the first chapter of my next large project: Realms of Existence. This is going to be a longer story than Wanderlost by quite a bit - only 21 chapters, but most of those chapters are twice as long (if not longer!) than a Wanderlost chapter. I'm really interested to see what you guys think of it.

It's not as science-fiction as Wanderlost, it's a pure fantasy, even if it does seem a little out there at times.

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New Story, Sequels, and News · 4:13pm Oct 31st, 2016

Hello every pony and everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful Nightmare Night or just finished it. This update concerns my ongoing stories, new tales, and artwork, plus news. First up the new story.

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New Chapter links! · 7:49pm Dec 1st, 2016

You can find new chapters for my Unforgiven stories by going to my page.

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Viewing 6501 - 6520 of 10,591 results