
Viewing 6561 - 6580 of 10,585 results

Bleep Blorp: It's Mah Birthday and Update on Stories · 8:02pm Sep 23rd, 2019

So, I don't normally go on about my birthday; my age and when I was born isn't really something I like tossing around all wild and stuff. But I don't know, maybe I just feel like I should be. It's the one day of the year when I want to just relax and be happy, and it seems more often than not that terrible things happen today. But this birthday, so far, has been pretty decent. Fingers crossed that it stays that way.

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Going back to the Old look · 11:16am Mar 26th, 2017

As most of you know I am a major Grogar fan, but lately, I haven't been wearing his look. This is most due to there not being too many pictures of him to work with. But I have decided to go back to the classics with one that I haven't tried yet. Why? Well just a little spoilers, but my favorite it scene involving Grogar will be in the next chapter of Twilily Saga: Past, Present, Or Damnation. Be sure and check it out as it will not only be an epic scene but will change the way you see my

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-NEW- STORY PLANNED! · 1:53am May 8th, 2016

So, remember my old Flutterdash story? Well, I have been hard at work and I'm writing so many stories right now, but I do plan on starting a story similar to the old one, but way, WAY better! :pinkiehappy: I'm so excited to start writing it!!!!!

Here's the cover art:


Slightly more serious update this time. · 8:38pm Apr 7th, 2019

I've gone back on the String Bean fic I've been talking about, went and altered it at concept level, so what I have of it at the moment will need to be rewritten.

Aside from that, been having some trouble keeping the work up. Stuff's happened recently, unrelated to the show (last thing I saw was the RariDash episode in S8, I think), and it's thrown a spanner into the gearworks in general.

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New Story in Progress! · 8:20am Nov 29th, 2018

Hey everyone hope everything is going well. Just a quick update on a few things I wanted to mention.

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Entry #37- Earnest Endeavors? · 12:39am Jul 3rd, 2017

There will be a new fic and better journal entries in the future. :scootangel: But this week, I’m too busy catching up on lots of projects. :applecry: So please enjoy these pretty pictures of characters from The Last Unicorn Princess instead:

Prince Golden Rule

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Update Schedule · 3:25pm Aug 15th, 2016

In order to instill some sense of balance, I'm going to keep to a bi-weekly update schedule for PXZ, publishing a new chapter every other Sunday until Part 1 is completed.

Following that, here is a list of update dates I shall work hard to uphold from this point forwards:

Act 1, Part 3: August 21st
Act 1, Part 4: September 4th

Act 1, Intermission 1 [Part 1] : September 18th
Act 1, Intermission 1 [Part 2] : October 2nd
Act 1, Intermission 1 [Part 3] : October 16th

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Recruit · 6:06pm Jul 14th, 2020

Salutations everybody! ^^

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Alicornae Ch. 25 Up! / Primer On Next Chapter · 5:09am Nov 28th, 2017

That's right, the first half of the climax for Part III is up, and I say that intentionally. I wanted to do a sort of double-packed chapter for Part III's climax like I did for Part II, but I feel that the way a section of Ch. 25 ends serves a good breaking point, and it gives me some more freedom to make Ch. 26 a bit longer so as to get all that good revealing in. If you feel the need to hold off on 25 until I post 26 then feel free to, I won't cry (much). Thanks again for reading, and

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Ranking the Starlight Glimmer Episodes (From Worst to Best), Version 2 · 5:36pm Sep 14th, 2019

It's funny how much can change in the span of a season. Even in Season 8 a lot of people were still on the fence about Starlight Glimmer and weren't entirely sure if her inclusion was for the best. But now, in this final season, everyone's been dying for more of her when she's been noticeably absent (though on the positive side Spike has been making the most of it and getting perhaps his best season of all time). Her episodes still remain polarizing, as does her character, but I think many

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So, Ghost Recon... · 5:51pm Dec 10th, 2018

I posted a new Ghost Recon crossover a few days ago, with both GRFS and Wildlands. And now I'm even more excited about it.


Because they're both canonically crossing over tomorrow in Wildland's Special Operation 3. We're getting parachute skins, new missions, and more.

And did I mention we're also getting Active Cloak/Camo from Future Soldier in Wildlands?

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I gotta stop making these promises to myself · 12:38am May 28th, 2016

So yeah, update?

I'm currently 7.2k+ words into the chapter. The (un?)fortunate part is, that I'm pretty sure I'm not even halfway done. Curse you, need to flesh out the dynamics! :raritydespair:

So yeah, also, remember when I said this would hopefully stay 3-4 chapters, hah hah!....I'm honestly not going to be able to keep that promise.

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The February Patreon Poll Winners are Revealed! · 11:50am Mar 1st, 2020

Heya, guys! Now that another month has passed, and I was able to just barely finish my workload in the short-ass month (mostly since I took a week paid vacation from work and writing). I was planning to upload the finished projects before March, but it wasn't easy for me to meet the deadlines before proofreading and update posts like this one. Anyways, since I have a lot planned for uploads this month, allow me to reveal the two winning prompts from my

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My first collab experience! · 9:54pm Aug 24th, 2020

Hello once again, everyone!

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So...big plans. · 2:12pm Jul 13th, 2020

Well, blame my creativity and indecisiveness.

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A Rework incoming. · 7:26pm Jul 9th, 2019

So, I'm going to redo my Fire Emblem crossover, and probably for the better.

in the grand scale, a few things will stay the same.

Such as Twilight heading to Ylisse after Grima's death at Robin's hands, the Revelations Royals and Corrin/Azura coming in at some point, and the whole pilgrimage thing that leads here there, the OC that reaches Twilight's S-level support, among others.

But a few things will change.

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Switch · 6:16pm Sep 14th, 2015

So, I've been using Word to type out the fic. So, I've only been able to work on the fic while I'm at work, with one exception. I've been using my phone to remote access my computer and work on the fic. The draw back is that it drains my battery and my data. So, I can only do it sparingly. So, I decided to just use Google Doc and get the app for my phone. Hopefully, I can work on the fic more with that while I'm at work. It'll also help for when I get an editor...if I get one. I'm still looking

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Report Li_Time · 204 views · #update #fanfic #twilight #dash #harry #gdoc

A Salute to the end. (Don't worry, I'm not leaving.) · 12:56pm May 4th, 2020

It's May 4th, Star Wars Day. And with that, Season 7 of Clone Wars came to an end. We saw Ahsoka and Rex part ways, and an great finale with Darth Vader at the wreckage of Ahsoka's Venator ship and the graves of all the Clones who died.

As a tribute to the series that has inspired my love of Star Wars so much, a new chapter of Hope in the Force will be released today.

I hope you'll enjoy seeing the Clones of the 389th meet their first taste of combat on Equestria.

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Spooky Nightmare-Night Update (October 2019)! · 10:40pm Oct 31st, 2019

Hello, and Happy Nightmare Night! Hopefully you'll all be having a spooky time full of candy and costumes; I know I'll be enjoying it to the fullest, now that I can spend it at home.

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IW2 Update · 10:43pm Oct 9th, 2018

After...two votes. I've made my decision. The MLP chapters will stay on here, the Non MLP's will be posted on DeviantART on my page. I go by the same name as on here.

The next chapter will go up tomorrow(coincidentally my Birthday), and after that, the one with the most votes by next Monday will be the next chapter written. Poll's in the link.

Viewing 6561 - 6580 of 10,585 results