
Viewing 641 - 660 of 903 results

Cruising 2 is completed! · 4:26pm Jan 9th, 2020

And holy shit, this story reached a whopping twenty one thousand words! I didn't plan for it to be that long, but you can't say I wasn't dedicated to the story and content. And lemme just say, this story has some good content~

Its currently up on my Patreon, where it can be read before proofreading and publication. If you wanna check it out a little early, or just wanna help a freelance writer in exchange for good content, then check out the link to my Patreon below:

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The Patreon Poll Results for January 2020 are revealed · 6:03am Feb 1st, 2020

Alright, guys! After over a week of compiling entries and casting out polls, I'm very excited to reveal the final results of my Patreon Story Poll, as well as the results of my Gambler-Tier Randomizer Poll!

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I uploaded my latest Zootopia story on FurAffinity and SoFurry · 2:10pm Feb 5th, 2020

Heya, guys! Are you a fan of Zootopia?

Do you like Nick Wilde?~

Do you wanna see Nick Wilde laying some eggs?

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Help? · 5:47pm Feb 10th, 2022

Its me, the self proclaimed shoddy writer!

Ive got a question for you all.
Patreon. Its a thing I've been tinkering with a little, but before I get too far down that road, I figured I would ask the lovely and exponentially more knowledgeable users of thus site, if its even a thing I can attach to this account.

And even if it is, is it something y'all would be interested in?

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Patreon Update · 3:15am Feb 1st, 2021

As part of a February drive for my Patreon I'm making the Prologue and the first two parts (consisting of about five chapters total) of my novel: Bare Knuckles & Butterflies, open to the public. No subscription necessary, you can read the first five chapters right there on my site. You can find it under the tag BK&B, easiest to just sort from Oldest to Newest if you want to give the story a read and decide if its worth it to join up

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Update: My newest clopfic is finished on Patreon! · 6:49pm Aug 6th, 2022

For those of you who hadn't read my previous blogpost, I spent the past week working on an entry for Dezmo's NSFW Story Contest. The story, titled Pleasing Your Stallion 101 - Featuring the Student Six, has just been finished and available to read on my Patreon page. I still need to wait for a cover

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The Blog Post I'm SO Much Happier to Write · 9:38pm Feb 2nd, 2019

As I begin this blog, know that while we're not completely out of the woods yet—me and my family—things are already looking up so, so much. Below, I have an update for you on the whole situation and what you've managed to help us all accomplish so far, as well as a personal thanks written by my mum for all of your kind words and generosity!

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THREE DAYS. · 7:40am Jun 7th, 2020

Don't forget, Splintershard goes live on June 10th!

Support me and this story by joining my Patreon! The OMEGA CHUNGUS HECKERIDOO MASTER tier even lets you commission me! :raritywink:


Fluttercheer's Weekly Writing #1 · 4:57pm Jul 16th, 2019

With the launch of my Patreon account, I am starting a new series called "Fluttercheer's Weekly Writing"! This will be a series of reports to show you what I have been writing each week. You can read a longer and in-depth version of this report on Patreon for pledging 5$ per month in the "The Early Foal Sneaks A Peek" tier.

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My Patreon and Ko-fi account relaunch will take a little longer. · 5:03am Nov 30th, 2022

Today, the relaunch of my redesigned Patreon and Ko-fi accounts was supposed to happen, as I announced here, but I am going to take a bit more time with it. I am in the middle of redesigning it right now, but the first time I launched my Patreon account, I was hasty and it didn't turn out as well as

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I'm getting there · 11:38am Aug 10th, 2016

(Tagging all my stories as I want people to know what I'm doing. Turns out I can't do that... I'll just do MLR instead)

Turns out Patreon is a little more complicated than I thought it would be.

I have a plan now though. Hopefully I can launch my patreon on the 1st of september with a bunch of new content and a good idea what to do next, with a regular schedule of uploads I can stick to, which is yet to be deciced.

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Monsterotica the comic · 6:40pm Jul 28th, 2019

Hey, guy's are you a fan of woman with big breast? Like monster girls? well, I got some news for you, I'm writing a comic. So far i've gotten an artist to come on and work on this to help give the comic some life. it's called Monsterotica- Anthology. it's a collection of short stories involving monster girls and the guy's who find them. now, these will be stories I've written and turned into comics. If you want to support them and help give them life guess what you, can join me on patreon and

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For those of you that would like to know · 2:21am Jan 5th, 2019

I have a Patreon and Ko-fi now. Those of you I have or still do volunteer editing for will not be affected in any way. I will continue editing what I said I would.

However, if you want to send something my way, that would be much appreciated.

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Draft of Chapter 8 (the shoggoth confrontation) is (finally) up on Patreon · 8:52pm May 8th, 2019

THIS IS A BUG. ADMINS HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED. [ Click here for intended Blog Post ]


I'm buying in, selling out, breathing in, bleeding out... support me, please! · 1:41am Jul 23rd, 2017

I've had a Patreon for a long while now, but I need donations now more than ever with the winter coming. Pretty soon I may need to rely on my supporters just to pay rent.

It's not like you all won't be getting anything out of it. I'll be posting Patron-only content both SFW and NSFW. I've already got a few things up that I'm sure will appeal to fans of Maud Pie. Limestone is next.

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Next Up... · 11:10pm Aug 22nd, 2017

Classes started today, one week earlier than I had planned for. So I've been kind of super freaking busy.

My teaching style, minus the humiliation. I like helping students by using profanity.

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Making the Best of Bad, Emersion Breaking Story Telling Part 1. Dealer’s choice Patreon reward for TheGreatEater. · 4:39am May 1st, 2018

Heya readers! Welcome to part 2 of my ‘I messed up and failed to meet my blog responsibilities in March and will continue to mess up next month’ blog series which is actually part 1 of a sub-series! Yesterday I pinned most my troubles on allergies, which is still true from a writing perspective. I’m not going to bother to link yesterday’s blog. You should all know to get to it…

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I'm not saying that I went overboard... · 7:19pm Jul 8th, 2018

But Chapter 5 is up on Patreon and it might be almost as big as the previous 4 chapters added together.

Coming to Fimfiction sometime in the next few weeks to give my Patrons an exclusive sneak peek! Again, thank you to the people who chose to help me live the dream.

**THIS is available at the 1$ Pleadge value as well!*


Showing His Place spinoff update · 10:34pm Oct 4th, 2020

Welp, I started this spinoff story to the Showing His Place series a couple days ago. Since so many people were willing to help me out after my phone broke, I've been working hard to get this prompt off the ground:

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News, News, and More News! · 8:26pm Jul 31st, 2020

Viewing 641 - 660 of 903 results