
Viewing 641 - 660 of 1,244 results

Doctor Perseus Reviews: "Made in Manehattan" and "The Witch's Familiar" *SPOILERS* · 5:18am Sep 27th, 2015

In this week's episode of MLP, Rarity and Applejack are sent to Manehattan by the Cutie Map. There, they reunite with Coco Pommel and agree to help her with the upcoming Midsummer Theater Revival. However, Rarity and Applejack quickly realize that they may have bitten off more than they can chew...

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We Need More Episodes Like "Canterlot Boutique" · 12:00am Sep 13th, 2015

I'm frankly burning out on Friendship is Magic as a series. I've never been a fan of sitcoms, especially Aesop-driven ones meant for children. They tend to run out of material at some point, and the delivery of the morals gets rather repetitive. I especially hate the "lose to win" cliche as no one in their right mind would accept the terms the story provides without exhausting their options. I've also grown tired of the characters and their increasingly one-note personality the writers have

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Top Five Favorite Characters MLP:FIM · 2:15am Sep 14th, 2015

As you all know, I wrote a top five most hated MLP character list. Well, like every Yin needs it's Yang, I'm going to be balance out all that hate with some love. This is my top five MLP:FIM characters!

5) Granny Smith

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Chapter 7 - Runway Success Summary · 4:40pm Feb 8th, 2016

Ok so I'm majorly requested to make summaries of the future chapters of the season 6 story, so I'm going to give a short summary of what the next chapter will be about. If you don't want spoilers, please avoid this.

Rarity has a new dress to advertise over at Canterlot Carousel Boutique, and she asks Sassy Saddles to model her in the dress for her. The show was so successful that Sassy is asked to model for Fashion Plate for his magazine, but that would also take time away from the boutique.


We need voice actresses!!! · 10:21pm Feb 8th, 2016

Hello guys & gals,

As some of you might probably remember, Angel Wings started the auditions for a fanfic dramatic reading of an Apple Scratch toward the world. It took her quite some times, but she's almost managed to gather enough people for all the necessary roles!

I say almost, because sadly she's missing four more people for four central roles in the story.

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The sun sets on the Sunset Shipping Project · 11:03pm Sep 28th, 2016

Well, it's been 10 days now since I posted the first story, and the last has finally fallen out of the feature box. It was a fun time. Dominated the featurebox, at one point had 4 stories in there at once, gained almost 200 new followers. I hope all of you enjoyed reading them as much as I did writing them. Not bad for 7 months worth of writing and editing.

Story breakdowns and future plans after the break.

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P.P.O.V. review · 12:13am Oct 4th, 2016

Hello there, Another week, another episode. sorry for not posting this earlier, but I went home for the weekend to see my sibling's production of "A Comedy of Errors" and didn't actually watch the episode until today between classes. Let's take a look at the episode now. Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie have all gone on a cruise to "get each other out of their element" and it all goes horribly wrong. Twilight ends up having to play the mediator between these three and try to figure out what

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Chapter update - Let's Rock 'N' Roll · 9:50pm Aug 1st, 2016


Hat Trick · 8:35pm Sep 21st, 2016

I pulled off the Hat Trick!

Dear fimfiction: I am holding the feature box hostage. Please deliver $10,000,000 in umarked bills to the specified location.

(I'm sorry. It'll all be over in a week, I promise.)

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Chapter 9 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up! · 5:00pm May 12th, 2017

Phew! Got that up before my 4-day weekend started!

The month of April is kind of a strange month for me. I was telling my Dad on the phone a few weeks ago, that it's felt that way since I was a teen, and I think it has to do with April being that 'transitional' month, between Winter and Spring.

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Story update · 11:41pm Feb 14th, 2017

I'm writing the 6th chapter of 'Let's Rock 'N' Roll' right now. I've got almost 10,000 words done and there's still a lot more to write. It will be a big one, possibly 20,000+ words. It should be out this month, as should the next chapters of 'I Treasure Your Love' and 'One Step Forward, A Huge Shove Backwards'.


Story update · 5:56pm Feb 22nd, 2017


Sorry guys · 6:28am May 15th, 2017

As you guys have seen, I can no longer keep up with the herd. I've had to many life happenings hit me all at once and cant find the time or energy to write, let alone do anything I'd like to do. However, with this last little change, I have given up entirely, and I want to say I'm sorry.

Let me begin with what has been going on with me in real life for almost a year now and you'll understand.

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Update on One Step Forwards, A Huge Shove Backwards · 7:31pm May 1st, 2016

Finally got round to writing the 3rd chapter. Done about 1,000 words so far. I'm collaborating with Eon333MS on this story. I should have the chapter finished by the end of the week but no promises. I had a job interview last Wednesday and I'm waiting to hear the outcome. If I get it I'll be touring the UK where I could be away for up to three weeks at a time. Hope I get the job.


Update on One Step Forwards, A Huge Shove Backwards · 4:57pm May 4th, 2016

I'm making some minor edits to the chapters to fix a few faults. Chapter three is about 4k words long for now.

Update: Edited chapters now out. Chapter Three still being wrote.


Doctor Perseus Reviews: "Gauntlet of Fire" *SPOILERS* · 9:42pm Apr 16th, 2016

In this week's episode of MLP, Spike, along with every other dragon, is summoned to the Dragon Lands by the Dragon Lord to compete for the honor of becoming the next Dragon Lord. While hesitant at first, Spike decides to compete in order to prevent any bloodthirsty dragons from becoming the next Dragon Lord...

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Chapter 18 update · 1:55pm May 12th, 2016

I'm writing the 18th chapter now. There will be some gross bits in regards to Connor's medical condition that may gross some of you out, for different reasons. FYI I have a dirty sense of humour. Connor may appear to be a little of character but remember what he's going through at the moment, he's not exactly fighting fit.


The Stepfather (1987) · 3:08am Jan 25th, 2016

You know, for as overly dramatic as Rarity is with her relationships, she's had it pretty easy in some respects. Oh sure, she's had her heart broken a few times. Dates or stallions haven't lived up to her expectations (Blueblood and Trenderhoof) and yet pretty much after a gallon of ice cream and a day or two of moping or crazy antics she gets over it. One hoof in front of the other she buries herself in her work and helping out her friends.

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Chapter 12 of "The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf" is now up, and some story musings* · 5:08am Jun 23rd, 2017

Well, a little early, but what the hey!

Here we get into some more character development regarding Coral Leaf's parents, and Applejack learning a few things about them, and their lifestyle.

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I GOT FEATURED! · 2:16pm Aug 4th, 2017

An hour or so ago at the time of writing, I got my work rota for the following week. Seeing that I had yet again been given just THREE hours, I started to feel down again.

I none-the-less soldiered on and finished the 29th chapter.

I was on the main page when I closed it to go and make a cup of tea, but just as I shut the page down, I saw what I thought was the cover image of my story, so I reloaded the main page and saw something good.

My story 'I Treasure Your Love' got featured.

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Viewing 641 - 660 of 1,244 results