
Viewing 6601 - 6620 of 10,585 results

Wow, okay... · 7:13pm May 5th, 2019

Hey everyone!

It's good seeing you again, what's been happening? Anything exciting happening you lot, hm? If so, let me know! I'd love to know what you guys have been getting up too! Any plans for the summer, that's quickly approaching us?

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If you ever.... · 10:25am Sep 2nd, 2019

If you ever -

Met your OC, what would you say to them?

If you ever met one of the Mane Six / Seven, how would you spend the day with them?

If you ever ended up in Equestria, would you live in Ponyville, or would you venture across the world and settle someplace else?

Met Dr Hooves, where would you like him to time travel with you to, and why?

Had a choice between being an Earth pony, pegasus or unicorn, which one would you be, and why?

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State of the Scribe: March 2021 · 1:35am Mar 2nd, 2021

It's still a little weird to me I have to put years in these. When I switched to writing part time, then full time, I imagined that the change would be over any minute. I'd be going back to some desk to write some stupid new database code or maybe unit tests for something or other. But here we are, no breaks!

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My Second Cuddle fic is done and Edited! Kind of....... · 4:18am Mar 2nd, 2021

I have edited it and fixed most, if not all the mistakes in it, I am going to be going back and adding more detail. I did this to the last one and got a couple thousand words added to it, from a little over seven hundred to a little over 3k. Just from detail alone. Hopefully, I can add a couple more thousand words to this one and get it to 5k. It's already close to 3k, it's definitely better than the first, I promise. It'll be posted most likely by the end of the week.


Well looky here! Chapter Six of T.O.M is out! · 12:18pm Jun 10th, 2015

Now go read it.

Report Ice Star · 207 views · #update #tom #au #story #icestarpony #blag

In case I neglected to mention this... · 7:49pm Sep 6th, 2015

I don't post blog entries terribly often here, because I'm more active on deviantArt in that regard.

Here's my Deviant page:

Yes, my avatar and profile image are the same as here; our late family cat Misty (14 years old, she was a strong and capable cat).

I don't post much in the way of visual art. Most of my submissions are based in writing; thoughts, feelings, reflection, speculation, and others.


Poisoned Barb Chapter Tier List (Plus Show-style Synopses!) · 5:50pm Nov 28th, 2020

Howdy howdy~

Derply here, wanting to at least post SOMETHING on this site one more time before this blasted year comes to an end :twilightblush: (skip to the word Synopses if you don't want to be bored by my status update. I won't judge :derpytongue2:)

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State of the Scribe: December 2020 · 2:39am Dec 2nd, 2020

Happy holidays everyone! It may be that season, but stories wait for nobody, so here we are. Some news, some new stories, and a few coming to their end, so let's get started.

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HEY! IT'S ME! NOT AUSTIN! · 11:54pm Mar 3rd, 2018

Well, hello everypony. This is a real first for me. I usually don't make blogs. Well, I used to not write, but now I'm creating a novel based on a story I love. Seems that there's a first for everything. So, what I came here today to talk about is FoE: A Song of Hope. So, if you've been wondering where the new chapters have gone, and you're not someone who can read very big bold text, then you may want to know that I've been rewriting the chapters for the story recently.

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Progress · 8:12pm Jul 11th, 2020

Engrish Translation: Words = 3911 Pages = 8
Only about halfway if I am right. So this chapter might be even longer than number 9 OwO


Chapter 19 Is All Done!! :D · 8:43pm Mar 11th, 2018

Hello everyone!

The new chapter to 'Apart From The Pegasi' is up and ready for you all to read, I hope you all enjoy it and I know it is a bit shorter than the other chapters, but the next chapter should be longer, and will be coming on the 25th of March so look forward to it. :twilightsmile:

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Update - Igniting the Torch · 4:25am Jul 2nd, 2018

Okay. So. Sorry it's taking a while. Chapter three is at 5000+ words and I don't plan to finish it up till about maybe 8/9000+ words. I already have so much planned AFTER this chapter.... Unfortunately I'm trying to dig myself out of a hole in the story and speed it up enough without destroying the pace I have set. Wanna get the ball rolling already. I'm working hard on it as we speak. Just.... So many little things. Also kind of doing edits of whole

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Fulll Update and Preview Pictures · 12:59pm Sep 19th, 2020

So anyone who is a 3$ or higher patron has already seen ALL of these pictures. If you show up to the Wednesday night live streams of the tabletop game you may have also seen a few of them.

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New Orleans Was Amazing! · 5:29am Dec 31st, 2019

It’s 11 O’clock over here in Florida, and we’ve been back from NOLA for an hour or so after an amazing day! Aside from finding a parking spot (tip: find a parking spot by a hotel If you go, because ain’t no way you’re gonna find a spot on the street like you think you are. We spent forty five minutes looking for a parking spot. Don’t make my mistakes folks.), we had a great day! We took a carriage tour of the French Quarter and our guide was AWESOME! We learned so much about the city! Then we

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New Chapter of The Lulamoon Files! Chapter Seven! · 12:44pm Jan 28th, 2019

So maybe I'm still too sick to be writing and editing but I'm also going stir crazy so I had to get this out. Hope you all enjoy it. XD

New Chapter Here


Can You See Me Now: Chapter 2 · 9:30pm Jan 2nd, 2020

Chapter 2 of my new story is finally up. I've still got family coming and going so my work on this has been slower than usual; speaking of which, Happy New Year to everyone. :twilightsmile: In this chapter, our three focuses make their appearance after their encounters with Renaissance and definitely leave an impact. The important thing I want to get across with this story is that Zephyr, Marble and Snips may come off as out of character but that is the entire point. How this all works gets

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Status update and announcement: Ocellus at the Trader's Exchange. · 4:11pm Apr 25th, 2020

Hey, all, quick couple of announcements.

Second story of the Bastion trilogy now has a full first draft. I'll finish the third story's first draft, then go back and start over and edit things for consistency with theme and such, as per usual when doing larger projects. Advance warning, though: I'll be using Starlight Glimmer extensively in the first two. Feel free to tune out if that's a hard 'no' for you.

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Did We Make A Difference UPDATE important · 6:11pm May 22nd, 2020

As many of you who read this little collection of tales involving Bronies/ Pegasisters may not be aware of; this was never meant to be an anthology.
Originally it was my heartfelt confession and thank you for everything the show has done for me. My buddy Statz said I should do interviews for other's stories, and so I did.

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Just an update. · 2:25am Dec 5th, 2019

Hey, folks! Just wanted to let you know that writing is still happening. Things on the life end have been fairly distracting, what with cleaning, relationships, and personal demons not unlike Bolt's plaguing my mind as of late. It's a little slower, but it's definitely happening! After a chapter of fun, we're going to be getting into one of the greater story arcs of this season, possibly continuing another at the same time! So look forward to it!

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Act Two and Editing · 6:34am Oct 8th, 2015

Despite gaming with friends today, I was able to finish the second act of the story. The finish line is in sight now, and I'm ready to cross it. However, I still have to cut up Act Two into chapters first. That's my plan for tomorrow when I get off work.

What still needs to be done:
Cut up Act Two
Write Act Three
- Harry
- Discord
- ???
Cut up Act Three
Final Chapter
Edit Again!

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Viewing 6601 - 6620 of 10,585 results