
Viewing 6661 - 6680 of 9,668 results

The Publishing Treetops Shake · 7:15pm Jul 22nd, 2020


Here we go · 9:56pm Jul 19th, 2018

Y’all probably thought I was dead,, but here I am. And let me tell you, in just a few short hours (not to be confused with long hours) I will be dropping the fanfiction equivalent of a shitpost. There’s more below the break.

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Did you hear the news? Apparently, this disgusting 'new holiday' is a thing made by some sick bastards on TikTok... (Warning: it's fucking vile) · 8:36pm Apr 18th, 2021

Well, apparently this is a thing and it does nothing but prove how fucking vile men are and can be. What the actual fuck is wrong with these people? They're as mental as the dirty bastards in that one country that supposedly 'legalised' rape and sexual assault on women, like it was their right to do it.

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The Ghost of Coltistrano is getting a sequel! · 3:46am May 8th, 2020

Happy quarantine, everyone!

For those of you who don't know, my fan-novel The Ghost of Coltistrano was released last July, and in that time I've made an effort to begin a sequel series following that characters and expanding the world a bit more. It's been a great way to spend the quarantine and stretch the ol' writing legs again.

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I made a sad story and I hope you will check it out~ · 4:54am Nov 15th, 2022

So, I made a sad story within a couple hours because I felt like it~ It's titled Lingering Touch. Feel free to check it out!


New Splintershard chapter! I hid a little secret in it. ;) · 6:26am Jul 8th, 2020

Once upon a time, Equestria flourished. That time is now long-gone.
TheMajorTechie · 82k words  ·  68  8 · 1.4k views

Try to find it, ya doofuses. :rainbowwild:

Oh and also arc 2|1 is complete and stuff. That's cool too I guess.


State of the Scribe: January 2023 · 10:43pm Jan 1st, 2023

Happy new year, everyone! I'm ready to enjoy an awesome year of the rabbit, because buns are the best and much cuter than rats let's just be honest. Another month, another calendar. Not quite full every day of the month, as you can see here. But there's a lot of good stuff, so let's get into it.

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New-year status update! · 3:37pm Jan 1st, 2023

Hello, Fimfiction! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Boy, I bet people still keep finding presents under New-year trees!

Happy holidays :yay: :pinkiehappy:!

(Man, I can't believe the year number has changed!..)
(Also I can't believe I never cheered for the past 2022 :pinkiegasp:!)

Well, the past year has turned out to be better in many regards...

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The Price We Pay – Ten Year Edition! · 6:31pm Dec 9th, 2022

You know, now that I’ve reached this point I almost don’t know what to say.

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“Behind Him” Chapter 3 is Almost Done! · 4:34am May 29th, 2020

The editing process for Chp. 3 of “Behind Him” is at least 1/3 of the way finished. The whole narrative is completed I just have to go through all the nit picky editing. I’m honestly not sure why editing took so long this time other than I’ve been busy. Anyways, just letting you all know that you’ll have something to look forward to here soon, hopefully by sometime next month :raritywink::twilightsmile:


Update, July 12th 2023 · 8:46pm Jul 12th, 2023

I have submitted a new story that is related to the ‘Celestial Bodies’ stories, but is actually my first story to be rated ‘Everyone.’ I hope y’all still like it. :ajsmug:

It is a prequel to ‘Celestial Bodies’ and the ‘Cosmology’ tales, but because the rating was different it is a separate story. :applejackunsure:

EGolden Origin
Dwelling in the Sunward Bough of the great tree, the silent Kirin are met with noisy Ponies seeking refuge from disaster.
EroPony1000 · 1000 words · 161 views

Here are links to the other stories:

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I will be watching My Little Pony: A New Generation tomorrow · 11:52pm Sep 23rd, 2021

Because I sign up for a contest which is about creating Gen 5 stories, I will be watching the movie so I can get the idea what to do with my story and what do I think about the film.

I know some folks are not happy about this film being the sequel of FiM show but what the hell… I want to give it a chance and remember the old saying?

Never judge a book by its cover.



Final Axtara – Banking and Finance Preview! Preorder is Live! · 6:58pm Dec 19th, 2020


Apologies. · 12:49pm Mar 18th, 2023

It was a missimput. I hate when that happens on phone.

I'm very sorry for those who got the notification. Rest assured though: There is indeed a new chapter in the works and it has been cooking up for a while.

There's been a lot going on, and that's the main reason why I haven't published any chapter in such a long time.

Once again, my sincere apologies, and a new chapter will be out soon.


Random: Anyone else get these? · 4:23am Oct 8th, 2019

Warning, spoiler for story contained within.

Preface: I've been expanding upon my post-secondary education for the better part of a decade.

I started getting these dreams after I graduated college. Actually, I blame my dad for putting them in my head because I didn't start getting them till he told me about his.

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Ok, so... · 12:29am Mar 22nd, 2022

Heads up, a new story is well on its way.

Stay tuned.:twilightsmile:


Short and Long Descriptions · 1:27am Feb 5th, 2022

I have changed the short and long descriptions on the story. A forum poster pointed out reasonably that my descriptions seem to give away everything about the story, and won’t entice new readers because they think they understand what will happen. The new descriptions evoke a sense of mystery

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Progress update · 6:10am Sep 27th, 2022

Hello everyone! :raritystarry:

So, it's been a while, no new chapter for anything yet, but I have been writing. Some progress made on Darkness Falls, I'm mostly hemming and hawing about where is a good stopping point for this current chapter. :derpytongue2: Also still need to decide on a quote for the chapter. I have a few in mind, but they're kind of like "eh" choices, or "this quote would go better in a future chapter, I think". That kind of stuff... :applejackunsure:


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"I Don't Want To Be Alone" · 9:30pm Jan 27th, 2016

So... the new story I'm writing is going to be a one-shot fluff piece who's main purpose is to get me to write something and kill this damn writers block that is getting in my way...

But here's the thing. I could easily end it at the one chapter and never visit it again. I could also easily turn it into another full-blown novel thing that I will never finish. I could also make it a one-shot with a sequel later.

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Forward! · 9:08pm Sep 19th, 2023

Holy crap, I didn't realize three years had gone by since I'd last updated What They Hope to Find! I just kinda stared at the difference in publication dates from Chapters 2 and 3 for a really long time. That's wild...

So, I'm doing noticeably better from my last post. Better, not perfect, but who is doing that well these days, anyway? I have good and bad days. Happy to say, more good than bad lately. Thanks again to everyone who reached out.

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Viewing 6661 - 6680 of 9,668 results