
Viewing 6661 - 6680 of 10,581 results

Few Stories in mind. · 6:01pm Aug 9th, 2017

I know I havent been posting any stories at all yet, let alone post any blogs yet either. I may not be a professional writer but I will point out i do some fanfic stories out of fun even if I am not that good at writing.

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Status update of 'How To' · 8:49pm May 14th, 2020


Nova Digi Log: Updates · 7:39am Jun 6th, 2016

Hello, subscribers! Nova here.

So, my exams begin today and end on Wednesday. So during this time, all my stories will be put on hold. Please bear with me. I really want to get over with this part of my life so I can move on.

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Little Update · 10:28pm Dec 22nd, 2016

Hey guys. Galaxy here. Just wanted to post this little update regarding my stories. I know some of you may have thought I take requests for stories. Hate to burst your bubble, but I don't. The only reason you guys see other users in any of my stories is because those users are close friends of mine. (You guys know who you are ^^) Secondly, yes, I have noticed the lack of E and T rated fics in my archives. That is because I excel at M rated adventure

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New Updates on the Way! · 8:33am Oct 3rd, 2021

Hello again, everyone! I've been quite busy with my real life and with building up my writing website, but I am glad to announce that I will soon be creating more stories on here as well, which will also be published on my website! Older chapters will slowly appear on the website over time, and will hopefully be updated more often. I'm also hoping to create an upload schedule, and am going to plan something out for that soon.

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Another featured story? · 5:54pm Mar 5th, 2022

In a perfect world, stories like mine would not get featured... but this is not a perfect world.

It happened again! A joke story I wrote in a very short amount of time got noticed by all the wrong people, and now it has more engagement than 90% of the rest of the stories on this site. Shall I pity myself? Eh, not really.

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Status update: I'm back to business! · 2:14pm Oct 29th, 2019

Guess what? All I've needed has been a vacation! Yeah, it's taken a long time, just about three months, but, hey! I'm back to business, baby!

The sixth chapter for the genie story is being written.

Also I have got inspiration and launched a new story! Unfortunately, I must come up with a description... and I don't know yet where the plot goes to. Oh, I'll figure it out eventually :twilightsmile:!

I have as many, as 5 chapters thereof :yay:!

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Current Status and Crossposting · 7:38pm Aug 14th, 2021

Hope you guys are well! Thank you all for your patience, currently working on the next chapter. I’ve been really busy lately but am finding time. We’ll be arriving in Appleloosa next!

By the way, this story is now on Click here to give it a look, it’s a little more polished. Check it out and if you feel up for it, drop a follow or review. Have a lovely day, all of you!


Saturday Part Up! · 4:48pm Oct 31st, 2020

Hello all. Newest part to In Harmony's Wake is now up. I'm going to try to generally upload these around 4:30 PM GMT, or about 12:30 PM on the U.S. East Coast, and 9:30 AM on the U.S. West Coast. Generally, anyway, as some mornings it may come earlier. But I have the next several parts already fully prepared to hit a simple publish button.

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Fallout Equestria The Division NEWS & UPDATES · 10:52pm Mar 1st, 2021

So far I've completed the story, but I thought about making changes and perhaps even add new chapters for our beloved characters. I am very of this novel, I really am, and as much as I would make a sequel-- rather add some new chapters instead.

If you haven't already, I recommend you read it again, or continue to where you left off. Thanks again for all the support, and I hope to bring in more new content.

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New Profile Pic · 5:02am Sep 2nd, 2020

So as you can see, I have a new profile pic. Will leave both artist and full image for you to check it out. This is OFFICIALLY the look of Max Awol aka the Maniacal Hero (a human superhero and my little avatar) as a pony.

What do you guys think? I wanted him to incorporate the colors of the four emotions Max uses for his powers the golden yellow in his mane is joy, the purple coat is fear, and his blue and red eyes are anger and sadness.

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Some good news regarding my health. · 5:09pm Nov 15th, 2019

I apologize but I have been a bit sluggish in updates recently because it's been a rather crazy week. I'm working on the next chapter for My Sister, Cozy Glow and I'm liking it so far. :pinkiesmile:

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Reader's Request Book Update Poll · 6:55am Oct 28th, 2021

Hello to everypony, this is your friendly neighborhood Shadow Quill with a VERY important question for you all. I am currently facing a dilemma pertaining to my unfinished books and need your help to sort through the miasma in my brain.

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Good news! · 5:17pm Sep 7th, 2020

I am no longer sick!

I got infected with COVID-19 and been quarantined for several weeks now! Sorry about the lack of updates on my part.


An Interesting Title (Updates on all of my stories) · 4:11pm Aug 18th, 2020

I had a long, drawn-out blog post detailing why I came back, but it sounded far to preachy and bloated so I didn't post it. The tl;dr of it was "I'm back" anyways, so why not just post that.

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Can You See Me Now: Chapter 3 · 1:36am Jan 11th, 2020

Chapter 3 is done, after some delay due to work load. So far, this story isn't exactly setting the site on fire; which may be the folly of using less popular characters. Even so, I don't intend to abandon the idea. Again, feel free to share whatever you may think or find within the story. Enjoy.

ECan You See Me Now
Zephyr Breeze, Marble Pie and Snips set themselves on their friends and family after receiving greatly enhanced abilities from an unknown Unicorn.
Marezinger Z · 19k words  ·  20  1 · 894 views

Can You See Me Now: Chapter 4 · 1:13am Jan 20th, 2020

With chapter 4, we're at the meat of the story where the second round of confrontations details more of Zephyr, Marble and Snips' deep rooted feelings about their lives. This point in the story is the fundamental idea I had when I first came up with the idea for this story; so I hope it impacts in all the right ways as I'm am not trying to force unnatural or out of character motivations. I can genuinely see these three feeling this way based on what has happened and how they are used and

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My Apologies and a Q&A · 9:10pm Nov 22nd, 2019

As stated in my last chapter, for this week until after Monday morning I don't really have the time to write my usual chapter a week. The reasoning is simple, I had two papers and two different presentations, the papers and one of the presentations due throughout the week, and my final presentation on Monday. This means that I don't have time to work on the chapters for Illuminate the Shadows, unfortunately. However, it is fall break and I will be able to write at least one chapter over

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A decision regarding future entries in my fic universe... · 12:52pm Mar 2nd, 2022

So... I took a long time making a decision on this point, because I was worried the result would be potentially confusing for readers... but I thought it over, and I think it is the lesser of two evils in the end.

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The Update of Updateness · 12:02pm Jul 25th, 2015

I apologize for the title to this blog post. I just thought that it might be funny in some way :D No? *Ahem* okay, moving on. Okay, I'm in the early stages of planning a MLP series tilted 'Sparity Chronicles' the series will be treated like an actual television series so for each story it'll have a different plot, a different episode name and various other characters popping in and out. However! the main focus will be on the characters Rarity and Spike.

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Viewing 6661 - 6680 of 10,581 results