
Viewing 6681 - 6700 of 9,663 results

My Little Pony: A New Generation Clip - The Royal Family · 7:08pm Jan 18th, 2022


New story! · 2:46pm May 2nd, 2017

ok, so I'm planning on posting a new story. I have an idea for it and hope you guys like it. It's more or less a backstory of my OC 'One' and what he special ability is. It's not going to be a really happy fun story though. It's not what I'm used to writing but it is something I really want to get out there with.


I made a sad story and I hope you will check it out~ · 4:54am Nov 15th, 2022

So, I made a sad story within a couple hours because I felt like it~ It's titled Lingering Touch. Feel free to check it out!


So, what am I doing during Splintershard's hiatus? · 8:28am Oct 26th, 2020


Of course, I've also got a good 5 chapters of Splintershard Arc 3 summarized. Just gotta expand those summaries into full chapter plans now.

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Final Axtara – Banking and Finance Preview! Preorder is Live! · 6:58pm Dec 19th, 2020


Apologies. · 12:49pm Mar 18th, 2023

It was a missimput. I hate when that happens on phone.

I'm very sorry for those who got the notification. Rest assured though: There is indeed a new chapter in the works and it has been cooking up for a while.

There's been a lot going on, and that's the main reason why I haven't published any chapter in such a long time.

Once again, my sincere apologies, and a new chapter will be out soon.


Forward! · 9:08pm Sep 19th, 2023

Holy crap, I didn't realize three years had gone by since I'd last updated What They Hope to Find! I just kinda stared at the difference in publication dates from Chapters 2 and 3 for a really long time. That's wild...

So, I'm doing noticeably better from my last post. Better, not perfect, but who is doing that well these days, anyway? I have good and bad days. Happy to say, more good than bad lately. Thanks again to everyone who reached out.

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Questionably Pony-Me related question. · 4:38am Jun 27th, 2019

So. Worlds Reset.

My next major story is currently in the works, but as far as story planning and direction goes, I've been getting split opinions from my prereaders.

Would you rather read Worlds Reset as a nearly-direct sequel to Pony-Me? Even if it would require the retconning of several major events in the story for the sake of letting the existence of Worlds Reset's protagonist even *exist*?

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New Story: Optimal Game Master · 8:21pm Mar 9th, 2021

Hey pones, just wanted to get the word out that a new story is live here on fimfiction! This is another optimalverse story, as the title might suggest, exploring a concept that I've never seen touched on in any other optimalverse stories before. What would it be like to use Equestria Online to run your tabletop games?

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“Behind Him” Chapter 3 is Almost Done! · 4:34am May 29th, 2020

The editing process for Chp. 3 of “Behind Him” is at least 1/3 of the way finished. The whole narrative is completed I just have to go through all the nit picky editing. I’m honestly not sure why editing took so long this time other than I’ve been busy. Anyways, just letting you all know that you’ll have something to look forward to here soon, hopefully by sometime next month :raritywink::twilightsmile:


Update, July 12th 2023 · 8:46pm Jul 12th, 2023

I have submitted a new story that is related to the ‘Celestial Bodies’ stories, but is actually my first story to be rated ‘Everyone.’ I hope y’all still like it. :ajsmug:

It is a prequel to ‘Celestial Bodies’ and the ‘Cosmology’ tales, but because the rating was different it is a separate story. :applejackunsure:

EGolden Origin
Dwelling in the Sunward Bough of the great tree, the silent Kirin are met with noisy Ponies seeking refuge from disaster.
EroPony1000 · 1000 words · 160 views

Here are links to the other stories:

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I will be watching My Little Pony: A New Generation tomorrow · 11:52pm Sep 23rd, 2021

Because I sign up for a contest which is about creating Gen 5 stories, I will be watching the movie so I can get the idea what to do with my story and what do I think about the film.

I know some folks are not happy about this film being the sequel of FiM show but what the hell… I want to give it a chance and remember the old saying?

Never judge a book by its cover.



"I Don't Want To Be Alone" · 9:30pm Jan 27th, 2016

So... the new story I'm writing is going to be a one-shot fluff piece who's main purpose is to get me to write something and kill this damn writers block that is getting in my way...

But here's the thing. I could easily end it at the one chapter and never visit it again. I could also easily turn it into another full-blown novel thing that I will never finish. I could also make it a one-shot with a sequel later.

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[Announcement]:My plans for 2022 part 4 - Adressing the future of "Springtime Nights - Pneuma Flower" and more · 12:46am Jan 4th, 2022

With this blogpost I'll be adressing any remaining sequels in short order. Leave your comments below and any feedback will be considered.

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! ...And a Happy New Year 2021! · 8:31pm Dec 27th, 2021

Hello again my lovelies!

I cannot believe how quick the time has come and gone! I was so caught up with in-real matters, I nearly forgot to come on here and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday! Goodness! I'm such a bad girl, aren't I? No wonder I didn't get any presents this year! Santa's watching, I'm telling you... he's real dammit!


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Next Q&A · 5:22pm Mar 4th, 2022

Well, it's that time again. The first major arc, what I'm calling the Fugitive Arc of Break the Walls Down has officially come to an close. As such, I'm opening up another round for questions from the readers. If there's anything you wanna know about how things have developed so far, coming plans for the story, my ideas for the world and how I'll be growing this universe, or any curiosities about any of the characters you've seen up till now, by all means fire away. 😁 I love to hear from you

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Feeln' fine with Chapter 9 · 4:57pm Jan 29th, 2019

Hey everyone,

Brrr it's cold outside! Who let the wendigo out?! The cold might be be slowing everything to a crawl, but it's not putting a freeze on chapter release. Chapter 9 of Fallout Equestria: Clockwork Precision is now live for your reading enjoyment. The story's coming along swimmingly and I look forward to this coming Thursday, when I'll simultaneously break double digits for chapters posted and complete my first full month of posting!

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New Story Release - Bruised Apple (Warning: non-con story) · 5:16pm Oct 4th, 2020

Okay, this story is here because I was finishing what I started a short bit ago, not because I went back on my word.

I haven't written a story like this since Defiled Loyalty, but this takes it a step further and is on a subject I avoid as much as humanly possible. It's a bit more violent than you might think (as were my earliest stories) and it honestly hurt me inside to write this, going into what happened to Apple Bloom. I hold a soft spot for her, so it did sting quite a bit.

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I'm writing another thing. · 6:36pm Mar 20th, 2019

Hey all 2.3 people who follow me, and or have the slightest interest in what I do. I'm writing another thing, and I am going to try to make it much longer, but no promises on that. I'm going to try expand on the things I tried in my previous two stories. Hopefully, or rather assuming I'm not completely incompetent, there will be an actual character arc, and growth.
Basically I'm just saying this to ask, "Hey, did you see something in the other two stories that I should try to improve on?"

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Focus · 6:03pm Apr 23rd, 2022

So someone asked if my latest story Valhalla was my only focus now, and if I had dropped my other stories.

I want to make clear that no, my other stories are not dropped. However I will admit to have grown a bit tired, not of my stories, but just of being stuck. I needed something new to get into writing, and I really wanted to release something new to get pumped about writing again. It has helped, as I have been able to write a lot lately. :ajsmug:

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Viewing 6681 - 6700 of 9,663 results