
Viewing 6721 - 6740 of 9,663 results

Short and Long Descriptions · 1:27am Feb 5th, 2022

I have changed the short and long descriptions on the story. A forum poster pointed out reasonably that my descriptions seem to give away everything about the story, and won’t entice new readers because they think they understand what will happen. The new descriptions evoke a sense of mystery

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Ok, so... · 12:29am Mar 22nd, 2022

Heads up, a new story is well on its way.

Stay tuned.:twilightsmile:


Progress update · 6:10am Sep 27th, 2022

Hello everyone! :raritystarry:

So, it's been a while, no new chapter for anything yet, but I have been writing. Some progress made on Darkness Falls, I'm mostly hemming and hawing about where is a good stopping point for this current chapter. :derpytongue2: Also still need to decide on a quote for the chapter. I have a few in mind, but they're kind of like "eh" choices, or "this quote would go better in a future chapter, I think". That kind of stuff... :applejackunsure:


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Random: Anyone else get these? · 4:23am Oct 8th, 2019

Warning, spoiler for story contained within.

Preface: I've been expanding upon my post-secondary education for the better part of a decade.

I started getting these dreams after I graduated college. Actually, I blame my dad for putting them in my head because I didn't start getting them till he told me about his.

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Chapter Update: Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 5:15pm Sep 12th, 2020

This chapter was another fun one to write, and ultimately got a lot more of the character development stuff than I originally planned on including. Dare I say, this was one of my favorite chapters I’ve ever written, and I’m excited to write more in the future! As always, I’d love to hear what you think about it, so comments and feedback are always appreciated!


well oop. i just sumbit me 1st storie. · 5:03pm Nov 1st, 2020

yes!! u red it cocreclky, i did it. idk if it will b rejekt bc it is sort off a joke b2wen just me and myelself. but im so exited! if they rejekt i will b sewing bc i dide not put in all off the effort just to get rejeckted s.d

- rasta mouse. i am rlly so much cool than u swag face emoji


Being a Better Writer: Live Q&A Event! · 6:43pm Jun 28th, 2021

Hello readers! And welcome back to something different! Not completely different, since A) we’re not doing that bit and B) we’ve done this before … But this will be only the second time.

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more old hard drive ASMR for yall · 9:53pm Oct 14th, 2021

folks liked the last one, so here's another. :P

definitely don't have enough hard drives to keep doing this though, but I guess I'll make do with what I've got in the meantime.


New Story Is A Go! · 5:52am Dec 26th, 2020

TLike Tears In Rain
Lightning Dust sets out to settle her score with Rainbow Dash. Though, she meets a pony that puts a stop to her reckless abandonment.
Not Enough Coffee · 3.3k words  ·  50  3 · 723 views

I was so happy to be given not just Lightning Dust, but Octavia as the ponies to work with for my Jinglemas fic for Penguifyer. I hope he loves it, and you guys too, because I worked really hard on it. I think it's some of my finest, and covers a heavy theme of dealing with someone you dub unforgiven.

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The Point of Acceleration · 7:19pm Jul 6th, 2023


The second step · 7:19pm January 4th

For the first time in my history on the site I have released a second chapter of the story I'm working on within a week of the first.
Considering my prior track record of having a two-year lapse between chapters, I'm really rather proud of that.
I will say, I'm having some doubts as to the quality of what I'm writing, but I'm putting my heart into it and I'll try my very best to not let my own high expectations stop me from writing at all.

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“Behind Him” Chapter 5 almost complete! · 5:16pm Apr 1st, 2021

Chapter 5 of “Behind Him” is very close to completion, I’m mostly just debating over whether to delete a certain scene, change it, or keep it. I also have a bit of editing to do, but that shouldn’t take long at all. My goal is to get this chapter out by tomorrow.


Happy 2024 from Florida! · 7:32pm January 2nd

Greetings Fimfictioners, and a happy 2024 to you all!

I'm writing to you all today from Florida on Vacation and it was much needed and has been so excellent. I know it's been a minute since I've been on here but I also feel comfortable here telling you guys about life stuff so I'm chronicling updates on this little blog since it's a safe space.

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A Limited World · 8:32pm Aug 18th, 2023

This is sort of a fusion news post/Op-Ed post. For a topic not quite developed enough to be a Being a Better Writer post. At least, not yet.

Let me cut to the chase (since I want to get back to Axtara): Earlier this week I went and watched TMNT: Mutant Mayhem.

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Story out now · 1:06pm April 27th

Its out! Like I said before, it will likely be much shorter and to the point than the rest of my stories.

What kind of story is it, exactly? Well, it's a Slice of Life/Romance featuring Rainbow dash and a poor victim of Discord's trickery.

I expect the tone to be much different than my last two larger stories...

Anyways, yeah. Enjoy, :twilightsmile:


The Uncertain Future of My YouTube Channel (An Important Notice to Everyone) · 5:38am Dec 11th, 2020

Hello all. No fancy intros here today, I'm only here to be very real about what's maybe going to happen shortly if all works out.

I'll be moving back home this month, either before Christmas or just slightly after the holidays. When I do, while I'll have a room to sit in, it's not private because it's joined to the old room where my brother now stays. That means that being able to do YT readings won't be possible while I'm home.

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Unfortunate news... · 1:31pm May 3rd

Hey y'all! It's been a while since I logged in here. Life has thrown me and my family a curveball for the first 4 months of 2024. As the title suggests, I regret to inform my friends and followers here that my mom passed away on April 9, 2024 at the age of 65 due to stage 4 non-smoker lung cancer. I'm going to tell you what happened to her in another blog.


Sneak-Peek Saturday #49 (Edited) · 4:19pm Oct 29th, 2022

By the end of Halloween
Luminous MLP: Storm
Chapter 1 Excerpt:

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UPDATE: First Project Back From Break · 12:30am Oct 8th, 2022

Hey guys, Gusto is back. I've been kind of at my wits end for the last few weeks, and now I've sort of got it figured out once again. And now that I'm back with a new profile pic and a new name, I have a new story for you.

... Well, okay, it's technically a new version of a premise I deleted, but I think this version will end up being far superior to the original.

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Hey, Shining Force fans, ready for a marathon · 4:17pm Dec 17th, 2021

Today, right now, I am streaming five hours of Shining Force on Twitch. Come over, bring your friends. Let's talk and have fun.

Viewing 6721 - 6740 of 9,663 results