
Viewing 6741 - 6760 of 9,659 results

New Chapter! · 10:08am June 3rd

The newest chapter of Haven, titled IV. Moon Dancer, has officially been published! Feel free to check it out and give feedback on it. Chapter 5 is already fully written as well and will be published by Tuesday. I’m getting back into the daily update routine. Once this story is finished, I can turn my attention back to the upcoming G5 fics. But right now, this story deserves a proper ending. And we’re only two chapters away from it now. Stay tuned!


I’ve Got News: Axtara Mostly, But Other Stuff Too · 6:15pm Jun 9th, 2023

Hey folks, it’s time for an update. An update that technically should have dropped yesterday, but … I officially started Axtara – Magic and Mayhem‘s draft yesterday and sort of forgot about the news update in a spree of joyful writing an opening/recap. Oops.

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A Sword in Equestria: Updated · 4:33pm Dec 12th, 2023

The new chapter is out as promised.

TA Sword In Equestria
In his service to his world and duty, Keldeo, one of the Swords of Justice, performed the ultimate sacrifice to save all he loved dearly. Luckily, it was not to be the end of his tale.
Joe Toon · 44k words  ·  189  7 · 4.6k views

LATEST FIC! What I am made of. Everpony in Snow Castle thinks Blackberry is part-troll because he is so naughty, and so Clever Clover sends him away forever. After talking to his friends, he finds out what he is made of. 2K words. Candy drama/horror · 7:58am April 27th


Happy New Year. · 6:42pm Dec 31st, 2023

That's it. That's the whole post.

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Update on FOE: TRoS Chapter 2 · 3:00am Apr 21st, 2020

Hey, been a bit more than two weeks, but, chapter is done. Between real life issues for my editors adjusting to a lot of things and me getting the plague (thankfully I've recovered and only have the lingering lack of lung capacity which is only slightly worrying) chapter 2 is finally done. My editors have started nipping at chapter 3 as they have the time to and I'm getting my energy back

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New fic is released! "Reformation from the Heart", my first Patreon commission! · 3:53am Sep 28th, 2020

Among other things, the corona virus has also delayed the publication of fics that are ready for release already, for several months. Which means it is finally time to get these releases moving and so, I finally present to you my First Fic Release of 2020!

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The Prophecy of Darkness · 1:46am Oct 26th, 2021

The eternal darkness is here. There is no sun anymore, no moon and no stars. Everypony is gone. Every animal as well. The world is empty. Monsters prowl the streets. And Silverstream is in the middle of it all. She only has her mobile phone and her own voice to keep her company.
How do you survive in a world that has gone completely dark, where everything tries to kill you and your only glimmer of hope is the electricity that charges your phone?

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August Monthly Schedule- Sorry for being later - Journey To Hearth's Warming - Something is Very Wrong With Canterlot - New One Shot Maybe · 7:28pm Aug 3rd, 2023

Hello everyone, sorry for the late post. I have been through literally hell in the last week of this month. Check my twitter to see why, because I don't want to waste more tears here. Either way, I want to wish you all a good month and good season as I bring you season 6 of Journey To Hearth's Warming and season 1 of Something is Very Wrong With Canterlot and hopefully another one shot. Hoodwinked's next chapters are done, but won't

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New story is released: "Sisters in Frost and Snow" · 5:31am Dec 21st, 2020

My "Frostpony" story is finally here! The idea for this story has come a long way, literally, because I got it right at the end of May when Yudhaikeledai's "Frostpony" animation was released. As someone who is addicted to post-apocalyptic scenarios and who has a thing for the Winter season, the animation hooked me immediately and I began thinking about the universe.

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SWWC Side Series List - All 18 Parts With Links That Will Update When Posted · 10:25pm Dec 10th, 2023

The part of my ever growing universe is arriving this week. A series of one shots and mini stories, spanning about 4-6 chapters each. During the winter, I will post two one shots and during the summer the mini stories. Each one can be read on their own, but are also meant to serve as backdrop to the main series of anthology, Something Wrong With Canterlot. Each one will offer extra details to certain stories within the anthology. You can read those stories first or these. Now you are probably

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October Monthly Shedule / Voting For Winter Commission Begins / New Chapter / New Tidbit / · 6:48pm Oct 1st, 2019

Yeah you read the title this month is going to be a bundle. Yes, there wasn't a Commission poll last month because money is a little tight right now, but later in December money will be good again so I have something big planned. You will be voting on a iconic scene from season one or season two and voting ends December 1st. More details at the bottom. As for the rest of this month you will be getting chapter 12 and tidbit 12. Here is October's monthly schedule...


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"A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World": The Journey of Tempest Shadow · 1:30am Sep 24th, 2018

Today, it is time..... Good things come to those who wait and if you waited until now, a very good thing is coming your way to reward you.
But there will also be a storm crossing your path, because today, I will start to tell the tale of Tempest Shadow's journey..... A journey that lasted for twenty years and that brought forth one of the biggest threats in Equestria's long history of villains, monsters and darkness.

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New Story is released: "A Big Sister for Hearth's Warming" · 1:13am Jan 1st, 2022

Well, I did it again..... Writing on the holidays to save my goal. Which cannot be completely saved anymore now, I am falling short by one story for my December and end-of-the-year writing goal that was supposed to get released today at the latest, as it is a dedicated New Year's Eve story. One that I already wanted to write and release last year, but I focused too much on the dumb virus and that somehow messed with my writing plans for the entire year of 2020.

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New fic is released: "Hero" · 10:11pm Oct 20th, 2019

I have written a story for Lemon Crumble! The Season 9 Finale and her unexpected speaking role and heroic deed have overjoyed me and soon after I've seen the Finale for the first time, before I could finally find sleep, I had this idea for a Lemon Crumble fic and knew I had to write this.

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New fic is released: "Wish for a Mother" · 12:16am May 17th, 2018

And now, the moment has come. The story for Brown Sugar, an underappreciated background filly from "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" and "Inspiration Manifestation" (among other episodes), that I teased for almost one year now, is finally released!
And after all the long wait, I don't want to make you wait even longer by talking too much about it, so I present to you:

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New story is released: "Unsung Hero" · 7:23am Oct 23rd, 2020

It's time for another story release! The idea for "Unsung Hero" is in my head since last November and it's another story inspired by the Season 9 Finale. It originally should have been written and released in February or March, but due to writing delays the coronavirus caused me, this timeframe couldn't be met.

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User Review: Personal Experience of Using iPhone 14 Pro · 5:15am Nov 22nd, 2022

User Review: Personal Experience of Using iPhone 14 Pro

Meta Description: How it is like to use the new iPhone 14 Pro, its new features, and amazing user experience?
Meta for Infographics: User Experience of using the new iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max.

Table of Contents:

User Review: Personal Experience of Using iPhone 14 Pro

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New story is released: Fluttercheer's "Everypony is important." Flashfic Anthology · 3:21am Oct 29th, 2020

I have just released an anthology of my flashfics that I am writing for the Flashfic 150 competitions. There isn't much to say here, everything I could say here is something I already said in the description of the anthology, but I'm used to accompany story releases with a blog entry. Here is the link to the anthology, everything is explained there:

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New Story is released: "Cozy Glow is Real" & Happy Nightmare Night! · 1:10am Nov 1st, 2023

Nightmare Night is finally here! And believe it or not, I have spent almost the entire day with writing. Another cold I sustained last week has slowed me down with my second story for Nightmare Night this year, so I had to make sure it would be out today at the latest. And as it is the case lately with my writing, the story also became much longer than I thought it would be. Something similar happened three years ago, I had to write on Nightmare Night to finish a story for it because covid-19

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Viewing 6741 - 6760 of 9,659 results