
Viewing 6761 - 6780 of 9,659 results

January's Monthly Schedule / Month of One Shots / Three New Ones / Continuing the SWWC Side Stories · 8:18pm January 3rd

This month is nothing that big, though it never is with me. I will be posting a few one shots and the latest part of the SWWC side stories. No Hoodwinked, or Journey, just this stuff. However, I can guarantee Hoodwink's return in Feb. Nothing much else, so I get right to the posts.


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[SPOILERS] Season 9 Analyzis: The Student Six' New Roles and the Future of the Tree of Harmony · 10:38pm Apr 11th, 2019

It's only two days anymore until Episode 3 of Season 9 airs and when I looked at the teaser screenshot that was released for the episode, I discovered something very exciting and unexpected about the Student Six' possible future role in Equestria.
I'll talk about that below the page break, to not spoiler anyone more than necessary.

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Happy Hearth's Warming Eve with "Liza Doolots and the Candy Factory"! · 3:47am Dec 24th, 2020

Okay, technically, your calendar does not say "Hearth's Warming Eve" yet if you are in the EST timezone. But two hours is close enough, right?
Like it's tradition for me since 2016, I have written a Hearth's Warming Eve story again this year. And like last year, it's a ponification of a movie!

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Happy New Year and considerations · 3:58pm Jan 3rd, 2017

First off, a belated Happy New Year to you all!

Secondly, the results of my hiatus (or perhaps, my hiatus thus far...)

Now, I don't want to just give up on a story that I started writing. It's something I wound up doing back when I was writing Yu-Gi-Oh fanfiction with my friends and we wound up abandoning a whole bunch of fun ideas we had and leaving the readers on a massive cliff-hanger.

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In honor of "Friendship Games" · 1:58am Sep 28th, 2015

New avatar!

It combines the cuteness of filly Vinyl Scratch, the amazing expression of G2 BIONICLE Gali from episode 15 (I think?) and the adorableness that is humanworld!Twilight!

Basically, I just threw spaghetti at a wall.

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New Story - "How the Half-Naked Santa Saved Christmas" · 6:24am Jan 5th, 2016

First blog of the new year? First blog of the new year.

Well, my goal of twenty-four stories in 2016 is off to a good start, it seems. Less than ten days into the new year, I've got a story ready to publish!

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New Story Released! · 3:18pm Apr 18th, 2017

So I know it's been a while since I released anything story-wise, but as I promised last week here is a brand new story featuring a couple that I've not yet written about in the clop genre. You may also find that it's a sequel, although reading the other two stories is not absolutely necessary to enjoy this new one.:twilightsmile:

Story link below the break, plus new couple reveal!:yay:

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My Life As An Interdimensional Insect: Chapter 8! · 3:37pm Mar 13th, 2019

Another week another Wednesday, another chapter of MLaaII for you all. Not time to really check out where this story is going, we're sure not in Ponville anymore!

Please, check it out here if you're interested!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!


My Life As An Interdimensional Insect Chapter 13! · 4:35pm Aug 21st, 2019

Hello everyone, back here again with another story chapter. This time, 13 of My Life As An Interdimesinal Insect!

You can find the new chapter here!

Thanks for reading everyone and I hope you enjoy!


Schedule for July and reason on chapters stopping of Can You Run Forever? · 1:57pm Jul 3rd, 2017

It is July everypony, my favorite month and my birth month. Now its time for me to tell you what I am doing for this month. Well, this month will be really busy for me as I have my classic chapters to post as well as the final parts of the War Anthologies and much more stuff.

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Thanksgiving Gift For My Longest Readers / Rehashing An Iconic Scene From The Twilily Saga / Femme Fatale Commission Is Complete. · 7:04pm Nov 22nd, 2018

That's right, you read the title perfectly. Happy Thanksgiving, now I know this is not the time for presents, but since the Femme Fatale commission got completely so close to Thanksgiving I decided to give you all a present with the epic commission. I truly loved how the piece came out and if you happen to be also following N6023's work then you have already seen this piece. When I saw it I was filled with all kinds of inspiration and that what has

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July's Schedule / BOX Updates/ Journey To Hearth's Warming Updates / Cover Update / 200th Blog Update · 8:40pm Jul 1st, 2018

Hello everypony sorry for the late post. Hopefully, that will be the only mess up this month. I have plenty of stuff planned for this month, most importantly the start of Journey To Hearth's Warming, but also another chapter to the BOX, something truly big planned for the 200th blog and showing the cover to Journey To Hearth's Warming. I want to make this the best month I have had so far. Down below is this month's Schedule.


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Updates, Delays and New Stories · 5:14pm Apr 5th, 2019

Okay, so let's just get into it
I broke my computer, so the new chapter is going to be delayed for a while
Can't say until when just yet because I don't have money...
Get hype for when I can start posting again
Because Chapter 2 of Pull Me Closer is coming with an awesome sex scene
And that isn't even all that's coming soon

I'm participating in the Incest Is Wincest siblings contest this month
So I'll hopefully be posting that soon

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Tell my wife I said "Hello!" · 12:07pm Jul 15th, 2020

New story! Good luck describing how it made you feel. I've yet to hear someone adequately say how it makes them feel, and I'm curious to know.

ETell My Wife I Said "Hello!"
Being kidnapped is the least of Twilight's concerns.
Silent Whisper · 1.5k words  ·  367  29 · 4.3k views

Happy Thanksgiving/Black Friday, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa, + Happy New Year! · 3:37am Dec 29th, 2019

I love you guys! Sorry to say the aforementioned greetings above so late, but I wanted to say all that anyway!

More artwork, stories, and videos to come in the new year - and they SHOULD have better quality!

God bless, and happy 'everyday!' - KikiO3000

P.S., if you can, please donate Deviantart points or buy my artwork with money or points, especially for this piece of artwork:

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The Ideology of Apocalypse (feat. Mad Max, Fallout New Vegas, Gurren Lagann & more) | Jack Saint · 7:06pm Aug 13th, 2020


Badgerclops New Crystals · 6:35am Sep 23rd, 2019


New Story in How to Catch Series - How to Catch a Pinkie Pie! · 6:23am Aug 20th, 2020

The time has finally come, dear Brethren. I'm sincerely glad this one is over and done with, given it was a headache to get through!

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Chapter 4 is out... AND so is chapter 5! A Shimmering Heartbreak's double upload is here! · 8:52am Mar 5th, 2022


Fear Me, If You Dare! · 4:57am Jan 28th, 2023

A brand-new crossover story of mine has just dropped called - Puss in Boots: The Philosopher's Stone

TPuss in Boots: The Philosopher's Stone
Puss staved off Death, his relationship with Kitty has never been better, and he's got a new friend in Perrito! Nothing should have gone wrong, but an old enemy and a few new ones have come seeking power. Power that threatens Puss and those he loves.
Child of Stars · 9.1k words  ·  110  7 · 2.3k views

Go check it out!

Viewing 6761 - 6780 of 9,659 results