
Viewing 6841 - 6860 of 9,658 results

[Equestrian Earth] - Chapter 12 Sneak Peek - Experimenting with Formatting · 7:42am Jul 25th, 2015


OC Apprentice Fourth Challenge Results · 6:31am Mar 5th, 2016

Once again, this was a solo challenge, and each player submitted their work.

Coalstone's Submission

“Once again I find myself in a shitty situation on the cusp of this ridiculous game. And just after I was humiliated in front of my teammates, friends and everyone else.” Coalstone grumbled to himself as he tried to reign in his infamous temper, whilst seated at a bus station with a stack of 100 game consoles bearing GOBB’s name and insignia.

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Do you prefer white sugar or brown sugar? · 12:17pm Jul 12th, 2017

I hope it is brown sugar. Because there is a filly-sized amount of it coming your way:

I can't tell what I will write about her exactly yet. But I have a few intriguing ideas going through my head already and I will do more brainstorming on the weekend.
Expect more details about her fic soon.^^


To Days Random Post! · 6:46pm Nov 13th, 2017

Not posted anything today so here is something random...

Go on give it a try.

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A Brief History of the Großeswechselndes Reich · 5:19pm Aug 21st, 2021

If you asked almost any changeling off the street whether they thought changelings were superior to ponies, their response would be “yes, of course.” Even the more egalitarian-minded changelings know that’s a simple fact: Ponies can’t shapeshift or access a hivemind, have slow reproduction rates and rely on physical, land-depleting food to survive. And it’s for the same principle that changelings know that they’re superior to deer, yaks, griffons or any of the other myriad races of Equestria:

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The Vesalipolis Lullaby: a brief introduction · 4:12am Aug 21st, 2021

I know it looks like I haven't been creative much - at least, if my writing output's any indication. To some extent, that's true: chalk it up to work, my parents being an incessant thorn in my side and good old-fashioned depression. But truth be told, there's been at least some work there, and I've gotten enough requests from folks I know to share it that I figure I should share what i have, complete or not.

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A Brief History of Stalliongrad and the Severnyy Soyuz · 3:41pm Aug 22nd, 2021

Stalliongrad, a north-eastern territory of Equestria that formerly belonged to an independent pony kingdom of Severnaya, was annexed by Equestria in 917 ALB (After Lunar Banishment, a traditional starting point of reference on Equestria’s calendar.) That said, Severnaya never integrated into Equestria as well as Princess Celestia would have liked: the country had its own culture and national traditions that never fully died out, which constantly created varying levels of friction from

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Well, I should have saw that coming/ War Anthologies Updates/ Monthly To Do List/ Two Months Shedule · 1:22pm May 1st, 2017


Start of a new year, and a new start · 6:32am Feb 21st, 2018


August's Monthly Schedule / Journey To Hearth's Warming Updates / New Blog Series / Commission News / Timeline Update · 6:01pm Aug 1st, 2018

Hello everypony I know last month was pretty packed but this month is going to be just as packed for different reasons. First off I'm posting the next chapter to Journey To Hearth's Warming in the middle of the month. Second, I'm starting a new series of blogs to accompany Journey To Hearth's Warming called Hearth's Warming Extra TIdbits. The new blog series will go into extra detail on things, ponies, places and even spells introduced during the story I could find room to explain at the time.

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March Schedule / Spring Preview for Journey To Hearth's Warming / Contest Winner Announcement / Updates / New Tidbits · 8:41pm Mar 1st, 2019

Yes, Journey To Hearth's Warming is back with new chapters and new tidbits. All kinds of awesome stuff are on the way, get ready for some fun. Also, don't forget that this month will also have an incredible art piece to celebrate, Treacherous Rescue Mission: featuring Caramel, Thorax, Ember and to build up more hype this blog itself contains a preview to Spring half of the season. The preview shall be under this month's schedule...


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Strange things we do to ourselves, or at least stuff we go out of our way to try to avoid doing. · 12:26pm Apr 21st, 2019

So, this is probably gonna be one of those posts where I talk a lot about like, psychology, but also do so largely from the perspective of my own experiences, so I'm gonna start off by posting a picture of the OC that I have that I actually kinda relate to the most, despite how cute the smol green pega is.
omg she is so smol and darling and bat

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MetaVerse Update - 06-10-20 · 5:54am Jun 10th, 2020

Hello MetaVerse Fans! 

I am indeed alive and well and as far as I can tell so are most if not all of the support team! 

The COVID19 issues were an amazingly hurtful set back for us. Mainly me as I have a job where I am deemed vital and thus got no time off during this. Between my crew at work and myself we were doing the job of 900 people with maybe 90% less staff. I won't go into details but it's been tiring. 

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December Schedule / Journey of Hearth's Warming Winter Finale / Winner of the Christmas Commission (Bottom) · 7:07pm Dec 1st, 2018

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Ōmisoka soon enough. So many holidays in this month, so happiness to you all. This is going to be a big month for me and for all of my readers. As the title said I'm pulling what TV channels often do with their shows and that have a winter break once December ends. This month you will get episode 5 of Journey To Hearth's Warming as well with other stuff and then Journey To Hearth's Warming will be going on to hiatus until March, but that doesn't

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My Life As An Interdimensional Insect New Chapter! · 4:46pm Aug 14th, 2019

Hello everyone, back here again with another story chapter. This time, as promised chapter 12 of My Life As An Interdimesinal Insect!

You can find the new chapter here!

Thanks for reading everyone and I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 11 released and I feel proud~ · 9:32am Jan 17th, 2022

Hello, everybody!
It's me again! I know it hasn't been all that long, but this chapter isn't all that long either~ Chapter 11: The Final Wall is now released! It isn't the end yet, but it is still an important chapter by all means~ Given, I haven't edited it that much with everything going on with my college classes, but I think it's just sweet enough to be a good chapter. Be sure to check it out~! :twilightsmile:

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There won't be a new chapter for "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" this week · 1:45am Aug 10th, 2016

As the title says, I won't release a new chapter for "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" this week. This week, I want to write a one-shot based on the new episode and since I don't have an idea how long it will be yet, I will probably not have time to write anything else this week.
I have given Flurry Heart priority actually and wouldn't replace a new chapter for her fic with something else usually, but.....

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New Story is released: "Sunny Starscout & Izzy Moonbow: Serial Killers" · 6:51am Dec 25th, 2021

Good things come to those who wait. I can't believe that I really worked on a story on Hearth's Warming Eve of all days, but here I am, that's what I did. I'm crazy. I'm insane. Call me a lunatic. No, wait, don't call me a "lunatic", because that term is insulting to Luna. Call me a loco. Because I am a complete loco for working on Hearth's Warming Eve instead of celebrating with food, music and chilling. But a loco is what we need today and if we don't count myself, you'll get two locos

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Irony · 5:00pm May 16th, 2016

I just now realized I want to remix Steve Aoki's song "Boneless".

Then the irony hit me.

A SkelePone can't be boneless.


Also, I have a new profile picture. Because I thought it was cute as hell. Like a skeleton pony version of Temmie. Can't you just see the new SkelePone walking up to you and saying "Hoi!" That's fuckin' adorbz.

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20% More Adagio Dazzle · 3:07pm Jul 12th, 2016

The newest chapter of Follow Her Lead is up and it has MORE Adagio Dazzle than the last one. So if you want some sirens being silly drama queens that are written like overly white teenage girls, go get it. There's no need to be offset by the tragedy tag either since it's mostly drama with some worldbuilding and silliness. We all know the Dazzlings failed whatever it is evil seaponies do so that's pretty much what the tag is there for. There's also more Sonata Logic in this chapter and

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Viewing 6841 - 6860 of 9,658 results