
Viewing 761 - 780 of 1,011 results

I ship it · 8:47pm Sep 12th, 2015


acceptable episode: rarijack gets another ship boost · 9:20pm Sep 26th, 2015


My Birthday Present is a crossover · 7:30pm Aug 23rd, 2015

So my good friend Vivid Syntax sent me a birthday present this afternoon... and it looks a little something like this.

Apparently since I'm not cool enough to have an OC like TheVClaw he couldn't commission that, so he just mashed our couples together. Awesome!


This Makes... A Strange Amount Of Sense · 8:15pm Jun 26th, 2015

Fingers crossed for Coco's eventual return.


REVIEW - TBOI (The Best of Intentions) by Dilarus · 1:31am Jun 15th, 2015

For those unaware, TBOI is a comic by Dilarus which can be read here. It is part of an overarching story world called "Southern Belle AJ". It is a direct sequel to the events in his previous comic, Wild Storm. I would consider Wild Storm to be required reading to understand the setup of TBOI, but nothing previous to that. I admit I have not read any Southern Belle AJ before Wild Storm.

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Oh mah gerd! So cute! · 5:38pm Jul 23rd, 2015

Okay, so Tennis Match Fan has a next gen OC called Palm Tree who is the daughter of Equestria Girls background humans Sweet Leaf and Green Cycle. (Personally I think she takes after her mother.)

Anyway, she's cute, right?!

So I said I ship her with me.

And Tennis Match Fan drew me a picture of that! Yay!

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Ponies Make Everything Better, Right? · 5:55am Jan 26th, 2016

Have a cute pony pic first. I don't want to be a complete Debbie Downer.

That out of the way, let's REAL TALK for a minute.

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I'm Alive Again... Like, Really Alive. And it's GREAT! · 2:03am Feb 20th, 2017

Wow, it's been a long time since I've actually made a longer blog post and almost a year since I've posted a story. So... what gives? Three little words.

Real Life Woes.

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Was the Holocaust really such a bad thing? · 7:44am Sep 15th, 2016

Six million Jews died. Along with five million others. But think about it: they were going to die anyway. Whether of old age, or illness, or in some other war, they were doomed to perish just like any other human being. All the NSDAP did was give death to them early.

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Update, and holy cow 90 followers · 4:54am Dec 19th, 2016

:pinkiegasp: Wow this is awesome 90 of you strange people watch me. It brings a tear to my eye, thanks so much for all your support.

So onto my update. So first the farmer and the princess is doing great and is almost finished just needs the last chapters edited.

A rise of a new kind of magic just needs typed

Miss. Martini *Aka Applejack is on its way.

Sort of just giving you guys a quick update. An remember I am always up for suggestions.

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New Story Coming Some Time Next Week! · 11:58pm Dec 23rd, 2016

So, next week I'm going to be releasing a new story, another cute little romance story to end of the year, featuring another pair I've not written for before. Originally, it was going to be a Hearths Warming Eve centered story, given that it's Christmas and all. But things kind of got in the way of my writing something that complex, it's just a cute shipping story:twilightsmile:.

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Made a new group! · 7:53pm Apr 16th, 2016

So, after watching today's episode (Which might just be the best Spike episode yet), I was inspired to create a group for Spike-Ember shippers.

Here, a Spember Group.


New Story: "And Yet, What Riches Still Await" · 4:04am Feb 29th, 2016

Most Beloved Readers, here's question I've been asking everyone for the past few days:
Does it count as an unusual ship if the couple is canon...but nobody really thinks they're in love? I'm pretty sure it does.

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Review #99 - Starlight Gets Shipped, The Mane Six Regret Playing Truth or Dare, Hang · 5:26am May 3rd, 2017

Well, would you look at that, Review #99. I do, actually, have a thing planned for #100.

You know what's really sad? I had this amazing story idea about Twilight and something, but I can't remember what the something was.

I also need to find motivation to do SA stuff... But for now, have a review or three:

Starlight Gets Shipped by Jay-The-Brony
The Mane Six Regret Playing Truth or Dare by Diamond_Emblem
Hang by AShadowOfCygnus

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WELL WHADDYA KNOW (Contest update) · 6:36pm Oct 31st, 2017

So because of some very spooky things that resulted in only one entry for the friggin' Lunbra contest so far, I've decided to extend the deadline to the maximum for all the people working or who have yet to work on their stories.

You now have until January 10th, 2018 at 5:30pm EST to write a story that does not break the rules, which have been pasted and updated here, so find that below.

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Update! · 9:58am Jan 18th, 2017

Alright here is the update for all.
So The Suddenly Confusing Life is being edited
Miss. Martini Is also being edited
I am putting the last touches on The Magic of heat, lust and love.

Now on to the new items.
The sequel to Barnyard Redemtion and the next installment to my Futajack chronicals is on it way.
Its called The Art of the Sticky dress

Also my next fluff fic is on its way. Its a Applespike fic so hope you guys are looking forward to it.

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Pony Talk Episode 31-Bon Bon & Lyra Are TOTALLY A Couple! · 8:32pm Nov 27th, 2016

You know it. I know it. The creative team knows it. Your gran who doesn't watch the show probably knows it!


23 · 11:55pm Sep 5th, 2018

Chapter 23 for my EqG Flutterdash (Rainbowshy?) fic, What They Expect to Give, is up. If you haven't checked it out yet, make sure you have Mature stories unhidden. Find it in my story list!


Some Thoughts on Legends of Everfree (OR: Why New Pony Episodes Scare the Shit Out of Me) · 6:19am Aug 9th, 2016

What it says in the title. As some of you probably know, I'm obsessed with Equestria Girls, and as such, I've got some opinions on the new one. If you don't want to be spoiled/are avoiding the sneak peeks/don't feel like reading my rants about why ponies cause me pain, beware. Also, swearing, because it's 2am and when it's 2am I start typing like I speak.

More after the break.

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A story I read and preread for and you should read too! · 2:04pm Aug 1st, 2018

Recently, I've had to chance to preread for a chapter of one of my favorite stories on the site, and you should give a look too! We all know how much I adore the Luna/Sombra ship and the amount of effort I've put into writing it, but I'm not the only one.

Yoru has written some fantastic Lunbra stories too, filled with all sorts of goodness: beautiful imagery, fun characterization, and f e e l i n g s.

The prequel is here!

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Viewing 761 - 780 of 1,011 results