
Viewing 61 - 80 of 197 results

Inspiration · 8:15am Jul 9th, 2017

It's funny where inspiration can come from. I hadn't a vague clue on what to write next until I though about the old video games I used to play, especially Atari and various arcade games. Simple as they may be, you could make up stories for them. And that is what I plan to do in the possibly near future.

I want to make short stories starring various ponies and make them based on the games of old. I welcome any ideas y'all can cook up as well.


1st Ditz's List of Recommendation - Tentative Title - Tentatively The Final One · 2:38pm Sep 20th, 2020

Hello, all, to the inaugural post of 'Ditz-decides-to-share-short-stories-they've-read-from-authors-but-forgets-to-do-it-every-week-so-now-Ditz-attempts-to-do-it-today-in-a-limited-time-manner-and-typing-this-specific-paragraph-probably-took-longer-than-they-care-to-admit'!

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Short Story: The Sculpture · 2:11am Sep 13th, 2022

This is not a story about ponies. No ponies here! Go elsewhere for ponies.

But this is a story for a D&D adventure I am writing. And I suppose it's also a story about what it means to have purpose, where we get that purpose form, and what happens when that purpose vanishes. People things, in other words.

The flower turns its face to the sun.

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Arboretum · 4:36am Dec 3rd, 2022

Through the tunnels I track them, my hand detached from my arm detached from my torso detached from my head. I cradle a shotgun at the ready. They will not escape me.

Vent. Tables. A restaurant. Keep going. I come to the end. An opening; light. An arboretum? Stone walls, a tree. Sky through the open top. Blue sky, clouds. Peace. The rusty mining cart is covered by the tree’s roots.

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Blog 004 : New short stories today! · 12:52pm Sep 10th, 2021

So...I wanted start doing these more...since learning to communicate and doing it is important. Even, in the wild wild Internet...

What am I on about?

I read a swell and beautiful blog post by

He also do some swell poetry and some of the best horse stories on this site..(and really any fiction, to be true.)

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Back on youtube for reading! · 10:54pm Jul 14th, 2015

Hello everyone! For a good few months now I haven't posted any story readings on Youtube but as of recently, I got my microphone fixed and can get back to it. I even posted a few video recently. Here is the fanfic I was originally going to read on Valentine's day so you can hear it if you want:

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What's up with the Short Stories Lately? · 11:22pm Jan 28th, 2017

I don't know if any of you were wondering this, but here, let me explain why.

So recently I have been doing a lot of 'short(er)' stories (although the average story is still a novelette length).

And the reason for that is because,

One: I don't want to take all this time and effort and energy into a story and then have people complain that it seems rushed, I can handle hate and criticism, BUT I WILL NOT HANDLE whiners and complainers, so just **** off, okay?

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Looking for a Pre-reader and an Editor for a rather... Interesting short story I've come up with. · 2:15am Mar 1st, 2023

Yes, thats right. I've started writing a short story and it's... different. If theres anyone interested in pre-reading or editing what I have so far as I go along, I would be happy for it!


Just so you know. · 8:53pm May 20th, 2020

Hey guys.

Just wanted to let you guys know, nothing is canceled, but I have been dealing with writers block, and so it is just nice to use this vacation to write some smaller short stories. Also next week I will start to prepare for my final exams, so some of the stress is also there. But do not worry, nothing is ending, just taking a break and recharging.

Taking things slow, and planning out my chapters. So don't you worry, they will be back.


On Short Stories · 5:52pm Jun 8th, 2020

I have a passionate love for short stories and anthologies of said short stories. I check them out from the library. I read them before bedtime. I've got multiple different anthologies on my bookshelf. They're the perfect length to read while still budgeting my time, because I know if I start a good book, I won't stop reading it until it's done. With a short story, however, I can read it all the way through and still go on with my life.

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Looking for beta readers - PM me for details · 1:18am May 30th, 2019

There's this project I have in the form of a short story that I'm requesting feedback for from anyone interested in being a beta reader. I'm not going to disclose any information about it here, but, if you're interested, send me a PM.

No rush, just trying to make a list of volunteers for when the time is right for viewing.

That is all.


With love, from England,

- FireRain đź’›


Patreon Supporters! A New Reward Has Risen! · 7:36pm Aug 4th, 2021

Hello readers! If you’re a Patreon Supporter, than today is your lucky day. Yesterday, I sat down and wrote a new short story for the next shorts collection, and the Pre-Alpha is up on Patreon! If you’re a supporter, you can go read it!

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Portal to Equestria · 3:39pm Jan 21st, 2022

If a portal to Equestria appeared before you, would you walk through it?

In the latest daily chapter, a human does just that.

TBad Dragon's Short Stories
Got a minute? It will take you even less to read one of these unrelated short stories designed for instant reader’s gratification.
Bad Dragon · 11k words  ·  35  39 · 1.1k views

Follower Appreciation - Request Lottery Story (#2 - 2020) · 11:08pm May 11th, 2020

Remember that thing I did back on Valentine's Day? Well, I'm doing it again! I've been floundering on keeping momentum on the longer story I've been working on for the past few months, and so I want to kick myself in the rear with a smaller project.

So once more, I'm doing a Request Lottery. The rules are as follow:

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Next Up · 3:58pm Mar 13th, 2022

Another story is on its way. I also wanted thank everyone that reads these posts and my stories. I really appreciate it. :twilightsheepish:

If you haven’t yet, check out some of my other stories. They shouldn’t take up too much of your time.

Adagio Dazzle has gone too far, and Sugarcoat decides to seek revenge.
EroPony1000 · 1000 words  ·  21  7 · 964 views

[Adult story embed hidden]

[Adult story embed hidden]


Innocence, Equestria · 12:28pm Feb 5th, 2018

300th post! Hearts and Hooves Day is coming up, so I just posted an endearing romance. :heart:

Innocence, Equestria

Also horror, but that's a matter of perspective. :raritywink:


Announcing the "Mockingbirb's Opinionated Flashfic Award," aka MOFA (An Award For Very Short Stories) · 12:23am Nov 29th, 2021

About the MOFA Award

Do you like flash fiction? I like very short stories too!

I'd like to run a flash fiction contest, but I don't like to do WORK. Well, sometimes I don't want to.

On the other hand, who doesn't like telling people what to think sharing their opinions with others complimenting other people?

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January 2022 "Mockingbirb's Opinionated Flashfic Award" (MOFA) Results, and How To Enter February's Contest · 1:04am Jan 28th, 2022


First Light in Numubya · 2:22am Oct 11th, 2021

The sergeant peered over the edge of the embankment. He pointed a long, spindley hoof at the largest of several dozen shell craters. “That one there. There’s a skull at the bottom.”

Springa followed his gaze, willing her head to shrink into her helmet until there was no exposed flesh left. There were still snipers hiding on the other side of the embankment. Based on the number of ponies getting dragged out of this section of trench every day, she concluded that they were very good shots.

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Weekly Update · 9:25pm Mar 24th, 2023

Hey readers! It’s time for the news!

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 197 results