
Viewing 61 - 80 of 81 results

[Equestrian Earth] - Trixie the Flame Wticher's new design · 4:10am Jul 22nd, 2015

So I've been working with a couple artists who were very generous to lend a hand to helping me design Trixie's character in Equestrian Earth, and I'd like some feedback on them. Really genuine feedback. If you think something looks bad and could use changes, lemme know. Because, you know, the core design lies with me so if something doesn't look good or isn't appealing, let's talk.

First up, Trixie's Outfit.
Drawn by LyraAlluse

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Review #88 - She should know better, Simply Rarity · 4:36am Apr 14th, 2017

Well, it's time for me to review two more stories... but not without first promoting Trixie Lulamoon of the Dreamguard. This story is great, and amazing, and wonderful, and I will soon run out of synonyms, so you should go read it.

She should know better by tailsopony
Simply Rarity by Somber

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The Future of Equestrian Earth: What Should I Do With The Story? · 5:04pm May 20th, 2016

I'll be honest. This question... it's fucking with me. I can't even just rest every time I think about Equestrian Earth. It's my fault for letting so much time pass by, but now it's come to the point where this decision must be questioned and answered. For too long I haven't worked on the story and already new canon information is coming from the show. Because of reasons, this story has a tie-in with another story that is part of an MLP-verse that takes place a handful of years ahead of the

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Anniversary of True Love chapter 4 is finished. · 9:10am Oct 28th, 2017

Hello again! Next chapter will be the grand finale. I know this chapter isn't exactly Halloween themed, but it still sorta fits. This story had way more horror in it than I expected. I have been reading through the entire works of HP Lovecraft, so you can see the inspiration. Interesting guy. I have never seen anyone so afraid of everyone and everything in my life. His stories don't always work, but Lovecraft is very talented in harnessing his own fears into his writings. I would recommend

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Chapter 4 of Magic School Zord is finished. · 9:39am Jan 26th, 2018

Hello again. Chapter 5 of Magic School Zord is done. This is the chapter I have been looking forward the most to writing. I love when Trixie and Corona interact. They are a great foil for each other. One thing I never expected is just how much Spike would grow to dislike Trixie. It isn't something I really planned, but I love how it worked out. Trixie is very bad at meeting people. Every first encounter seems to go poorly somehow.

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How Many Times Does Trixie Actually Say "I"? · 5:31pm May 19th

One of Trixie's best-known traits in the fandom is that she speaks in the third person all the time. But does she really? Turns out, no one has ever counted the times she says "I." Until now...

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Chapter 5 of Anniversary of True Love is finished. · 10:19am Nov 15th, 2017

Anniversary of True Love is finally finished. I really enjoyed writing this story. I have never done romance before, but I think it turned out well. This story ended up with more action than I first imagined when thinking up the story. My first idea was for Lyra to comedically kill an eldritch abomination at the end of the story after getting pissed off that her date was constantly interrupted blowing a hole through a mountain. I am kinda glad I didn't go with that. I like that I have

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New Story, Crisis of Infintite Trixies. Arc 1 finished. + news. · 6:11am February 9th

Hello again, sorry about the late blog post, but I can be lazy sometimes. Arc 1 of Crisis of Infinite Trixies is finished and published. It's been an idea that's been lurking around in my head since forever. The problem was finding which Trixies to add to the story. I think I've made a pretty nice balance. You might be wonder if Rangerverse Trixie will show up in the story. The answer is no. It's a little too self-indulgent for my tastes. Besides, she's a little too powerful and competent for

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Some Thoughts About the Future Role of Starlight Glimmer · 3:23pm Apr 17th, 2017

Some Thoughts About the Future Role of Starlight Glimmer

I was thinking a lot about Starlight's role in this and other seasons. And I was thinking that it would actually be pretty interesting if Starlight was put into a position where, despite being a powerful magic user, she didn't have a position that related to it much.

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Anniversary of True Love chapter 2 is finished. · 8:45am Sep 24th, 2017

Hey again. Chapter 2 of Anniversary of True Love is finished. I would say the story is about half done. Thankfully this story won't be hitting the 100,000 word mark. After all, this story is about a single day, it would be crazy if it did. I perfectly happy to write a few short stories for the time being, though I am eager to write the next big part of Galaxy Ranger, just not yet. Not much to say this time. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

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Chaper 2 of Magic School Zord is finished. · 2:09am Dec 30th, 2017

Hey again. The second chapter of Magic School Zord is done. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Writing wonder and excitement at new things is one of my most favorite thing to do, and what is more amazing than going to the moon? I hope you like the chapter. Happy new year.

Chapter 2


Chapter 3 of Magic School Zord is finished. · 10:01am Jan 10th, 2018

Hello again. The third chapter of Magic School Zord is done. I added a lot of real science in this chapter because I like adding real stuff to my stories. I could have used the comics' canon for what the moon is like, but decided against it. I would rather use real science. I don't know if that makes me lazy and I should have made things more magical and imaginative, but it's just my style.

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Anniversary of True Love chapter 3 is finished. · 1:34am Oct 12th, 2017

The third chapter of Anniversary of True Love is done. Not much to say this time, though I am really enjoying the Pinkie/Lyra dynamic. They bounce off each other pretty well. I might want to use it later in another story. I think there should only be two chapters left. It is possible for it to extend to a third, but it should be no longer than that. I have a solid outline of what is going to happen, and this story is only going to last a single day. So I doubt this story will go over 16,000

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I did the thing · 11:29pm Aug 21st, 2015


WHOA WHAT 300 SOMETHING · 3:25pm Apr 30th, 2017

Neato. Okay, so now there's over 300 of you following me and my crimes against commas? Wow.

That sure is something...

Anyway, here's some updates and junk. This blog, like all my follower milestone ones, is also an AMA so as long as your questions are in English and follow the, like, three really basic rules that I have for my AMAs then this should be good. I'm also too lazy to link the last AMA so ha.

Updates below and all that.

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New Story! Anniversary of True Love · 8:13am Sep 12th, 2017

Hello again. I have a new story I am working on. It's called the Anniversary of True Love. It's a side story of my Galaxy Rangers story. I know I said this would be a one-shot, but I thought the story would work better in multiple chapters. This is going to be a short story though. It will probably only be about three or four chapters or so.

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Quick new one shot! Featuring Trixie! · 7:35am Jan 8th, 2020

It has Trixie. If you really liked Wishing Werelights there's some connections the two share that you'll like. If not, you'll still like it. Trixie does Trixie things. Oh, and there will be that new story in, like, five days. With all this writing getting done recently there's actually something to blog about, and uh, a lot. Especially compared to the 'Yes, I'm alive and writing a little' stuff I had been making for most of 2019 regarding projects.

Enjoy Trixie!

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New Story! Magic School Zord · 11:25pm Dec 6th, 2017

Hello again. I have a new story. It's called Magic School Zord. It stars Cheerilee. As the name implies, it's about Cheerilee using her Zord for a fantastical school trip. Where? The moon of course! This is a silly idea that floated in my head that I wanted to make reality and I thought Cheerilee deserves more love. I think she is the most underappreciated of the Luna 6.

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Magic School Zord is finished. · 11:07am Feb 15th, 2018

Hey again. Magic School Zord is finally finished. To be honest, I don't think this was my best. I am happy with it for the most part, but there are some parts I made some mistakes in. The biggest one is that it took me forever to find a voice for all the foal characters. I just couldn't find the right places to put dialog in for them, so it was mostly Cheerilee talking. I finally found their voice in chapter 5 of all things. That was when I was the most comfortable writing for them. On the plus

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I Am Making Random Apps · 5:31pm Jan 8th, 2016

I'm Making Random Apps

I now have the power to make book apps, radio apps, video apps, music apps, game apps, store apps, and eh really any kind of app. :P I just have to figure out how I want to abuse this power. Muahahahahaha!

If you have any suggestions, let me know.

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 81 results