
Viewing 61 - 80 of 161 results

Writing Concept: the virtues of being wrong Also: JW Update · 8:28pm May 11th, 2016

Alright, so I am tagging Joker's Wild in this because I feel like this is a concept that could be useful for a lot of FOE stories. A short update before we begin, I have finished the major overhauls to the last section of chapter 3, and hopefully with edits we will be dropping that off to you by Joker's Wild's birthday. So far the word count is 11k, but it is a really good section and I am proud of how it is looking. My focus lately has been editing, since I've got such a back log on content.

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Fallout: Equestria - Joker's Wild Reviews: Chapter 1 · 10:37pm Apr 1st, 2017

Video made by me.

Well I promised in my review schedule that I'd do something special today and here you are.

There's a lot of more serious fanfics out there in the Fallout: Equestria, and while I haven't read all of them, I have heard of this fanfic and that it is a bit, odd at times, so I figured it would be perfect for April Fools Day.

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Oceans Made of Words! · 6:26pm Apr 12th, 2016

In the past week I have made breakthroughs in terms of writing that really make me happy. In the last ten-ish days, I think I wrote 13,000 words, which if you ask me is hell of a lot of words. Where do they come from? Beats me with a stick! And what is to top it all off, I think these sections will really rock you! They are really punchy! I've made worlds of improvement in writing in the past year. I feel like I am starting to get the hang of pulling on those writing energies out of the aether.

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"Grannies Gone Wild" thoughts · 3:29am Apr 18th, 2018

After seeing this episode....I have great sympathy for those young fellows who take care of their elders regularly. It looks like a challenging prospect. Something I will have to learn about when my parents get older.

My "Oh, no" moment was when the grannies fooled Rainbow into believing they were going to take a nap, when they were just gonna sneak away as soon as RD is not looking. I can't blame Rainbow on this, seniors are very good at fooling us if we are not careful.

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Annoucement · 12:27am Mar 23rd, 2020

Now, been putting this off for.... well, a while now. I've simply lost my passion for Wild Access, no other way to say it. Some of you may have suspected this, and if so, good on you.

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Wild Bill for America on Anti-Trump Republicans · 10:09am Oct 20th, 2016

First off, I'll say that last night's debate was by far the worst of any year, getting to be that way once it went from talking about issues to being mean-spirited at an unprecedented rate.

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Very special surprise coming up next time in Wild Access · 4:59pm Mar 5th, 2017

Ee-Yup, for the next chapter of Wild Access, I've got a very special surprise for you all. Not telling you what it is, but I will give you a hint.

"Dinosaur Might, Ready To Fight!"


Going Wild · 7:04am Aug 17th, 2017

New Chapterette is posted for Joker's Wild. It has been an interesting few weeks and I've got some news, good and bad, but its stuff that has got to happen. Lately, I haven't been feeling as strongly about Fallout Equestria. I've had a falling out with some members of the community and I find I'd make myself unwelcome if I stayed around in those places, but even before that I think I always had something that didn't feel right about Fallout Equestria. It's been a bit suffocating on my personal

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State of the Author: 2/15/18 · 4:31pm Feb 15th, 2018

Okay, so Valentine's Day has come and gone, and if any of you remember how much I dislike the holiday and why, you can be sure I'm quite pleased with that fact.

Anyways, writing. Now, two important factoids:

One, I Walk the (Firing) Line will be taken off hiatus, as I do have a chapter in the works for it, and it's over 75% done really. Be my longest piece for the story yet, might just break 6,000 words.

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Happy Birthday Joker's Wild. · 6:23pm May 17th, 2016

It's been an interesting year. 60,000 words published, not bad numbers, but I wish I could have done more. We are still stuck on the first arch, but I think the story has really evolved.

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Happy 13th Anniversary to The Wild Kratts! · 7:56pm January 3rd

Thirteen years ago today, Chris and Martin Kratt came back again to show us what it would be like to have the different powers and abilities of the animal kingdom... IN ANIMATED FORMAT!


New Hinterlands sequel · 3:01pm April 16th

I've been working on another sequel to Hinterlands for over a year, and it's finally ready to be published! Check out the continuing adventures of our hapless necromancer and her bounty hunter friend in the great white north:

TDeath Valley
Hostile lands. Frigid valleys. Backwater villages. Shadowy forests. Vicious beasts. Gloomy mines. Strange magics. And the nicest pony for miles is a necromancer. A royal investigation of tainted ley lines uncovers dark secrets in the Frozen North.
Rambling Writer · 169k words  ·  163  3 · 848 views

Introducing Wld Mint · 6:20pm Jul 17th, 2016

I wanted a more exciting character of my own, so, here she is! Wild Mint.
Full 2D drawing coming soon, as well as a story. For though, she's going to be a pop-up character in my current works.


Wild Access related poll for you guys... · 7:06pm Jan 23rd, 2017

Okay, time for another poll! This time, it's related to my newest story, Wild Access, and who should become the Sixth Ranger, as we all know there's always going to be one added to any Power Rangers team. Now, the pony in question won't take up the identity of any of the preexisting Wild Force Rangers, but instead a character from one of the seasons before that.

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Update tonight. · 12:15am Nov 8th, 2016

Hello my loyal fans, readers, writers, and friends alike! Zalla here again for a quick update. I'll be updating LOS: Wild Vines tonight and Student of Friendship.

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SIGNAL BOOST for Artemis Black: Stop Wild Horses Slaughter · 7:58pm Apr 28th, 2018

I've about HAD IT with the Bureau of Land Management. I just read an article about what they plan to do with the wild horses, and I am getting very angry as I read the lines. They're making one bad plan after bad plan. They think it's for "population control" when all they'll end up doing is endanger them or drive them extinct! They need to know when to back the fuck off and leave things as they are, because NO ONE in their right minds would allow them to do this.

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New Internship · 4:18pm Aug 26th, 2015

So, as of recently I have started helping my uncle with his mayoral campaign, and it basically is a ton of work. I am still figuring out what this is going to mean for my ability to get things written, but I have some more news. Joker's Wild, chapter 3 is almost fully written. I know I said it was going to be shorter, but apparently I am a terrible dishonest lying scumbag, because it is currently at 19k, and I have 2 more scenes to write in, and one scene to rewrite. Anyway, after that, it will

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Um... · 9:10pm Sep 3rd, 2020

Not sure if I should be happy I was spared from this hard as hell game or mad that I probably lost it


Wait What · 3:00pm Jan 6th, 2022

Why is the story I wrote 5 months ago in the popular box?

Well, I can’t be complaining, turns out that Something About a Violet is getting a second wind, which is really crazy to think about.

Just wanted to bring this up because it’s wild, thinking about this.

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Outer Wilds Echoes of the Eye DLC Playthrough Part 1 - 5 · 10:14pm Oct 17th, 2021

Viewing 61 - 80 of 161 results