
Viewing 61 - 68 of 68 results

Disney's Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise Of Skywalker is a confirmed box office flop with no action figure line · 7:58pm Dec 30th, 2019

Disney's Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise Of Skywalker is a confirmed box office flop. It has the lowest opening weekend for any Star Wars movie and it made alot less money in the second weekend. Also it is very curious that there are no action figures being made for this movie.

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Signal Boost: 16 · 2:44am Jan 20th, 2020

Probably most of y’all who read these things know about Business Trip and Mr. Jones Goes to Equestria, and if you were waiting for another installment about the ponies of the Mareiott, good news!

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MLP Fakies: Lalaloopsy Ponies · 2:01pm Apr 10th, 2017

MLP Fakies: Lalaloopsy Ponies

MGA Entertainment (also famous for their Bratz toy line) made another line of dolls known as Lalaloopsy. The Lalaloopsy dolls are actually look pretty unique. Although I would never own one myself (or really any other doll as they kind of freak me out) I can definitely see their appeal to collectors.

Here is an example of what a Lalaloopsy doll looks like.

Lalaloopsy - Yuki Kimono Doll

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Coming Soon, This New Year's Eve... · 8:27pm Nov 28th, 2022

Dewdrops on the Grass will be proud to present not one, but two long form stories!


Even as I stood I kept my gaze steady on her, sharp pain biting into my heart like a set of fanged jaws. “Amelia, I’m sorry it was my magic–”

“Thank you, Ensign, that will be all,” she cut me off sharply.

You've watched.

“Good. We’ll want to do the same on the Enterprise, then,” he said. “Last thing we need is a warp core breach.”

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Compliment Me On My "Miss Pommel" Costume at MWBF, And I Will... · 2:45am May 26th, 2016

...groan in disapproval. (What, you thought this would be an actual threat? I love you guys too much.)

And in other news, the newest installment of the thrilling series featuring Miss Pommel, Sweetie Babs, and Uncle Orange will come next week. They always had those names, don't look at me like that.


Chapter Notes: Shelby (Destination Unknown) · 2:11am Dec 24th, 2021

From riding in the cab of a DPU to accidentally boarding a local train that’s picking up grain cars at each elevator it passes . . . at least it’s picking up; if it was dropping off, Sweetsong might find herself stranded in the middle of Big Sky Country.


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Side Fic Now Out! · 6:37pm Oct 3rd, 2021

TSoldier of the Moon
A young and restless Rarity enlists in the Royal Canterlot Army to help defend what is left of her home. She gets far more than she bargained for in the process.
Zontan · 7.4k words  ·  113  5 · 1.2k views

I've been looking forward to this for a long time! If you enjoyed Lover of the Moon, you'll absolutely LOVE Soldier of the Moon. If you've been curious about Rarity's backstory and just can't wait a week and a half for the next update, here's your solution!

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I hate keeping upcoming projects to myself · 5:49pm Sep 23rd, 2020

Viewing 61 - 68 of 68 results