
Viewing 61 - 80 of 281 results

Sweetie Belle Headcanon's · 9:09pm Jun 16th, 2018

  • Sweetie is the shortest and youngest of the CMC
  • She has Arabian breeding, but her father is an earth pony. Because of this, she has very fluffy hooves
  • Her magic gets stronger if she's singing
  • She knows Caperoia martial arts
  • She is a lot stronger than she looks, being half earth pony
  • She is bicurious
  • She will not wear make up in the future, deciding to go for a more natural look

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To make a Changeling Princess(headcanon) · 12:01am Aug 14th, 2015

Normal changelings are born by the queen mating with a fertile male during her heat season and birthing mounds and mounds of eggs, most ending up being either drones or soldiers. However, a changeling princess is not born by acts of random chance or fate. No, a changeling princess is born through practiced methods and traditions, resulting in a live birth. The queen has a small group of soldiers find a strong stallion using a list of desirable traits and features she would like and report back

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Headcanons: The Crystal Prep Shadowbolts · 4:18am Apr 15th, 2018

Hey everyone.

This is a new thing I thought I might start on the blog here:


Fandom is a funny thing. We gather to watch, enjoy, discuss, critique and sometimes bash a certain show or work of fiction. And in that process, we tend to end up developing our own perceptions of the characters and their world. They can be widely accepted among the fandom, or they can just be little personal theories of our own making.

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(Part 2) Questions 28-50 · 3:49am Jan 27th, 2019

Previously I rambled extensively on the topic of My Little Pony.

And now, the conclusion...

Side and Background Characters:

28. Is Mr. Cake the father of the Cake twins or not?

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What if Cozy Glow is an Adult? · 9:34pm Dec 15th, 2019

Just on a headcanon roll lately. But yeah, what if Cozy Glow, the manipulative ponified Darla Dimple, is actually an adult pony with some sort of dwarfism? This explains some of her characterization and even fills in some plot holes in her story.

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Speculation and Apex Artillery: All of This Fun · 2:04pm Dec 22nd, 2017

How does Luna not know what fun is?
This is what a lot of us asked when they first watched Luna Eclipsed (S02E04) and Luna asked Applejack " Fun? What is this fun thou speakest of?"
There was quite a bit of discussion about it, and the question was asked again when Princess Twilight Sparkle (S04E02) revealed that Luna, the Princess Who Did Not Know Fun, had held the Element of Laughter way back when.

Here's my take on this.

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Report Capacitor · 294 views · #headcanon #analysis #luna

Mane Six Tickle Headcanons · 5:02am Feb 17th, 2021

As in, what is each character's most ticklish spot and if they enjoy tickling.

I teased this in my previous blog; here it is! Slight change, though: I did say in that blog that I would also give my tickle headcanons for a few background ponies, and I still do plan on that, but I decided to stick with the Mane Six for this one.

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What really made Twilight royal · 2:21pm May 25th, 2020

Hiya, lovely peeps!

I wanna address something that's been plaguing me. And that question is: what made Twilight Sparkle an alicorn?

The answer is pretty obvious; it should be so obvious, in fact, that everyone should see it. It's not Princess Celestia. That's right! Celestia did not make Twilight an alicorn. As powerful as the Sun Princess is, she does not have the power to change someone's race or alter their biology. She can't do that, not even with all the magic she has.

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Random Headcanon: Sunburst and Sunset are the Same Pony, Pre- and Post-Transition · 5:03pm Oct 17th, 2023

I've always liked the idea that Sunburst and Sunset are related somehow. This headcanon fills in some gaps in EQG canon while playing off that idea. I'm not sure I believe it myself, but it's a fun idea.

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Do you have a character you headcanon as trans? · 2:08am June 4th

And that no amount of canon evidence will convince you otherwise?



Meanings of the Marks · 12:42pm Apr 12th, 2018

Hey, what's up, I wanna talk about cutie marks and what I think they mean, and what they do.

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Cower in Fear · 1:26am Sep 19th, 2015

Estee presented an interesting thought exercise on a blog today: Who are your top five (and bottom three) scariest ponies? I took a rather more detailed approach than most respondents, and I thought it'd make a good blog in and of itself. (Plus, it'll be a lot easier to back-reference this than a comment on someone else's blog. :derpytongue2:)

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June 2016 Apple / Everfree Headcanon · 3:28am Jun 22nd, 2016

Sasquatch killed Apple Jack's parents and the mom got the worst of the mess. Granny Smith with her search party found their corpses near their broken wagon with a partially eaten AJ Dad in a tree. AJ Mom was found with a broken neck with knots in her mane too neat to be Witch's Braid.

Granny couldn't make heads or tails around the mess... that is until they were shipping pies. Tree trunks had fallen, broken by a big foot. Apple Jack can protect herself so she wasn't going to be Booger bait.

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Everypony Loves Origin Stories! · 11:30am Jan 24th, 2018

... or maybe not. I described the origins of Some Other Pony's Destiny in the author's notes on that story, so I won't waste your time by repeating myself on that subject. I've been trailing a string of half-begun or half-conceived stories like this for the last five months or so, and so, that being the case, here's one check-box on the list checked off. Honestly, I didn't intend it to become a Ray Bradbury sort of story when I conceived it, but that's what emerged on the page.

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Anon-ic Revelation · 12:06am Mar 24th, 2018

Head here and see for yourself. First post is optional, but the conclusion they reach...

Yeah. On occasion, 4chan produces something surprisingly worthwhile.


My headcanon when it comes to interspecies relationships · 2:22am Jan 27th, 2020

A human and an anthro cannot reproduce together. The same applies to anthros of different species.

I can respect those who think that they can reproduce.


Thoughts on the Season 6 Premiere in Relation to My Previous Blog Posts Part 2: Headcanon Ammo · 4:24am Apr 2nd, 2016

As I watched and reflected on the season 6 premiere, I looked for anything that either strengthened or weakened my headcanon. So far, I was not able to find much that weakened my headcanon. However, I did find quite a bit of information that supported it.

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Speculation and Apex Artillery: Chaos Magic · 10:48pm Oct 31st, 2014

I've had several tries writing something conclusive on Discord, trying to paint a complete picture of our favourite Lord of Chaos.
I couldn't make it work. For one thing, Discord is somewhat self-contradictionary, and, secondly, the topic is just. Too. Freaking. Big. For one post.
So, here we are, on the first part of what hopefully will be a series on Discord.
We'll start with something easy: His magic, herefrom for this purpose be called Chaos Magic.

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Speculation and Apex Artillery: Mirror, Magic and Mankind · 1:11am Apr 12th, 2015

In the hiatuses (Some part of me insists the plural should be hiati. It is not.) between seasons three and four as well as four and five, two movies featuring an alternate, parallel reality to Equestria inhabited by humanoid creatures were released under the name of Equestria Girls.
The parallel world featured in the movies is accessed from Equestria via a magical mirror dating back up to Star Swirl the Bearded.

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Rainbow Dash's Headcanon's · 6:17pm Jun 15th, 2018

  • Rainbow is the second smallest out of the Mane 6
  • She comes from a long line of throughbreeds
  • She is a full blood pegasus, and as such has very powerful pegasi magic
  • She can summon lightening and tornado's if she wanted to
  • She has a lot of scars, usually from misadventures
  • She has fangs
  • She knows karate, and is a black belt in it
  • She is either a lesbian or bisexual
  • She is arguably the fastest of the Mane 6, at least in flight

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 281 results