
Viewing 61 - 80 of 903 results

Patreon-Story Updated: Rise of the Serpent Queen · 3:05pm Jun 7th, 2020

With the fourth chapter up, the third chapter of Rise of the Serpent Queen has been updated here on Fimfiction!

Of course, if you wanna read ahead you can see Chapter 4 on Patreon!

Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 170 views · #Patreon

Two new non-pony stories up on my Patreon · 2:14am Sep 17th, 2020

I have two new stories that just went up on my Patreon, one is the final followed up to Mare's Tails and Dragon Scales Part 1 and Part 2 (You will need an FA account to read them).

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Report Winter Quill · 167 views · #Patreon

Patreon (again) · 1:27pm Dec 1st, 2019

Hey, you! Yes, you, Fimfiction user browsing my poorly organised profile, supposedly because you like the smut I write.

Do you want to know what I'm working on and what I'll work on next?

Do you want that, and to decide what of those things I'll work on first?

Do you want those things, and to get sneak peeks at scenes from stories I'm working on before they're released?

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Report Third Wheel · 179 views · #Patreon

A Friend Made A Patreon Page For Me^^ · 10:51am Feb 26th, 2019

Well my very good friend Nibro offered me to make a patroen page for me, (actually already a few month ago) and today it is done.:twilightsmile:

So for everyone who like to share a few bits with me, here you go -> Link:derpytongue2:

Report Azure Drache · 170 views · #Patreon

A reminder that I have a sad and lonely Patreon page. · 8:00pm Apr 19th, 2021

EDIT: holy crap that was fast, Opium4TmassS! I'll getchu your early-access story stuff as soon as I can. 👍

Report TheMajorTechie · 157 views · #patreon

Patreon Launch · 4:00pm May 7th, 2023

I said yesterday that I'd be putting up my Patreon page today, and I've been poking at settings, learning to navigate the site, and bit-by-bit doing exactly that.

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Report SilverNotes · 64 views · #patreon

New Bronze Tier Story: Earning Your Stripes · 9:41am Nov 14th, 2022

A new NSFW story have been updated to the Bronze Tier Folder on my pay-to-read accounts:

Earning Your Stripes

Twilight and Cadence find themselves traveling to the Zebra Homeland; Farasi, in order to re-establish an alliance with them as well assist them with a unique friendship problem. However upon arriving, they discover that said problem may require a more "hooves on" approach... and they sadly can't keep their hooves off the King...

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Report Alphamon_Ouryuken · 143 views · #patreon

Support Me on Patreon · 8:55pm Nov 6th, 2019

Seems like everybody's doing this nowadays, so I figured I'd give it a shot. Support me on Patreon if you enjoy my work. Any donations made are greatly appreciated. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Report doomie-22 · 134 views · #patreon

PATRONIZE ME! · 2:22am Sep 2nd, 2015

No, seriously...I just got a Patreon.

"But Rob," I hear you say, "you always said that Patreons are the sign of the devil!"

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Patreon [Now With Perks] · 11:13pm Sep 30th, 2015

Hey, so as some of you might remember, I have a Patreon! Patreon is a good way to support people whose content you enjoy, and really, anything helps, even if it's just a dollar.

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Report Regidar · 325 views · #patreon

I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm broke, so... Patreon? · 6:20am Aug 2nd, 2015

So, I need more motivation to write.

And the thing that holds me back from writing the most is stressing over my finances, cause I tend to wind up hitting single-digits (or negatives) at least once a month.

So, in an attempt to kill two birds with one stone, I'm starting a Patreon.

Though I don't really know what I'm doing here.

I'd appreciate support, but I'm not against being informed that my rewards or anything are totally unfeasible or anything.

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Report Rinnaul · 264 views · #patreon

Reorganized and revive my Patreon! · 3:52am Sep 10th, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

Yesh, yesh.

Stay quick, stay sharp, and thanks for your support!

Report LightningSword · 264 views · #Patreon

Now you can support me on Patreon without spending any money at all! · 9:22am Oct 28th, 2016

I'm not sure how this deep voodoo works, but Patreon has rolled out a new feature:

So, if you've wanted to support me, but couldn't for financial reasons, there's another way now!
You can find it on my Patreon page. You'll need to have a Patreon account and be logged in to see it. Thanks for considering it! :twilightsheepish:

Report ocalhoun · 503 views · #Patreon

Expecto Patreonum · 5:33pm Jun 19th, 2016

* bounces back from inactivity *

WritingSpirit here, still running on coffee and kept on reality's leash! :pinkiehappy:

I finally found some time to sit down and type this, after finding some time to sit down and have a moment of contemplation. It's no eureka moment when you know that there are dozens on this site who came up with the same thing, but despite trying not to resort to it for the several months, I thought maybe it's time I should ask this question.

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Report WritingSpirit · 242 views · #Patreon

Site Post » Fimfiction Patreon · 9:18am Jun 23rd, 2017

Hey guys,

You may have already noticed with "patreon sponsor" badges in the last half day or so. I've been slowly rolling this out to make sure there isn't any breakage hopefully, but since it all seems to have worked so far I'm officially announcing it.

Fimfiction now has a patreon! The main reward you can get from supporting to the site is an ad-free experience.

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Report knighty · 5,562 views · #patreon

NEWS: Patreon Listened...And Apologized! (And The Fee Changes Are Cancelled) · 6:18pm Dec 13th, 2017

Patreon won a lot of trust, respect, and business back today.

They realized they screwed up, they're not changing the way processing fees work, and they're going to try to find a better way to fix the problem that started all this.

So yeah, we're back on model and back on soliciting Patreon pledges. ^_^

Report MythrilMoth · 414 views · #patreon

Patreon · 10:23pm Jul 28th, 2017

Hello, you all! I just had a question for you, my readers and followers, which is: would you be willing to support me on Patreon?

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Report Celesti Lateo · 620 views · #Patreon

Updates · 5:19pm May 1st, 2016

I have posted another short except of my latest FoE chapter on my patreon for those that are supporting me. I plan to do this more and more often. I hope more people choose to support me, and to those that are already supporting me, thank you so much for your support.

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Report AlmanacP · 217 views · #patreon

Commissions!!!!!!!!!! · 12:55am Nov 14th, 2016

I'm still willing to do commissions for anyone! Just message me and I'd be happy to workout the details!!! College isn't cheap plus I just love writing! Check out my Patreon here!!!!

Report PromKing2010 · 242 views · #Patreon!

Patreon early access thing · 6:10am May 5th, 2019

I have a story I'm working on in my free time, just to see if I can butter some of you up, the first chapter is now on my Patreon
It's a Luna x Spike story and yes, there shall be sexy times in the story, you wanna read it before I release it then become a Patreon Pledge person, and just as a note, I'm not posting the story on Fim until it's 100% finished, so there, read now, or wait probably a year.

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Report Silver Butcher · 95 views · #Patreon
Viewing 61 - 80 of 903 results