
Viewing 61 - 80 of 184 results

Update on Trial of The Crown · 3:27pm Feb 12th, 2016

for whoever reads these blogs

I'm sorry for the wait on the next two chapters of the story Trial of The Crown, they are coming. Skye Mist has a really busy itinerary, so as such, she is regularly unable to proofread. I don't trust my own grammar and punctuation; so... I can't publish them. thank you for being patient, it is much appreciated.



Looking for a proofreader. · 4:23pm Apr 4th, 2017

Hi all, I know you probably weren't expecting this, but I need a proofreader. I think my fanfictions are okay, but I'm having a huge problem, typos. Pretty much every writer has these problems, and I try my hardest to minimilize them. But I can't always catch all them. So, I need someone to help me out. I have them all on google docs, so, all I need is someone to go on there and correct any errors you may find. I'd be more than happy to give you credit for doing so. And if you don't want to,

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Looking for proofreader/editor · 6:02pm Jul 31st, 2017

I am currently looking for a proofreader and/or editor, in order to speed up the process of writing.

Report 4dpon3 · 190 views · #proofreader #editor #help #needed

Almost there · 8:20pm Nov 13th, 2018

Hey everpony,

a little update for those that want it, the cover art I talked about in the last blog is halfway done.
After that, I go over the story one more time.

I also asked if someone wished to be a proofreader, but sadly no one volunteered.

So do you like the challenge? then PM me for the details. Warning, there will be fetishes involved in said story.

I hope to hear from you.

Until then,
Ride free everypony


Anyone Else Need One? · 8:56pm Aug 3rd, 2015

I'm going to do three more calls. This is the first one, so two more after this.

Does anyone else need an editor and/or proofreader? I only have two slots left (the other two were taken by Rosegamer and Twilight Phantom; that was a message for them in case they forgot)

Anyway, remember only two more slots! Get one quick before they're all gone!


Comment on this blog post if you need one, and once I reply to your comment, PM me to get started!


In need if a proofreader · 3:10pm Jan 26th, 2023

So, my proofreader GoldenHeartofMorioh just enrolled into college, so he's gonna be inactive for a while.

In the meantime, I'm gonna need a proofreader for my stories until he finishes. So, if anybody is interested, then feel free to DM me.


Past and Present · 7:35pm Oct 24th, 2018

Proofreading Volume 2 has made me develop a newfound appreciation for how far I have come in terms of the quality of my writing. A big part of why editing it has been such a slog is how much harder it is to have to read through chapters that are not quite up to snuff with what I've been churning out in recent years. To quote Ben Yahtzee Croshaw...

"99% of all creators loathe everything they made more than 5 years ago and the remaining 1% are liars!"

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Looking for proofreaders...maybe even an editor · 7:25am Oct 26th, 2015

So, with Chapter 4 of The Changeling That Bugged My Heart going up, I had to realise a few things.
First, never give a longass title to your fic...well, next time.
Second, from the incoming PMs and comments on my sub par grammar (which I'm glad you guys don't fail to notify me of...keep them coming if you find something's off), I came to a decision that this is no system for this, and it looks very unprofessional.

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List of stories I've edited and proofread for: · 12:58am Jan 19th, 2018


I’m a Professional Now! · 3:20am Jul 16th, 2022

Hey all! It’s been a while, hasn’t it. A lot’s been going on. Drank a lot of tea.

I have officially graduated with an associate’s degree in arts with a focus on writing! Hooray! I have a job as a writing tutor now, and have been editing professionally as a side job for about a year. So, where does that leave my ponyfic proofreading?

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Need prereaders for a new fanfic I'm working on. · 2:22am Jul 27th, 2015

The other fanfic is on hiatus. But, I am working on another, and would greatly appreciate a proof reader.

Simply contact me at if you're interested :D However, I'll be looking for an experienced proofreader, meaning, you have proofread before (atleast one time) and are reliable (meaning you won'y give away the fanfic access code or anything that involves completely changing the fanfic.)


I am alive!!!! · 1:34pm Mar 10th, 2019

Sorry everyone for the lack of updates. There has been some stuff going on here and I kinda had to do some running around to get things done as well as trying to figure out a way to proceed with some of the stories.

I'll be trying to get updates ready as soon as possible but it might take a while. I am really sorry about this. I'll also try to get more than one chapter sent at a time if possible.

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Proofreading · 7:32pm Dec 27th, 2015

I can proofread and have proofread before. No idea why I'm saying this in a blog while I have no followers, but hey, why not?


300 already · 6:44am Jun 28th, 2017

*fans self* Jeese, you guys sure are laying on the pressure thick aint ya? I best step up my game and stop screwing around. I honestly didnt think id even get this far but I will try my best to be worthy of your attention. Please keep letting me know what my stories do and dont do well. The feedback on The First Law has been very enlightening and ive learned alot! I had hoped to do another suggestion thing for 300 but i've still got to finish the last batch I did around 250. So around 350 or a

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And Behold, There Was a Pale Pink Horse · 9:34pm Jan 1st, 2017

For no particular reason and totally at random, I have updated Waiting On Death to make the footnotes more readable, correct a few minor errors, and indicate the correct chapter on Binky Pie by Miyajima where it references the last update.

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Bluesy · 7:13pm Dec 21st, 2015

Feeling down. Killing my inspiration. Need to do edits for Chasing The Briny Neighsayer. Apparently it's close to making it to EQD. Shopping for proofreaders and editors if you know any into pirates!


Word Count Inconsistancies · 7:38pm Sep 29th, 2018

If anyone can clear this up for me, I will appreciate it.

I have found while proofreading Volume 2 that after editing the text and adding more where needed, I find that the word count is smaller than it was before by several hundred words. And it even seems to apply with chapters before I swap out the old text for the new.

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Editor Needed · 3:25pm Jul 15th, 2015

I need an editor for two stories. I am not the worst writer of all time but by no means am I the best either. I have had it suggested to me to request an editor or at least a proofreader. I am of the opinion that writing is an art that requires one to take the suggestions of others. It is now time for me to follow my own teachings.

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Hardcore Grammar Geekery · 7:18pm Jun 17th, 2016

Page break because I just went nuts on this one sentence I thought could use with improvement during a First Glance Reviews post I was trying to do today. I'm not sure if I'm correct, so I'd love to hear a second opinion on this. If you're into grammar, or just wanna see what I'm nerding about, get it after the jump.

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Looking for proofreader. · 6:07am Sep 17th, 2016

I finished some edits and need another proofreader for help. I don't want to continue to ask same people out of courtesy for their time. This way I can get the story off hiatus and as I finish chapter two. Any help is appreciated.

Viewing 61 - 80 of 184 results