
Viewing 781 - 800 of 902 results

Chapter 4, Discord, Patreon and a Thank You From Me. · 4:28am Jun 24th, 2019


Patreon · 1:17am Aug 15th, 2018

I just wanted to say that I finally have a Patreon. The link to it is down below.


And now, a cringe-inducing bit where Flim and Flam try (and probably fail) to convince you to join my Patreon! · 6:12am Sep 30th, 2021

"It's the absolute worst!" Flim yelled, cartwheeling in front of the conveniently-placed pile of dynamite. "There's nothing there, really--you should join my Patreon instead, where you'll get access to my OnlyFlams posts for the low, low price of your soul and half of your pocket change! Unlike a certain somepony, who only offers marker-scented markers."

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Upon This Shelf Fanfiction Review · 5:32pm Sep 27th, 2019


What story to update next? · 2:18pm Jan 4th, 2020

I'm getting closer to when I was planning to re-watch the show and I'm pretty positive it's going to entice me to update (though the biggest motivator remains my patreon as that's what inspired me to update affame d'amour last summer).

What should I update first?

Affame D'amour

Daring Do and the Legend of the Ruby Knight


or A taste of Caramel

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Road To A Hundred · 3:07pm Sep 22nd, 2023

We did, lovely peeps.

We did it.

When I first started writing in May 2020, I never imagined, never dreamed that we would ever grow so much. But our little family kept growing and before I knew it, we hit one hundred.

There a lot of you now. And I would like to express my undying gratitude to each and every one of you.

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to be lazy or not be lazy · 2:46am May 11th, 2017

one of these days ill actually get back to writing

just probably not today

or this week

actually this month is bad for me

next year sounds good



Opinion: Youtube, Patreon and Independent Funding · 4:41pm May 23rd, 2017

As the Youtube Ad-pocalypse is worsening, more and more Youtubers are getting affected by the lack of revenue, either forcing them to turn Youtube into a side-job or having to find an alternative way to get the money they need to keep the channel. This is where Patreon enters into the stage, allowing the people to, personally, fund the people they like and this is a good thing, many Youtube channels have managed to survive thanks to them but while this solution looks nice on the short run,

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2016 in Review—What's My Progress So Far? · 8:37pm Dec 22nd, 2016

Sands and storms, it's time for one of these already? Even more alarming, this nears marking the the third anniversary of Unusual Things?

Boy, the days really fly, don't they?

Well, it is what it is. Time marches on. Which means that once again it's time to take a look back at my goals, accomplishments, and the like during this year and see what I've gotten done. It's time to put 2016 under the microscope and look at some hard data.

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Tomorrow, I become a Son of the Patriots! · 9:56pm Dec 26th, 2016

Because I'll be setting up my Patreon account and page! I'm looking forward to seeing how well this will turn out! I'll be able to get funds for my animations and art projects, maybe even learn new techniques to take my talents to new heights possibly!

I think I'll keep the rewards simple and the donation prices low to begin with. That might interest people hopefully. Yeah. Low low amounts of funding in exchange for simple and reasonable rewards.

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Patreon Comic Rewards: From Love Comes Life (Romance and Comedy) and Creature Horror Movie (Comedy) · 10:11pm Mar 3rd, 2016


This is the only reason I can't support Fimfiction via Patreon. · 6:42pm Jul 11th, 2017

If you'd like to know why, and you're not a Patreon, check the front page. :pinkiehappy:

If you are a Patreon of Fimfiction, I am sorry. You cannot see all the funny ads that have been parodying one another on the front page, because Fimfiction chooses to punish you for supporting them. That is just the way it is.

But this is what you are missing.

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Is this the end of Threadbare?! My review blogs on it, I mean… Like… it’s just chapter 7 so I’m sure he lives. Patreon reward for A.P.O.N.I. · 10:39pm Sep 10th, 2018


For Midnight Rising readers... · 6:56pm May 21st, 2018

If you're not already reading Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night, I invite you to at least read its latest chapter, which is an interlude that shows the counterpart Halloween party happening at Canterlot High and is (as yet) untouched by the insanity breaking loose on the other side of the portal. No sex, sorry (as it's intended to provide a brief break from it), but it also includes some tantalizing clues as to the outcome of the (as-yet) unwritten sequel involving the

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Some bad news... · 4:46pm May 31st, 2018

With apologies, there will be no new story chapters from me for a while, either on Firefly or Nightmare Night. :ajsleepy: Why? Several reasons. First, my motivation level for new writing hit zero this week. This is due to a combination of factors, not the least of which is a heavy workload in the form of a must-finish software development project and a nixed vacation because of it. I was supposed to be off to Las Vegas next week to play some poker, but that's now delayed by at

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Delays and Such · 7:09pm Feb 27th, 2018

I'm delayed in a number of projects at the moment.

Right now I'm grading midterms and dealing with a resurgence in pain after some dental work a few weeks back. I also just had minor surgery but that no longer hurts at least.

Currently I have a DROD hold I'm planning to release in a week or two, but as far as pony projects go there are delays.

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Draft of Chapter 8 (the shoggoth confrontation) is (finally) up on Patreon · 8:52pm May 8th, 2019

All Patreon Sponsors can see it here. Don't know how much longer it'll be before I finish proofreading sections and posting them here, but hopefully I don't hit another delay on it.

Remember, Patreon money is useful for getting delays out of the way, so if you have a dollar to spare and want to see completed chapters come out faster, that's a good place to do it.


Commissions Open and Patreon Launched! · 4:37pm Feb 3rd, 2019

So I just opened myself up for commissions and launched a patreon ( here )

Commissions are easy. You can hire me to write almost anything you want so long as it isn't pornographic in nature. They are priced as follows:
1,000 words: 10$ + 10$ per additional kiloword.
5,000 words: 45$ + 10$ per additional kiloword.
10,000 words: 80$ + 10$ per additional kiloword.

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I reached a BIG milestone yesterday! · 2:35pm Oct 15th, 2020

As most of you may already know, I recently published my latest addition to my Showing His Place series with the donation-funded spinoff Date Night. Not only did the sequel help to get me a new cell phone when my previous one broke (as well as assisted with some upcoming bills), but the story also allowed me to reach a massive milestone on this website:

As of now, I have written over Three Million Words total on FimFiction.

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I'm not saying it's Ponies but..... · 12:11pm Jun 27th, 2018

Viewing 781 - 800 of 902 results