
Viewing 841 - 860 of 903 results

The Force and the Human Condition: A short deconstruction of Star Wars. Patreon reward for Somber Star · 6:18pm Jun 17th, 2019

Hey readers,

Been a while since I've done one of these! As you may have heard, my Patreon stuff has gone over some major changes with a MUCH more active Discord server and different approaches to rewards. Also, I take booze money as a form of gratitude now.

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Full Steam Ahead · 1:27am Nov 7th, 2019

I've been sick for two weeks, but I'm doing better now. And I have some big news.

But first, smaller news.

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Survey for You! Editors wanted? · 5:12am Nov 29th, 2016

Take a short survey on google drive

Let me know what you want to see me write the most. It's a pretty shitty survey but it's only 8 questions, and the highlights are the following:

I want to start a new story, here are some possible prompts, choose one

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Villains: Where do they come from? What makes a good villain?? Let’s Find Out! Patreon Reward for Nova Quill! · 12:36am Jul 31st, 2018

Heya readers! Well, with this blog I’m finally caught up… with LAST months Patreon rewards!

Welp, maybe I’ll be a bit more on the ball next month… OR cram four more blog posts into a period composed of less than 48 hours (unlikely, so here’s to another month of playing catchup!)

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Werewolves, and werewolves, and another type of werewolf! Oh my! Patreon reward for nuclearcore! · 1:57am Nov 1st, 2018


Poll Results! · 1:19am Sep 5th, 2017

I have finally finished my first pay period: I completed 13,142 words over my past five stories/chapters, for a total Patreon income of $1! And it only took me a little over a month! :pinkiecrazy:

Buck apples get bits.

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You can vote for faster updates of "Sunny Starscout & Izzy Moonbow: Serial Killers" now! · 7:59am Dec 27th, 2022

"Sunny Starscout & Izzy Moonbow: Serial Killers" hasn't been updated for quite some time now, for a little more than one year, to be precise. The story is not cancelled and I still write for it, however. 2023 will see continuous updates of my currently unfinished multi-chapter stories again, including "Sunny Starscout & Izzy Moonbow: Serial Killers", but if you want to speed up the release of new chapters, there is something you can do now.

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Semiautomagic! Patreon reward for nuclearcore. · 12:14am Oct 12th, 2018

Welcome back, readers! I continue to dig myself out of my Patreon reward blog hole (which brings to mind all kinds of great images, I’m sure) by moving on to more book reviews as requested by nuclercore. In this case, I’ll be tackling The Dresden Files book series, hopefully covering one a month for… well… there’s fifteen of them not including side-stories, so for a

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Pink Alicorn Blues Progress Report #3 · 3:53pm Jul 12th, 2018

(pointy pony pic art by Hail King Sombra)

Ah poor Kingsley. You come over to Shining Armor's bro pad for a night of Ogres and Oubliettes and how does the new Prince of the Crystal Empire greet you?

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Update and Patreon? · 3:27pm Mar 8th, 2018

Hey everyone, I'm still alive.

Now that we get my obligatory update out of the way on that front, I haven't been able to work on fanfiction in the past long while with trying to monetize certain aspects of my life, dealing with a shitty home situation and now dealing with the fact that if I can't make enough money to feed myself and will need to move with and stay living with the same shitty situation.

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Commission/Pateron signal boost. AND Chapter Update. · 1:42am Dec 5th, 2015


Two Lives for One Thousand Eyes · 4:33am Jul 31st, 2017

So, this happened.

I haven't posted nearly enough porn for this.

I know I'm late on writing this blog post, because apparently I've picked up two more of you beloved barnacles since then. :derpytongue2: So it's time for me to address all you crazy ponies with stuff relevant to my future on Fimfiction and beyond.

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It All Comes Together – The Juggernaut News Post · 7:53pm May 3rd, 2019

Hey readers! I’m back, this time with an update post on a lot of projects. Because I have been blasting ahead lately. I’ve got some awesome news and updates for everyone, so make sure you check through everything if there’s a story or even you’re waiting up on!

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You can vote for faster updates of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" now! · 2:57am Dec 26th, 2022

"A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" hasn't been continued for quite some time now, for more than 1 and a half years, to be precise. The story is not cancelled and I still write for it, however. 2023 will see continuous updates of my currently unfinished multi-chapter stories again, including "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World", but if you want to speed up the release of new chapters, there is something you can do now.

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You can vote for faster updates of "Liza Doolots and the Candy Factory" now! · 7:55am Dec 27th, 2022

"Liza Doolots and the Candy Factory" hasn't been updated for quite some time now, for more than one and a half years, to be precise. The story is not cancelled and I still write for it, however. 2023 will see continuous updates of my currently unfinished multi-chapter stories again, including "Liza Doolots and the Candy Factory", but if you want to speed up the release of new chapters, there is something you can do now.

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The Adventure Zone Episode 18 - 20 "End Of the Line" · 2:38am Apr 28th, 2023


Best HFY Reddit Stories: Wearing Power Armor To A Magic School Part 21 - 30 · 8:11am January 24th


Being the Betterest at what anti-heroes do! Patreon reward for nuclearcore! · 7:44am May 27th, 2018

My quest to continue to make myself less late with patreon reward posts continues! This particular post is brought to you by Nuclearcore! Nuclearcore wanted me to share my thoughts on comic book character and galaxy class fragger, Lobo! So, let's explode some tires and start some gunfire!

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Lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky bloggin' 'bout comics again. Patreon reward for Firimil/Nova Quill · 3:50am Aug 21st, 2018

Heya, reader! I was hoping for some clever word-play or character accent I could take from my latest Patreon reward read, but mostly all I got was vulgarity so erm… Let’s get started, you sex… nozzles.

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Misleading Click-baity Title: How Marvel is Killing the Movie Industry. Patreon Reward for Somber Star · 3:35am Nov 28th, 2018

Heya readers and, in all likelihood, moviegoers!

For his reward, Somber Star asked/allowed me to get some thoughts out of my brain concerning the current state of movies, of which I have many, but specifically we’re going to talk about “franchising” and how it’s literally destroying everything ever.

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Viewing 841 - 860 of 903 results