
Viewing 841 - 860 of 1,011 results

New Story Planned For The Weekend! · 9:31pm Nov 1st, 2016

Well after making my comeback with Halloween, it's time to start producing some stories again. Starting towards the week end, most likely Friday.

Anyway, this time you can expect a less horrifyingly intense story. Coming up into another shipping story featuring another ship I've not written about before, with a side of comedy. This time it will also feature two characters outside of the main six.

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New story coming · 2:15am Oct 11th, 2016


Sci-Twi and Gilda shipping story · 5:55am Oct 14th, 2016

So when I wrote Fight Club Brawl: Aria and Gilda, I asked if anyone was interested in a romantic story between the two. I did not get a lot of responses, but did get some positive ones. As such, I have started a story called Brains and Brawlers. It's going to be a sequel to Fight Club Brawl, and an anthology style story about the two and their romantic adventures (or misadventures as the case might be)

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My Thoughts on Episode 16, "The Times They Are a Changeling" · 2:12am Aug 21st, 2016

EARLY! Okay, okay... got that done. So I made this seconds after the stream/episode ended! But, I finished today. So, yeah now... the thoughts!

To put it basically, I really liked this episode! Spike makes friends with a changeling by the name, Thorax, which is creeping me out... Anyway! So during the stream, some people were all like, making a ship name for Spike and Thorax. They eventually, ended up with Sporax. And I was there half looking at the chat.

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Happy Valentine's Day! · 5:22pm Feb 14th, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day everyone, hope you're all having a very special day with your special someponies! If not then you're welcome to join me in the category of people who are celebrating this fine Tuesday all alone, yet again.:twilightsheepish:

Nevertheless, hope you all have a great day wherever you are spending it!:yay:


The Iron Horse: "Touch" Follow-Up (Including a Deleted Scene!) · 9:04pm May 28th, 2016

Hello everyone! Well, while I'm working on the next chapter and the crossover project, I thought I'd post a follow-up on the most recent chapter: the end-cap of the Romance Arc, "Touch!" Let's get started shall we?

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Miss Koi Finally Reviews “Discordant Harmony” and “The Perfect Pear” · 7:28am Sep 17th, 2017

Guess what you guys?:D Two for the price of one type reviews are back!:D Since I'm so behind on these reviews, I figured, I can get away with this:D Yay for getting away with stuff!:D

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Hopefully that got your attention. Anyway, I have something of sorts to announce. If you like King Sombra, contests, Princess Luna, my writing, shipping, Lunbra, or anything remotely related to anything I just listed and why you're following me, please keep reading.

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What's new. · 11:20am Jan 9th, 2017

So thanks to a little push I made Barnyard Redemption. And I found myself really enjoying writing it, so I'm going to make a new one shot based around this fic whenever I get in the mood.
What does this mean you ask? Well I still plan on updating other stories its just now you guys can expect alot of futajack or the futajack chronicles.
These will all be one shots so they won't take all my time.

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The Thunder Clan - Chapter 15 · 4:12am Jun 3rd, 2017

Roxy was confused as to what was going on. Then a jolt of fear suddenly ran up her spine and nearly made her stop in her tracks. Was it the Earth Tribe? Were they attacking??
A few rather speedy Pikachu ran past her, and she tried to hear what they were saying. Everyone sounded worried, but not as if they were in danger. Rather, they sounded more concerned about something. "What-?" she tried to ask a Pikachu that ran by far too quickly.
"Where?" one shouted to his friend.

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Finland, Cruise Ships, and Bioluminescent Algae · 1:20pm Apr 19th, 2019

Just returned from a week in my current favourite country Finland, where I went to a ShowScience workshop in Turku. I was travelling with a large suitcase full of physics toys. Just the basics: cloud chamber, silicon detector, radioactive objects, Lego kits, LHC posters; as well as an electron, proton, positron, Z boson; up, down, top, bottom, strange and anti-charm quark plushies; and laptop loaded with virtual model of ATLAS detector. I was very restrained in my packing compared to some

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Doctor Whooves and Assistant Fanfic · 2:38am Jul 7th, 2015

If you loooove the radio play "Doctor Whooves and Assistant" by Ponies With Pockets Productions, you should check out the fanfic "Cranks and Bubbles" by Guppygirl.

It's AMAZING!!!! It actually feels like a real episode of the radio play.

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More Bronycon Followup. With pictures! · 2:14am Aug 10th, 2019

It's Friday night, and I've got nothing better to do, so, uh ... here's a handful of BronyCon pics!

First off, The Lines. People weren't kidding about 'em. Seriously, here's what the line to the Vendor's Hall looked like on Thursday afternoon. You'd think they were giving out free drugs in there or something.

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Shudderbones is Finished! · 9:49pm Aug 24th, 2015

I have completed the plotline to the Shudderbones story. There will still be proofreading and occasional revision, but the story that is posted is, in essence, complete!
I hope you all enjoy Shudderbones as much as I enjoyed writing it. If it's popular enough, I may just have to write a sequel.
There is an Equestria Girls human Shudderbones story coming as well, but I'm taking my time with that one.

No one liked my Sheerluck Homes story.

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Back In Semi-Action · 7:51pm Oct 19th, 2015

Hey everyone! I'm back! For the most part. I had some problems that needed to be dealt with and are still being worked on. As I'm studying and looking for a job I won't be able to post too much on here. But whenever I have the time to I will :) I have ideas I just need to find the time to write them. Speaking of ideas I would like your guys' help with a pairing crisis I'm having.

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Professional Procrastination · 6:22pm Mar 21st, 2018

The next chapter for 'Bird Behavior' hasn't even been started yet, and I apologize for that. I suck a writing consistently, as anyone who has been here since my first story knows. I've been distracted by watching DWK on YouTube (I highly reccomend it,) food, and dealing with car stuff. Point is, I'm sorry about being an inconsistent piece of garbage, but I'll get working on the next chapter soon, I promise. It might be the last chapter, or the second to last chapter, I haven't decided yet. I

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The Return of the King of nothing in particular · 9:56pm May 10th, 2021

Anyone still here?

To say the last couple of months have been busy is an understatement and a half. Between school and work, I've been basically going 16 hours a day every day with very few breaks. And I still haven't had enough time to do everything better than half-assed. Ain't it a bitch when you're overextending yourself and it's still not enough?

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MDC-mate · 10:58am Sep 16th, 2019

Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who decided I'm worth paying attention to, now that another hundred have joined in. Not sure how many are still on the site, but I do appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

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The Thunder Clan - Chapter 14 · 9:34am May 2nd, 2017

"Roxy, you…you have to eat something," Makari whispered.
The other Pikachu stayed nearby for a good ten minutes, the latter half of which was spent in silence, before he gave up and left. Roxy hadn't moved an inch. She paid no mind to the abandoned fruit lying at her paws.
Roxy could swear there were voices in her head. You killed him, they said, You destroyed him. You made him bleed, you made him hurt, and you took his life. Who else's life are you going to take?

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RubyBat · 7:37pm Feb 18th, 2018

Hearts and Hooves Day maybe over but love is still in the air! Kinda.

Viewing 841 - 860 of 1,011 results