
Viewing 881 - 900 of 903 results

Tempo Boost Story Poll #4 (March 2023) · 4:04pm Mar 13th, 2023

I'm coming out of a few, tough weeks, as I have been affected by a certain case of cancel culture that has happened in the fandom. This month's Tempo Boost Story Poll happens late because of that, but the poll and the number of days to participate remains the same. I'll have to crunch to get the winning chapter out at the end of the month, but nothing changes for you if you vote.

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Tempo Boost Story Poll #11 (November 2023) · 11:35pm Nov 26th, 2023

The Tempo Boost Story Poll makes a return! Last month's poll had to be sacrificed to health issues and this month's also has to happen a little late, but I spent my Patreon income for November, so I will of course deliver the poll and, if there are any votes, the chapter for the winning story. And, hey, at least the number is aligned with the month now! The Tempo Boost Story Polls are finally back on my Patreon

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Tempo Boost Story Poll #10 (September 2023) · 9:49pm Sep 5th, 2023

My aforementioned tooth problems have delayed this a little, but here is now the new Tempo Boost Story Poll on my Patreon! Like in previous months, you can vote for one of my multi-chapter stories to receive an update before the month's end.
Here's how it works:

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Tempo Boost Story Poll #9 (August 2023) · 10:24pm Aug 1st, 2023

It's time for another Tempo Boost Story Poll on Patreon! Once more, you can vote for one of my currently incomplete multi-chapter stories, which then gets an extra update before the end of the month.
This will be an update in addition to the chapters I am already writing and releasing, completely chosen by you!
Here's how it works:

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Redesigning my Patreon and Ko-fi Account (including a reward tier for "The Sky is Gone") and a Shoutout to my new Patrons · 11:03pm Nov 26th, 2022

I have some news about my Patreon and Ko-fi account to announce today. First, to start with the biggest one, I will go and redesign both accounts. I have started them in 2019, with tiny success so far, but I also was in a mentally bad state when I made a push for earning money with my stories in that year. My writing was, compared to what it is again now, a mess back then, my mental condition affected the quality of it and it also showed in the way I was going about designing my Patreon and

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The Fluttering Scare is gone..... for another year. Instead, there is a festive, merry Twitter account now. · 1:47am Nov 28th, 2022

The Dark Season is over. It lasts always longer in my mind, sometimes a few days, sometimes a few weeks, but now it's over. The Fluttering Scare is gone, at least until next year, and Fluttercheer is back. The curse gift has been taken. And in place of The Dark Season steps the Hearth's Warming Season, the Season of Light. It begins exactly today and with it, there comes.....

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It is done..... MythrilMoth is archived. · 1:20am May 15th, 2019

I am finished with archiving everything from MythrilMoth. I went over five different web presences and archived content by him in the WaybackMachine. It was an insane amount of work and I'm just tired now, in total, it took 47 hours and 12 minutes to archive it all. But it was necessary, because Zef implied a possibility that his accounts could get deleted, either by his wish or by demand from his family.

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Independent Income Progress: The First Time I bought new Clothes with Money from my Writing! · 1:30am Nov 18th, 2023


Tempo Boost Story Poll #3 (February 2023) · 1:55am Feb 3rd, 2023

The new Tempo Boost Story Poll is live on my Patreon account! This is a day late, because I was operating on only 4 hours of sleep yesterday and then still had to go to an appointment and buy groceries, after which I slept pretty much the rest of the day, but now it's voting time!

Once more, like in the first two polls, you can vote for six stories, which are:

- Dreamwalker Dash

- Letters to Cozy Glow

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"The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" releases in 2 Days here on! · 11:56pm Jul 26th, 2023

Only two days more until "The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" releases here on! Part 3 of "The Sky is Gone" is already up on my Patreon account, but on Friday, it will be your turn to see what happens after the startling conclusion of "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany".

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The Melancholy of Star Wars: The Last Force-Bending Divergent: [Miss] Mockingjay, Part X: Jupiter's Twilight. Patreon reward for Somber Star! · 12:55am Aug 29th, 2018

Hello, hello! First off, if you missed it, a Patreon blog about a topic and character near and dear to my heart went out rather late last night, and that would be Sunset Shimmer! So maybe give that a read if you want a crash-course on what things of mine she’s been in and my opinions of her development in canon.

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Deep Thoughts: Why free art requests are important · 4:26pm Sep 17th, 2019

I had one of those rare moments today when my thoughts go really deep about something. I shouldn't be sharing them here, right now, because I actually don't have time for that. I'm also worrying that publishing these thoughts could be seen as lazy on my part, since I talk about them, but don't say anything about my active stories that are still in a place of temporary stagnation.

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New Story is released: "A Big Sister for Hearth's Warming" · 1:13am Jan 1st, 2022

Well, I did it again..... Writing on the holidays to save my goal. Which cannot be completely saved anymore now, I am falling short by one story for my December and end-of-the-year writing goal that was supposed to get released today at the latest, as it is a dedicated New Year's Eve story. One that I already wanted to write and release last year, but I focused too much on the dumb virus and that somehow messed with my writing plans for the entire year of 2020.

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Tempo Boost Story Poll #7 (June 2023) · 5:14pm Jun 5th, 2023

It's Tempo Boost Story Poll Time again! I'm sorry it's once more a little late, I was too out of it because of too much training and exercise the last five days.
Let's start:

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"The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" has concluded on Patreon! + Part 3 will start releasing there tomorrow! · 10:18pm Jul 17th, 2023

I have just released the final messages in "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" on my Patreon account. I am not going to spoiler them and tell you what Silverstream's messages of this day contain, other than that she has finally reached her home, but if you don't want to wait, why don't you subscribe to me on Patreon?

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"Who even is this Fluttercheer guy I'm following for years now?": Random Facts about me, myself and I · 1:55am Jun 22nd, 2019

A while ago (precisely, last year), I have started to think that I'm not talking enough about myself. I've seen so many other authors talk about themselves in blog entries, sometimes even sharing very personal details about their lives, but I never wanted to talk much about myself and give away too many things about me, mainly, because I always thought that doing this makes me vulnerable. But at the same time, I also never liked to hide myself or who I am.

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"The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" has released on Patreon! · 4:32am Jul 19th, 2023

The moment is here. After doing some more tweaking to everything, "The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" has been released on my Patreon account!

This is Part 3 of "The Sky is Gone" and it will release here on, too, but since Part 2 has yet to wrap up here, that will only happen in ten days from now, on July 28th.

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Tempo Boost Story Poll #6 (May 2023) · 1:03am May 12th, 2023

I gotta admit, I completely forgot about the poll this month..... As this happened, I should extend the voting deadline, but since no one has participated in the polls, so far, I will keep the usual end date of the poll. If you should decide to pledge to my Patreon account this month and still want to participate in the poll, you can send me a private message here or comment under this blog entry with your story

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A delicious dinner, fully paid for with my writing · 11:00pm Feb 3rd, 2020

Today, exactly one week ago, was a very important day. What you see on the picture below is the first dinner and food that I could pay with my writing:

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Lover of the Moon · 3:22pm Sep 29th, 2021

TLover of the Moon
It's been a thousand years since everypony disappeared, and I feel a change in the air. Some secrets aren't meant to be kept forever, and my beloved Princess's are no exception.
Silent Whisper · 5.1k words  ·  113  5 · 1.2k views

It's here! Now we've got both sides of the story. I plan to update one fic per week, alternating between the two. It's time to get excited! Note that both fics can be read on their own, but if you want the full story, you're more than welcome to read both as each chapter's released.

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Viewing 881 - 900 of 903 results