
Viewing 881 - 900 of 1,167 results

>.> <.< Shipping questions for... reasons. · 4:36pm Dec 16th, 2023

Hey there everyone. Don't mind me, I'm just dropping a little question here for no particular reason. Don't be suspicious, don't read into it.

But if you could answer, I might appreciate it for... reasons...

That being: what are some fun ships you enjoy? They can be crack, or OTP, or anything. Just... list a few you like.

Why? Reasons... Just reasons.


Question of the Week #107 · 2:34am May 24th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

First let me just say that as of this day we have about 10 days until the Cyberpunk Equestria Story Contest is over and judging begins, so if you're interested in participating your running out of time. I hope that those of you who are participating are doing well. :twilightsmile:

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Question of the Week #118 · 2:25am Aug 16th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Before we begin, let me just remind you all that the 2023 Cyberpunk Nightmare Night Story Contest is now up and running, so go ahead and give that a look. :raritywink:

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300th blog! Also, Rites Updating! · 2:06am Sep 27th, 2015

Hi all!

300th blog celebration! Three hundred, wow. That still leaves me at less than one per week. I really need to improve on that.

So, block five begins! I’m over 30,000 words into writing block six. I might have six end at the end of the interlude between missions six and seven. It’ll allow me to put out chapters more quickly.

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Seeking help under the guise of requesting assistance. · 2:28am Aug 23rd, 2015

Or as my people once said many eons ago...

"Redundancy is Redundant!"

Okay I am getting really close to the release of the "Night Dreams and Day Mares" reboot and I was wondering how I should handle it.

I have a few options. One, I can place new chapters and delete the old stuff.

Two, I can Re-purpose the old chapter into the new and keep the old comments.

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Still Not Dead · 1:33am Aug 17th, 2015

Alternative title: I'm Super Jealous of Everyone Who got to Meet up with Each Other at Bronycon but You Guys Probably Don't Want to Hear Me Bellyaching a Bunch.

Anyway, no I'm not dead, and things have actually been quite productive, all things considered. I've written about 10,000 words...they just...err...happen to be for multiple stories, so the work really isn't too visible unless you chat with me via Skype, Steam, Facebook, etc and/or have access to the Google docs.

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Review #61 - Trixie Discovers She Is A Genius, Page Two, Choose Your Waifu · 4:41am Feb 23rd, 2017

Oh my, I lost track of time... I gotta hurry with this, but not before I promote stuff:
The Wonderverse
The Expanded Wonderverse (Between the two, you should have at least most of them).
Mr Allan's Collection

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Podcast today with Mr101 · 11:53pm Feb 24th, 2017

It's going to be a drinking one most likely. I know the drinking word, and we gonna get all sortsa sloshed. Come join us, ask questions to this quite prolific of writers, Mr101 (34 fucking stories? Christ.) and hang out and enjoy a nice Friday. You know if you have nothing better to do, and why would you?
Also our guest is English. Get ready to hear some TERRIBLE accents.
Just go here:

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PODCAST TODAY WITH ZYRIAN · 11:45pm Jan 19th, 2017

We're starting in a moment, answering your questions. It's here:

I am sick, so I sound like a chain smoker.
I will be playing the drinking game with cold medicine. Should be fine.



Podcast today with PresentPerfect · 11:51pm Jan 27th, 2017

I'm actually pretty excited about this one, to be honest. Anyway, come drink with us, ask questions, and hear what this guy has to say. Should be interesting and silly, and maybe you guys will have a fun Friday? Meh. I can only hope. Just come stay a while and listen.

Also, so you know, On Common Ground is half done.



Podcast with the great and not late Cold in Gardez · 10:47pm Oct 28th, 2016

That's right. The Good HiE Podcast will be speaking with Cold in Gardez. He may not be an HiE writer or anything, but he's proficient, well known, and he's here to answer our questions as well as yours. We will be drinking and having fun and being dumb, as usual, and discussing writing too. So come and join us, drink along, and make merry. For Halloween will soon be upon us!


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EARLY PODCAST DAY YAAAAAY! · 10:26pm Aug 25th, 2016

We're doing it early, today instead of Friday!!! H-hoooray. I guess.
So, we have a guest today called Ocalhoun. Maybe you've heard of him? At least you should have. If you haven't you need to git gud scrub.

The madness starts at 4:00 PM PST. We will have drinking words, we will have fun and stupidity, shitposting, and maybe even a rhino for good measure. We'll have to see.
Go here for the fun:

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Site Post » Trick Question's "Motherly" [Royal Canterlot Library] · 12:00pm Jun 2nd, 2017

Today's story is rated PG-13 due to parental guidance.

[Dark] [Drama] [Sad] • 3,617 words

All mothers love their children, and all mothers feed their children. Princess Chrysalis and her mother are no different, except that to a changeling, "love" and "food" are the same thing.
Well... mostly.

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Happy B Day to Me and a Q/A · 1:09am Oct 11th, 2017

Meant to put this up earlier but I was busy with my dad. Finally the big One Eight. This day could've been cooler but I couldn't think of what I really wanted to do for it. I will however get Vengeance of Kul'as done before this month is out.

In the meantime if you have any questions about my stories such as plans or what went into some of them. And enjoy a little preview of my next story coming soon.

Coming Soon

From the Mind of Diablo Corps 10

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Busy Busy Pony Me · 1:56pm Aug 25th, 2015

Alright so I have the first chapter of each story typed up and will submit them later tonight for the approval process.
I couldn't post anything yesterday due to a family emergency....
As for today I have a date at the Roger William's Park Zoo! (Stoked to see the cheetahs, snow leopards and wolves)

I'll probably post a few pictures on here for you guys to see, but I'm not sure yet.
Don't worry about the family thing, it's being dealt with, even as I type this.

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Good Bad, or Ugly? · 10:47pm Sep 23rd, 2015

So recently, I released a story called "Dance for Her Amusement" and so far, it's literally 50/50. It shares the same amount of likes as it does dislikes and I would love some support, I worked hard for the fic. But that's not why I'm here. I'm here to ask why recent One-Shots I've submitted her only mediocre or bad. What am I doing wrong? What do you think of my most recent stories? What should I work on? What's your opinion on my writing?


Random Ramblings CLXXIII · 2:45am May 3rd, 2017


Question: Siren Farm · 7:58pm Jun 23rd, 2018

So, I've played several of the old Harvest Moon games, and not too long ago was able to buy Stardew Valley. Between that and working on Multiple Sunsets, I got an idea: a crossover where one of the sirens ends up with a farm, and has multiple possible romantic partners.

It's not a definite thing. Just a thought. However, while I am thinking of it, I am curious.

Which of the sirens would you want to see as the main character?


Question of the Week #57 · 2:00am May 25th, 2022

Hello everyone, thank you all for coming to this week's question of the week.

This week I wanted to ask a couple questions pertaining to a future shortfic that I'm working on. :raritywink:

If Twilight and Spike were to go to a Power Pony convention, what sort of things do you think they'd try to do? Also, what sort of weird/fun things do you think could happen at such a convention?

Yep, there you have it.

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Teaser, Volume Two · 11:35pm Oct 24th, 2015

“Thanks Maud!” Pinkie practically shouted as she wrapped her arms around Maud’s neck. “You’re the bestest big sister ever!”

“Yes, but you’re the best little sister,” Maud replied in what could be called an affectionate tone. “You give me a reason to be a good big sister.”

Pinkie pulled back, offering a snort of laughter as she playfully hit Maud’s shoulder with her palm. “You say the weirdest things sometimes!”

Maud’s face turned very slightly pink. “Sorry.”

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Viewing 881 - 900 of 1,167 results