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Speedpaint video of my latest commission from HoodwinkedTales · 1:18pm Aug 30th, 2016

She posted a video of her creative process for all to see. I was surprised that she uses a mouse and not a tablet! I'm curious to see what she could do with a tablet.


VHS Update - September 2, 2016 · 2:18am Sep 3rd, 2016

Sorry, no scans for you at the moment. Try again much later than right now.

i got a huge box of VHS tapes - mostly consisting of musicals. These are NOT MGM musicals, mind you - I got some in a separate box and will show them when I get the chance.

I'm to get three at a time out of the box, maybe four, maybe one in the event that might call for it. You never know. But I'm not gonna get them out all at once. I certainly didn't tonight.

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New LOOTSOO, like I said there might be. · 7:50pm Sep 9th, 2016

HahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaahaHAHA HA HAHA HAAAAH!


Yaaaay. Here you go. I did a thing I said I might do. Anyway, I'll work on more important things soon

See you later for the podcast, and have a nice weekend.



Super Important Imperial Equestria Update! · 11:50pm Sep 12th, 2016

The first story arc of the series is coming to a close very soon and with that comes some noteworthy developments.

First off, I have been debating eventually publishing the five story arcs Imperial Equestria is divided into as standalone sequels to each other here on FiMFiction when the time comes around for each successive one to start.

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So I could use your help right about now... · 8:58pm Feb 23rd, 2017

So as many of your probably know I am currently focused on ONE story ONLY, the 100 follower special because well... it has to be good enough.

Seriously I spent ONE DAY thinking of JUST ONE character's name.

(And also studying mythology for fun, seriously Irish and African and other Tales, Myths,, Legends, and Fables are very fun indeed)

Anyhow I figured out the mare's name (Lily), but I can't figure out the stallion yet, any suggestions (please)?

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CtS: I need to fill Quantum's social life · 9:23pm Mar 13th, 2017

OK so, I've run into a problem. I've dropped Quantum into this education schtick, and I have no idea what to do for classmates, friends, enemies, etc. Of course, I have Twilight, Blueblood and Duster for now, but I need to think of new characters for other classmates, teachers and friends. There's just one problem.

I suck at making new characters.

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New "The Iron Horse" Chapter is Here! - "Brainflush" · 10:33pm Mar 20th, 2017


I'm Back! · 4:02am Mar 30th, 2017

Yeah, after a disastrous, well, couple of months, I'm back and writing (and videomaking, yay), having given my muse a good swift kicking.

This weekend is gonna see several updates, both here and over on my fanfiction:

Afterwards, I'm gonna commit to returning to a once a week upload of something, and will seriously push to stick to that alongside my once a week minimum video upload.

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New "The Iron Horse" Chapter is Here! - "Shelter, Part 1" · 10:59pm Feb 7th, 2017

And it's a long way forward, so trust in me,
I'll give them shelter, like you've done for me.
And I know I'm not alone, you'll be watching over us
Until you're gone...


Next "Iron Horse" Chapter is Delayed :( · 2:39am Feb 19th, 2017

Yeah, sorry about that folks. I've been dealing with my condition this week, and it's hard to write well when dealing with gut pain. Granted, work has been done, but not enough, and some of it had to be redone (and still might get scrapped). It's a very important chapter, so I want to make sure I get it right, and, like I always say, I'd rather release something late if it means getting it right.

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The Disappearance of Eighth · 3:33am May 17th, 2017

So, who missed me?
I'll take that silence as a no.

Anyway, it seems in my lengthy disappearance that some folk have begun to consider me dead. I'm not, still alive. Sorry, nobody is that lucky to be rid of me just yet.

My PC kicked it and I had to build an all new one. Then I built it and there was a few more issues to tend to. But it's all good for now, possibly. I'm back! I'll have something new out soon.

In the mean time, I hope all is well.


S2E1: Arriving at Destination Published! · 1:19pm Apr 24th, 2016

Finished editing a lot earlier than I expected, since I finished writing a lot earlier than I expected.

The first episode of Season 2: Canterlot is out now.

Hold onto your butts.



Symmetry: *Almost* Restored · 1:13am May 21st, 2016

Broken Symmetry is turning out to be a bitch-and-a-half to finish. :facehoof:

Wait, what?

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Fixed Minor Continuity Errors · 10:01pm May 25th, 2016

I spent several hours today rewriting small areas of Broken Symmetry to fix minor inconsistencies and errors. Those sorts of things can accumulate when you spend months writing a story.

Broken Fixed

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Q&A No. 1 · 10:16pm Jan 2nd, 2016

I've always wanted to do these sorts of things. So ask away, ask me any question and within reason I'll answer every single one truthfully! No limits, just questions and I'll answer 'em!


Happy New Years! · 3:14pm Jan 3rd, 2016

Howdy folks! Happy New Years!

I just wanted to hit you fine readers with a dose of what I've got planned for 2016!

#1 - Get mire-deep into Mending Hearts. I'm currently slogging my way through Chapter 6, and while it's taking me some time, it will prove to be a pretty fun chapter.

#2 - Finish "The Truths We Deny" - This one has been sitting out there for a bit. I just need to put the finish on it.

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GTA 5 Online · 11:40pm Dec 28th, 2015

Hello all, as you all may know, I recently purchased Grand Theft Auto 5. Everybody else seemed to have it and it looked like a pretty fun game so I decided to give 'er a try. I'll say that it is a very fun game and just recently, I finished the story mode.
(I killed Michael)

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Comic Updates! · 3:40pm Dec 29th, 2015

Yeah so a friend of mine suggested that maybe posting every comic I update is a bit annoying to some people. So instead, I'm going to link to all the comics I worked on each week and such and see how that goes. We have the usual weekly update of Adapting To Night and the return of an old favorite, I Will Never Leave You! Yup, it's back guys!

Adapting To Night: The Dawn Knight Part 4

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Chapter 7 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is done! · 5:19am Jan 22nd, 2014

Another chapter done! It covers the next three chapters of Darkness of Love. Unfortunately, chapter 4 is where the infamous self harm part happens. It was really hard to decide exactly how I would handle it. I take something like suicide VERY seriously and I didn't want to make light of it or joke about it. I did the best I could and I think I did a pretty good job(Hopefully). The anger in the chapter is genuine. I think Spike in this is one of the worst characters I have ever seen, and he gets

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Chapter 9 of Doctor and Ditzy's Science Theater is finished! · 9:57am Feb 28th, 2014

Hello everyone! The ninth chapter is finished. It covers chapter 10-12 of Darkness of Love by Grimm Reaper with the Epilogue. These last few chapters are why I wanted to riff this story in the first place. I was actually really into the story when I first read it...until I came to these final few chapters. I found them so ridiculous they completely changed my opinion of the entire story. Also the complete nonending infuriated me.

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Viewing 8981 - 9000 of 10,581 results