
Viewing 9041 - 9060 of 10,581 results

Bigass Update Incoming!!! · 6:31am Oct 28th, 2018

It’s been quite a long time since I’ve posted anything, hasn’t it? Even longer still in regard to relevant updates for writing progress, since my previous blog was about me gushing over the fact DMC5 is a thing. BTW, everything shown (except for slo-mo cam and the song “subhuman”) is amazing. Also, Spyro is coming out VERY soon, so I’m excited about that. Not to mention Darksiders 3 is at the end of next month. So many good games on the horizon...

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CHAPTER UPDATES · 2:27pm Aug 23rd, 2015

Well the fourth chapter is out! I'm starting the next one now! I hope you guys like them and that everyone seems to fit their characters. I'm trying my best not to change them a lot. You can only change them so much before they're not really themselves anymore. :applejackunsure:

Oh and leave comment as to what I should write next:

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UPDATES · 5:15pm Dec 10th, 2015

Well I have work in a couple of hours so I wont be on long.
I'd like to inform you I submitted How To Heal A Baker so if you'd like to start reading that it should be out sometime today, hopefully.
As for My Little Pony: Friends Are Forever I'll be publishing the next chapter later tonight around 12-2 am


So, a new story. · 4:55pm Nov 15th, 2017

Alrighty then. I'm making a new Halo story today.
Here's the gist. Twilight, after being rejected because of her suspicions at her brother's wedding, attempts to teleport home to Ponyville. Except she accidentally causes a slipspace rupture due to her stressed-out, miserable state and a magical backlash.

Guess where it sends her?

The Forerunner world of Requiem.

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Finals Over/School Over/Story Plan/Shoutout · 10:32pm Dec 21st, 2016

Hey guys , UltimateEcho back from school. I just got through taking my Final Exams from yesterday in my even classes and today in my odd classes. So , good news , school's out , and i'll be working on my story: ''A Sugarcoated Secret'' soon over the christmas break.

Plus , CaringSlash's birthday is tomorrow , so try to give him a shoutout and wish a happy birthday.

Catch you later guys!

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oops forgot i revised another thing that y'all should read and updoot · 11:12pm May 19th, 2018

see tagged story and please offer firstborn children in the comments




Last Pony on Earth Print Run · 4:16pm Jul 10th, 2019

Check it out:

Hey everybody! It's been a long time since The Last Pony on Earth was published. At the time, it was the first story I'd ever written that got really noticed on Fimfiction. I remember reading and responding to every single comment on a story that I updated every single day.

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June 2018 Stats · 3:26am Jul 3rd, 2018

It's that time. The results are in... Let's see where I'm at for my goals.

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Chapter 19 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished. · 9:12pm Nov 21st, 2017

Hey again. Another chapter of the Black Cat finished. This chapter Break finally gives her stand a name! I won't spoil it. I thought long and hard about what it was going to be. First I was going to go with Holy Diver, but that felt too on the nose. Crazy Train was another option, but it didn't quite fit for me either. The song name I picked for her stand might not be one you have heard of, but I think it fits her character quite well.

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Happy New Year, the new Hail King Sombra website and more eratta · 7:38pm Dec 31st, 2017


Merry Christmas, my bronies! · 1:24am Dec 26th, 2018

It's been ages since anyone's heard from me, but rest assured, I'm still alive! Unfortunately, I've done basically no work on Many Futures, and I really need to get back to it... but I just don't have as much time as I used to. See, I got me a job. A REAL job, not some temp shtick. It's a burger joint, but I'm enjoying it. That and Duel Links is taking up a ton of my time.

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Fluttercheer and the Calm Before The Storm · 3:05pm Nov 16th, 2018

Fluttercheer here, with an important service announcement. What you will read here is something I wasn't originally going to write, but since I'm silent here for about two and a half weeks now, I figured it will be best if I tell what's going on to inform my followers and the few, brave diehards who read Aegis.

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Bi-Monthly Update (October 2018)! · 1:15am Oct 4th, 2018

Hey everypony, and welcome to the best month of the year!

It's about time for another update to start off our spooky month; sadly, life has really gotten in the way of writing since I last posted a blog. Save for Stalled Out's most recent part, I haven't finished anything I'd deem fitting to publish. Lots of things happened and are continuing to occur IRL that sap my time, ability, and drive to write. I don't normally talk about my personal life here much, but I'll share the short version:

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Yo Yo Yo Time for a Stupid Update! · 2:32am Oct 3rd, 2017

Ayyy it's late(ish) o'clock, you know what that means, I'm making a really stupid blog post where I spew random crap.

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MetaVerse Update 06-13-19 · 10:56pm Jun 13th, 2019

Greetings MetaVerse fans!

Here’s a roundup of what we’ve got going on this month!


We had our first poll for the comic!

The fans have spoken it seems and the comic will focus on the fanfiction itself!

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Another quick update, July ramblings! · 8:31pm Jul 20th, 2018

Hello everyone!

I'm just dropping another monthly update your way, I do hope everyone is doing okay and that all is well in your lives right now!

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Sneak Peak · 3:49am Feb 15th, 2018

Alright, here it is! This is the sneak peak for chapter 19. Keep in mind that I'm still making changes (as well as writing it) so there's likely going to be things changed around when it's actually posted.

Password is still the same: Madeyoulook

Alright, till I actually update this fucking Lazuras of a story.


A new chapter coming up later today! · 12:30pm Oct 2nd, 2017

I'm happy to announce that I will release the 9th chapter of 'The Power Within' later tonight! :pinkiehappy: I'm also working hard on the next chapter, but I have no idea when that'll be released. Surely within this year if nothing else.

That's pretty much it for this blog post.


The New Kid, New Chapter! · 2:56am Sep 17th, 2015

Just a heads up to you all. The New Kid's new chapter will come out tomorrow morning. Early, so be ready for it!


... Well, this was a long time coming. · 7:30am Apr 10th, 2020

Haven't heard from me in a while, have we? To sum up shortly, ever since the end of FiM, I've lost almost all interest in the fandom and have moved on to new arts and creativities. But from time to time, I do get the urge to think up something I can do that works here as a lot of people enjoy what I write. And since the whole pandemic is calling for people to stay home, it gives me more than enough time to at least try to get the old fingers working again. So I do have a few announcements.

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Viewing 9041 - 9060 of 10,581 results