
Viewing 9061 - 9080 of 10,581 results

Random Ramblings CCCLII · 11:55am Mar 13th, 2019

Good morning. Today's MV is the newest song from Ladybaby. Please enjoy, for it is awesome.

Okay, so… I guess I have news or something to talk about, past the jump if you'll join me…

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Update · 12:27am Apr 13th, 2017

Due to the positive feedback I got from chapter 23 (Put On The Red Light) I'm most likely going to keep it up with the longer chapters. Of course this means that updates will be spaced out a bit more, but I'm hoping that giving you guys plenty to read when I do update will be received better than shorter chapters.

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I rewrote A Shadow Of The Dusk, · 8:46pm Apr 8th, 2017

And I think it's better. You see, I recently had a review of it done, and rewrote it to make it better. That's all I wanted to say, so feel free to check it out. It's improved.

Also, for all of you watching out for Cuteness Overload, that should be released in a few hours!


Change Lives! · 12:01am May 16th, 2020

Hey all, update time!

Fans of the Change series will be happy to know that I have just finished the next chapter of The New Kingdom and sent it off to my editor, it will being going up next week after it's been looked over. The Perfect Rose will also be coming up as well, university is finished and I have a bit more free time in lockdown, so I think it's finally time to get this thing moving again.

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Professional Procrastination · 6:22pm Mar 21st, 2018

The next chapter for 'Bird Behavior' hasn't even been started yet, and I apologize for that. I suck a writing consistently, as anyone who has been here since my first story knows. I've been distracted by watching DWK on YouTube (I highly reccomend it,) food, and dealing with car stuff. Point is, I'm sorry about being an inconsistent piece of garbage, but I'll get working on the next chapter soon, I promise. It might be the last chapter, or the second to last chapter, I haven't decided yet. I

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So the results are in! · 8:26pm Mar 4th, 2019

Hi guys!

The results have came in from the polls! And now I have a better understanding of what you guys want, though I wish a few more people had voted; it can't be helped. I have enough data now to see what I need to do, to hopefully make things better for you!

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Updates and Requesting Art · 7:10pm May 19th, 2020

As I'm sure most of you have noticed with last Sunday's update, I'm now back to writing 'Dust & Rainbows' since I finished that weird A/B/O side project of mine. I did really enjoy writing In A Rut, but it was definitely one of the more out-there stories I've indulged in. That said I am definitely glad that people enjoyed it.

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First rewrite is up! · 12:47am Aug 16th, 2018


Chapter 15 is up now! · 1:42pm Apr 15th, 2019

It's been a long time, but it's finally here. A Tale of Two Suns chapter 15 is now officially published here on Fimfiction (with other sites following suit later today). I hope you all enjoy it.

So now, my good readers, I ask that you all brace yourselves for... Mysteries on the Horizon.


State of the Scribe: Moving into 2021 · 10:04pm Jan 2nd, 2021

This blog ended up being rambly enough that I've trashed and rewritten it more than once now. I said things were going to change this year, without going into detail about what things or why. So before I get into the details...

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Creative Delight Is Now Alive · 3:53pm Aug 14th, 2020

Heyo Guys! Creative Delight here. I am just gonna say I have been working hard in many aspects, both with normal work and trying to write the story. This story is a big challenge for me, as both trying to put my mind on paper is hard, as well as the prosses of what should and should not be. I also have so many ideas for other stories. I have like 3 other stories I would like to work on, one that I am working on right now as well as two other story concepts. I also have a good idea of how I want

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Slow going · 5:14pm Jul 14th, 2020

On the next Nightmare Night chapter, as motivation to write has been lacking of late due to a variety of reasons, both professional and personal. Nevertheless, it's coming along bit by bit. To this point, I've finished about 2500 words and close to two sections of it, but the primary two sections regarding the battle between Night Owl and Shadowdash remains to be written.

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Next chapter coming up soon! · 2:44am Mar 11th, 2019

Next chapter is a light little snippet from the night before they leave for the Hive, and I'd like to get the rest of the Hive arc out pretty soon after that.

The unedited version's up on Patreon for my early backers. (anypony who gives me $1 or more on there is gonna get the un-proofed chapters from now on)


The Return of the King of nothing in particular · 9:56pm May 10th, 2021

Anyone still here?

To say the last couple of months have been busy is an understatement and a half. Between school and work, I've been basically going 16 hours a day every day with very few breaks. And I still haven't had enough time to do everything better than half-assed. Ain't it a bitch when you're overextending yourself and it's still not enough?

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It's a bit embarrassing... · 7:20pm May 22nd, 2021

But it turns out that all this time I was wrong about Memorial Day being May 24th. It's actually May 31st. I had it in my head for some reason that Memorial Day can't fall on the last day of May, but I was wrong. And it's a good thing I said something to my coworkers about it on Friday, or I would have stayed home on Monday without thinking and been essentially AWOL. :facehoof:

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Updated the FiM: PROJECT: Flood Control "Field Experience" Chapter · 2:00pm Jul 10th, 2020

I made some crucial updates to the "Field Experience" chapter in my "Friendship Is Manipulation: {PROJECT: Flood Control}" story. They were mainly some additions for plot, pace fixes, and ironing out grammatical awkwardness. If you care, it makes for a much better read about halfway through after the initial encounter, now. G'day ^-~


(UPDATE) Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia · 3:32pm Apr 17th, 2016

-doesn't do writing for a few days due to work- MUST CATCH UP! -drinks Monster. Does 10 pages (3100 words) in one big writing session- That's much better. ^-^

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Episode 30 of Doctor And Ditzy's Science Theater is done. · 10:21am Apr 5th, 2018

Another new riff is finally done. Told you this one won't take too long. This time I am riffing Equus is Dying by Silver Nightshade. It’s a story about Equestria being destroyed by an unknown enemy. Twilight is dead! The planet is doomed and Celestia and Luna have no way to stop it! But don’t worry about that. The story is

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Announcement (June 26th, 2016): Project GrimDark · 1:00pm Jun 26th, 2016

"Trust No One"

~RealityPublishing :ajdead:


Chapter 13 is now up! · 2:27pm May 16th, 2018

Good morning everybody! As promised, the new chapter has now been published and is ready for reading. So go say hello to A Tale of Two Suns chapter 13: Maneuvers Clandestine and Chaotic!

Viewing 9061 - 9080 of 10,581 results