
Viewing 9081 - 9100 of 10,581 results

Tomb Kings of Equestria! · 12:41pm May 20th, 2018

It's alive! Well, undead.

But I have finally written another chapter. I wanted to take a break from Family and do something else to get my creative juices flowing. I found the plan for Tomb Kings and decided to write that for a bit. I might try to do alternate chapters of this and Family or focus on one for a bit and then another I'm not sure right now.

I hope you enjoy the new chapter none the less. As always, feedback is appreciated.


Chapter 18 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished. · 10:06am Oct 10th, 2017

Okay, next I promise for sure that I will give Break's stand a name. Sorry about that. This chapter went on a bit longer than expected. I tend to end chapters when I feel I have hit the perfect spot to finish it. And usually this ruins whatever I had planned, but I follow my instincts which are usually right. I am really surprised how much the accented pony has had an effect on the story. He was meant to just be a one-off character. It's a nice surprise, however. I like it when these

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Update: "Reaping Rainbow" Ch 6 is live! (Others not so much...) · 4:57pm Oct 5th, 2019

Hallo, my dear friends. Hat Man regrets that this story is late... er, not "late" in that sense, of course. Please enjoy this tale of mortal folly and arcane missteps as it continues.


Uh, hi friends! · 3:23am Nov 16th, 2018

I'm functioning on double espresso right now and even remembered that I have a written and edited chapter for 'Enemy of Mine'!

These things are definitely related!

You're gonna get it at 3 am EST for the above reasons!



Massive updates · 4:39am May 14th, 2018

Having finally found a good text to speech program, I am now again able to update and upload the audio chapters. I myself am often too busy to read most of the time and ended up listening to almost any book via an audio file.

Also, chapter's 1, 4 and 5 have been updated in terms of polish.

Audio videos will be removed and replaced with more updated versions.


Hearth's Warming Tidbit 5 - The Zebras of Epon · 8:17pm Dec 6th, 2018

Well, here we are again, a new Hearth's Warming Tidbit for you all and this one is a big one. Never have I considered making such a bold lock in my universe. The zebras have always been a confusing puzzle to the fans. Some have their own theories, well for my universe this blog is the canon events on the zebras. The Zebras of Epon.


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Q&A (Repost) · 8:35pm Feb 1st, 2020

*Redoing this as a blog post.

Seeing as how the first major arc of Break the Walls Down is rapidly heading to its conclusion, and to get some more feedback and such from you guys, I've decided to take questions. You can ask anything about my ideas and inspiration for my writing so far, any thoughts I've had on the show in general, or other things. Just PM me your questions and I'll post them and my answers in a future blog. I'd love to here your thoughts.

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Corona Update -Coping and Tactics · 6:08pm Mar 24th, 2020

Hello MetaVerse Fans!

As the Coronapocolypse is upon us, it’s been mighty quiet around the sites and discords, despite the fact we’re all sheltering in place!

So I thought I’d present a quick rundown of what's still going on!

First and foremost, STAY SAFE! There's so much to do in that simple idea: Washing your hands, social distancing and making sure you stay informed on your local, state and federal sources for the next steps that affect you!

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Just a little update on things · 4:25am Jan 20th, 2018

My planned break from writing is almost over and I should get back to the drawing board soon, but the other project I started is still taking a lot of my time. I guess I could try to do both, but multitasking has never been one of my strong points. On top of that, I'm planning a new story, instead of continuing that PinkieShy story I have mentioned few times. As much as I'd like to write a new one, I'm still trying to stick with my plan, but no plan holds with me I have noticed.

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Chapter 26 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished. · 7:08am Sep 24th, 2018

Another new chapter of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished. If it isn't obvious from this chapter. I am a huge fan of Fist of the North Star. I love the ridiculous over the top raiders in that story. I couldn't help but use them. I have been wanting to use raiders in my story for a while now just so that I can use FOTNS thugs. What's a post-apocalyptic story without a mohawked leather-clad style bandit? Not one at all if you ask me.

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Executive decisions! · 8:18am Jul 2nd, 2019

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten anyone! I don't think, anyway. Less pictures now that I have to use my phone for internet.

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State Of The Author - A Return To Form · 8:44pm Oct 15th, 2020

(Art by Mirroredesa)

As of right now, I'm doing well. Hope that continues forward through the day, as today hasn't been too bad, aside from a few unsavory people at work. 

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Call me Plato because I have been studying under one of the most pivitol writers on FiMFic · 11:12am Jul 28th, 2019

While it has been a few months since I've posted anything, I have been writing. And as proof, I made a silly/cute collab with THE AnonPencil which you can find here:

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aaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHpdate · 10:23pm Jan 22nd, 2019

I fucking knew I'd end up forgetting about the whole daily blog thing. Fuck it, t'was a dumb idea anyway.

Anywho, so, I've been doing the thinking thing and I thought a lot. Like, fuckin' a lot, and I want to say that from here-out, I'mma be doing some major writingage. Since I've been away for this short time what-with my fuckin' wrist goin' all carpal tunnel on my ass, I wanted to get back into writing-ish again.

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New Chapter! · 9:05pm Nov 14th, 2017

Almost done with the new chapter and it's going to be a long one so just beware. I didn't go the direction I thought I would have with this chapter, but it didn't flow right, so I'm pushing that idea back a bit.

I do have tons of ideas for the story, but most of them are in the later years when Samantha is older, and the romantic plot comes into play.

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I picked the worst time to enter work experience in a supermarket during this coronavirus outbreak. · 11:41am Mar 16th, 2020

It's overblown by our national newspaper tabloid, The Sun, ho-ho, what's new? It's gotten people riled up over here more than you'd believe, to the point where I'm actually going to confess I find it scary. You'd think the zombie apocalypse was coming. Next thing you know, it's going to be like Cabin Fever around here where they'll broadcast the following message on an endless loop, ''Don't drink the water! It's in the water!''

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Delays · 3:21am May 5th, 2022

I've been trying to get chapters for my fic out consistently, though I'm going to be taking a bit of a break in doing so. I haven't had the energy to write due to my mental state, but I'm taking steps to improve things. I'm also very excited to get the next chapter out once I'm through editing! I think it'll be enjoyable, and I'm pretty proud of it. Not super action-heavy, ((Granted my story hasn't been thus far)) but I think it has good character and story progression


Channel Updates! (and what's to come) · 8:28am Jun 28th, 2021


Aincrad Reminder: Commercial Break · 11:36pm Dec 12th, 2019


Chapter Incoming! · 5:27pm Apr 28th, 2020

Hello again! A new chapter should hopefully be up by tonight, currently it''s half past 6 in the afternoon for me, so you do the math ;)

Anyways lads! If I don't manage to get this important chapter out of the way tonight then it will probably be tomorrow! Im currently in progress with drawing another scene, so stay tuned for that!

Also! Im aiming to get this chapter to 7 thousand words!


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