
Viewing 9101 - 9120 of 10,587 results

State Of The Author - A Return To Form · 8:44pm Oct 15th, 2020

(Art by Mirroredesa)

As of right now, I'm doing well. Hope that continues forward through the day, as today hasn't been too bad, aside from a few unsavory people at work. 

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Update #4: Why I’m behind · 1:06am Dec 7th, 2018

So it’s pass the date that I said I would have the next chapters out and... nothing. Why? A simple reason. My computer malfunctioned and thus is gone; meaning all my work is lost and I’m on the bench until I somehow get enough money to get a new computer to start over. I’m also looking into just posting off my phone (like I am now), but that requires time (which is mostly into getting food and learning) and a wifi that doesn’t flicker on and off so I’m using up my data (fixed that today with a

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I picked the worst time to enter work experience in a supermarket during this coronavirus outbreak. · 11:41am Mar 16th, 2020

It's overblown by our national newspaper tabloid, The Sun, ho-ho, what's new? It's gotten people riled up over here more than you'd believe, to the point where I'm actually going to confess I find it scary. You'd think the zombie apocalypse was coming. Next thing you know, it's going to be like Cabin Fever around here where they'll broadcast the following message on an endless loop, ''Don't drink the water! It's in the water!''

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Delays · 3:21am May 5th, 2022

I've been trying to get chapters for my fic out consistently, though I'm going to be taking a bit of a break in doing so. I haven't had the energy to write due to my mental state, but I'm taking steps to improve things. I'm also very excited to get the next chapter out once I'm through editing! I think it'll be enjoyable, and I'm pretty proud of it. Not super action-heavy, ((Granted my story hasn't been thus far)) but I think it has good character and story progression


Call me Plato because I have been studying under one of the most pivitol writers on FiMFic · 11:12am Jul 28th, 2019

While it has been a few months since I've posted anything, I have been writing. And as proof, I made a silly/cute collab with THE AnonPencil which you can find here:

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Aincrad Reminder: Commercial Break · 11:36pm Dec 12th, 2019


Channel Updates! (and what's to come) · 8:28am Jun 28th, 2021


Ahhhh, so yeah, I have Covid now. So that's a thing I guess. · 2:51am Feb 12th, 2021


It's been a long few months mate, been back and forth to my Flat at Uni, and my normal home, and now Im stuck at home doing online lessons for my course. Fun.

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aaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHpdate · 10:23pm Jan 22nd, 2019

I fucking knew I'd end up forgetting about the whole daily blog thing. Fuck it, t'was a dumb idea anyway.

Anywho, so, I've been doing the thinking thing and I thought a lot. Like, fuckin' a lot, and I want to say that from here-out, I'mma be doing some major writingage. Since I've been away for this short time what-with my fuckin' wrist goin' all carpal tunnel on my ass, I wanted to get back into writing-ish again.

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A General Update · 7:37pm Apr 3rd, 2020

At the time of writing this, the local time is 4:53 AM AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

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Chapter Incoming! · 5:27pm Apr 28th, 2020

Hello again! A new chapter should hopefully be up by tonight, currently it''s half past 6 in the afternoon for me, so you do the math ;)

Anyways lads! If I don't manage to get this important chapter out of the way tonight then it will probably be tomorrow! Im currently in progress with drawing another scene, so stay tuned for that!

Also! Im aiming to get this chapter to 7 thousand words!



Skintrapped · 9:18am Mar 20th, 2020

mindless thoughts from pandora

How are you feeling on a scale from one to ten?


In the era of Covid-19, there's an interesting relationship between isolation and survival. On the one hand—survival means isolation, isolation means health, health means happiness, and happiness means survival. On the other hand... does it?

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One of my worst fears literally just came true. This is so NOT good. (Warning: real-life update) · 4:25pm Jul 11th, 2020

One of my worst fears came true.

As of this minute, I have no money. At all. I literally checked on my bank statement right now after my debit card got declined while shopping, because I had nothing to live on. As a result, I have next to nothing. Just...shitty! :fluttercry::raritydespair:

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Gooderer · 7:53am Feb 2nd, 2022

Neary through grammar fixes and revisions on the early chapters! So they're more readable, more detailed and well thought out, and just flow better I think! Just working on the last two chapters. Once those are done, it won't take me long to get chapter nine out as well. Very excited, and much happier with how it flows now than how it used to.

I'm having so much fun adding to the world that so many of you have worked to build together. I'm happy to be a part of this


BRAND NEW STORY: War At Noon · 9:49pm Oct 7th, 2021


New Chapter! · 9:05pm Nov 14th, 2017

Almost done with the new chapter and it's going to be a long one so just beware. I didn't go the direction I thought I would have with this chapter, but it didn't flow right, so I'm pushing that idea back a bit.

I do have tons of ideas for the story, but most of them are in the later years when Samantha is older, and the romantic plot comes into play.

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A big dent in my self-confidence when I was already sad, including after the events of a previous blog, but I tried to cheer myself up. Went to my favourite place to go and bought this beauty... (You'll love it) · 5:27pm Mar 3rd, 2020

After the events of my blog a few posts back, I was still sad and having trouble cheering myself up. I had to go shopping today to prepare for tomorrow, but I became disheartened when I saw myself the mirror when I went to try some trousers I needed on in the dressing room. I'm nowhere near as fat as I used to be, that's for sure, but I have been self-conscious about my appearance since I lost most of my confidence and my pride.

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Quotable Trick Contest: ANNOUNCEMENT! · 6:04am May 2nd, 2022

It's finally here! :yay: Sorry this took forever.

I'm making a few changes to the Quotable Trick Contests to reward the participants and encourage more interaction!

  1. Unspent points are no longer a tiebreaker for anything, so you don't have to worry about spending them.

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Guys…PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO, IT’S SO GOOD!!!!!!!! · 1:09am Mar 31st, 2023

Well…what a surprising thing to wake up to, hm? A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one nonetheless.

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What do you look for in a Post-Apocalyptic story? · 2:57am Nov 25th, 2020

Like I had mentioned in my previous blog, I am done with the story and I am currently just going over it and adding more details, while waiting for feedback from Brony1337 to see if he would be interested in proofreading/editing the tale.

As I was doing this one question came to mind. What do YOU look for in a Post-Apocalyptic story? :derpyderp2:

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Viewing 9101 - 9120 of 10,587 results