
Viewing 9121 - 9140 of 10,587 results

Looking for Artwork Commissions · 8:26pm Apr 12th, 2021

I'm wondering, is there is anyone willing to contribute artwork to ME:C? Of course I'm not expecting you to work for free. If you, or someone you know, is willing then please DM me or you can reach my email at or Discord at username Oceansama#6016

We can discuss details there.


meet meee! · 5:02am Nov 22nd, 2017

Hey everypony!

It's almost been a whole year since I made my account and first blog post! So, I thought I would make a new and
improved introduction to myself. My name is Wolfie. I am an eleven year old pegasister. I love animals, my family,

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Ahhhh, so yeah, I have Covid now. So that's a thing I guess. · 2:51am Feb 12th, 2021


It's been a long few months mate, been back and forth to my Flat at Uni, and my normal home, and now Im stuck at home doing online lessons for my course. Fun.

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Update #4: Why I’m behind · 1:06am Dec 7th, 2018

So it’s pass the date that I said I would have the next chapters out and... nothing. Why? A simple reason. My computer malfunctioned and thus is gone; meaning all my work is lost and I’m on the bench until I somehow get enough money to get a new computer to start over. I’m also looking into just posting off my phone (like I am now), but that requires time (which is mostly into getting food and learning) and a wifi that doesn’t flicker on and off so I’m using up my data (fixed that today with a

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Almost There on the Marble Chapter... · 10:44pm Jan 27th, 2020

...but I'm sick, so I'm going to read it again tomorrow, because I know I'm missing something.

Have a scary picture of Marble with a sweet story attached.

Story at Sauce

After that mare order is Maud, Pinkie, and then ensemble again.


Surgery + 6 days & question for readers: how about an R-rated chapter of Feathered Hearts: C&C? · 4:33pm Sep 14th, 2021

I’m happy to say the pain is slowly subsiding, and with it, the need for painkillers, though I still need a modicum of them to eat anything more than a protein shake. I made some spaghetti and meat sauce yesterday and ate it rather gingerly, in very small pieces. Might have been a mistake because my throat felt raw and inflamed afterwards, probably from the acid in the tomatoes.

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T-minus 10 days... · 8:39pm May 14th, 2021

To the Memorial Day launch of Feathered Hearts: Eros, and I now have no less than six side story chapters ready to go--which was my targeted minimum for launch, along with a new main story chapter to help direct readers to the side story. I have until then to finish more side story chapters, and I will indeed target having 1-2 more chapters finished in time. This should mean there's plenty of material available for both the initial launch of ~3 chapters, and for daily releases of

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A General Update · 7:37pm Apr 3rd, 2020

At the time of writing this, the local time is 4:53 AM AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

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SO. MUCH. LORE. · 1:56am Aug 5th, 2022

So yeah, my new story Alone is coming along well. Wanted to give this quick update just to inform you all that Alone might come out a few days later than I wanted it to. There's a lot to write so I'm still shooting for trying to release it on the 9th it may however come out a little bit after that. Now don't worry on when it would come out, latest it would be after the 9th would be like the 12th or 13th. So, once more I'm still planning for an August 9th release but just wanted to

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AHEM · 2:39am Jun 23rd, 2023

I have like 21 drafts and I don't think none of them are going to make it out of the works. Not now at least... I've just resparked my interest in this fandom and I got another idea that arose after watching Sonic Rainboom. Gonna work on that. RIP other drafts, lmao.


Monthly update and sneak peak: Writing, potentially seeking additional Editor, and Streaming · 9:17am Jan 26th, 2023

Hello everypony,

Honestly it feels like January just started, but the calendar completely disagrees that assessment, so it's time for an update on everything!

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Pony-Me or Splintershard this November? · 7:18am Oct 5th, 2020


It's been a while since I've talked about Pony-Me.

Now, I know that I mentioned how I was working on a reboot.

But lately, I've been making almost zero progress on it.

Most of what I've been working on these days is my current flagship series, Splintershard.

It's refreshing to be able to write something new again.

But at the same time, I still want to give Pony-Me the chance to follow through with its intended ending, instead of what it currently has.

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Whoops, or I Hate Executive Dysfunction and Have a Pathological Need to Burn its House Down and End its Bloodline · 1:18am Aug 27th, 2022

Heyo, uh, sorry for the other absence? I kinda missed my deadline there, so I'll try and be quick with this. I know that people who are invested in my writing are probably wondering: where the hell is he? So I'll make this quick for y'all.

Am I burned out on my pony writing? Or writing in general?


Do I struggle with having difficulty getting time to write?

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Early Update! "Passing Familiarity" Chapter 3 drops this evening! · 6:13pm Nov 23rd, 2021

So, "Passing Familiarity" has climbed back onto Featured List (no doubt thanks to all of you who've come over at GaPJaxie's urging!). And many of you have expressed curiosity about some of the unanswered questions about this world and Turing Test's motivations. While I had intended to continue updating this weekend, I have instead decided to premier the next chapter early. Please enjoy it!

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Back from vacation… in the physical sense, at least. · 11:29pm Aug 24th, 2022

I'm still completely and utterly exhausted, so I'm going to keep this blog on the shorter, sloppier side of things, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I've made it back home safe and sound!

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What do you look for in a Post-Apocalyptic story? · 2:57am Nov 25th, 2020

Like I had mentioned in my previous blog, I am done with the story and I am currently just going over it and adding more details, while waiting for feedback from Brony1337 to see if he would be interested in proofreading/editing the tale.

As I was doing this one question came to mind. What do YOU look for in a Post-Apocalyptic story? :derpyderp2:

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'something in the works' is finally posted! have a looksie · 3:25am Mar 21st, 2023

hey all, she's obviously not finished yet but I've posted the first two chapters of my wip! go take a look :3


How Haven’t I Talked About This? · 1:38am Oct 20th, 2020

If you’re a frequent reader of my blogs and stories (who is though?) you may notice a bit of discrepancy.

There’s a matter of an unusual pronouns, (“Oh, Dashie’s gone, that’s fine. He didn’t matter anyways,” as compared to,”Reinn’s name arose because the creator is bad at names and decided to reshuffle hers to make a new one”) which is already unusual.

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Guys…PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO, IT’S SO GOOD!!!!!!!! · 1:09am Mar 31st, 2023

Well…what a surprising thing to wake up to, hm? A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one nonetheless.

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Optimisim and Tech Support: On the Subject of Polar Opposites (an update) · 11:27pm Jul 7th, 2021

So three weeks ago, on a perfectly unassuming Thursday, I woke up, perfectly content with my silly little life. As far as I was aware, it was going to be a remarkably ordinary day - no surprises, no plans, just a fun, calm, relaxing break from the calamitous world we live in. Then, I checked my phone, refreshed a website, had a heart attack, and died. As one does, of course.

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Viewing 9121 - 9140 of 10,587 results