
Viewing 9141 - 9160 of 10,587 results

Small Update: State of Dewdrops · 8:16pm January 30th

Hello my lovely readers. I'm sure you've been waiting for the next Phoenix, as well as other things from me.

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Important News · 1:20pm January 13th

So, I really don’t know how much I’m going to say in this blog post but my life is on the up-and-up atm and I wanted to share it. Not much has happened but what has happened makes me excited just thinking about it.

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An Update on where I am and what I'm doing · 8:26pm Dec 6th, 2022

To those who have enjoyed my stories, I come bearing news. Some good, some bad. Depends on who you ask.

The bad news first:

My incomplete stories are going into haitus for an indefinite period of time. If you caught some of my early blog posts about my real-life status, you probably understand why. Since returning to this site, I have since gotten a more demanding day-job that takes up almost every single one of my days. Full-time with nearly guaranteed overtime.

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The first of the M-rated upgrades to earlier C&C chapters will launch tonight · 3:34pm Oct 21st, 2022

I promised I was going to do it in my previous blog, and the first of the updated chapters is ready with two prereads already in. Which is it?

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Thoughts about "MLP of Your Dream" story · 5:08pm Oct 22nd, 2022

"MLP of Your Dream" turned out to be a rather contradictory story, although it gained some Likes and enthusiastic comments, it also gained Dislikes. meaning of course that about half of the readers didn't like it.
Now I'm thinking about hiding this story, because, despite its Hilarious absurdity, with so many dislikes, it began to look like some kind of hellish mixture. Now I don't even know if it's worth continuing this story.

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Looking for Artwork Commissions · 8:26pm Apr 12th, 2021

I'm wondering, is there is anyone willing to contribute artwork to ME:C? Of course I'm not expecting you to work for free. If you, or someone you know, is willing then please DM me or you can reach my email at or Discord at username Oceansama#6016

We can discuss details there.


STORY UPDATE: Damn, Rainbow, calm down!... · 5:58am Oct 21st, 2023


QCC ~ General Update · 5:30am May 9th, 2021

Heya, Happy Mothers day and all that, I started the day in a storm shelter during a tornado warning. Whoo. :yay:

In all seriousness, hope things are going well for y'all. I'm just letting ya know I'm still around and still writing Episode 02 of Queen of Crimson Crows. Currently halfway finished with it and the latter half should go fairly smooth. Expect it later in the month, hopefully sooner than later.

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Delay on SSatMoM - April 14, 2022 · 7:37pm Apr 14th, 2022

New chapter will come out tomorrow. Thanks everyone.


SO. MUCH. LORE. · 1:56am Aug 5th, 2022

So yeah, my new story Alone is coming along well. Wanted to give this quick update just to inform you all that Alone might come out a few days later than I wanted it to. There's a lot to write so I'm still shooting for trying to release it on the 9th it may however come out a little bit after that. Now don't worry on when it would come out, latest it would be after the 9th would be like the 12th or 13th. So, once more I'm still planning for an August 9th release but just wanted to

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Still Here, Slowing Down a Bit · 7:37pm Aug 14th, 2023

Hey y’all, just checking back in so you know I’m alive.

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Magicka Bipolaroid/Grapecrush - aka, "What've you been up to, you blue and red little scamp?" · 12:57am Oct 14th, 2020

Hey there everybody. It's been an awful long time, hasn't it?

Man, where to even start?

Well, I guess the beginning will have to be fine enough.

First of all, I pursued my main creative skill of music for a bit, which you can find here. All the albums are different, but in summary, Vapourwave -> Sample-y Noise Stuff -> Noise Rock

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Official Neo Somnambula Update #02 · 10:25pm Jul 30th, 2023

Hello everyone and here is another update for my story, Neo Somnambula.

As I had stated before, I had hoped to finish up "Act 2" before the end of July. Well, good news, I have finished "Act 2," and it is currently being looked at by the proofreaders/editors (as well as to some of the people whose OCs are featured in the story).

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Chapter 1 Release · 10:15pm Dec 11th, 2021

Chapter 1 of Under Eternal Winds has released!

I'm already working on Chapter 2, it should be released by the new year. Getting back into fic writing has really gotten my spirits back up!

TUnder Eternal Winds
Somber & sorrow follows a desperate scavenger as she discovers a terrible truth deep within a prewar bunker, plunging her into something larger than the metro could have imagined.
TheFictionalWriter · 4.9k words  ·  15  1 · 233 views

Write, revise, review, repeat. · 7:25am Oct 9th, 2022

Almost done yet another revision of the first chapter of my fic. I've made things a bit easier to follow with some changes wording, added a few details to show more of my protagonists personality, ((by having the way she thinks and reacts to things have a more direct effect on a tense situation.)) I'm in the process of fixing what is the weakest and most lazily written part of it, due to poor pacing and not showing how Aella reacts very well

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"Lewd Me, Anonymous" Chapter 2 Update 2 · 11:35pm Jun 2nd, 2023


Aces High Chapter 5 Coming Out Tomorrow · 6:09pm Nov 13th, 2023

Hi, everybody! I know it’s been a long time. It’s the usual mess. But I wanted to say that Aces High chapter 5 will be out tomorrow, somewhere either around noon-ish, or between noon and one, Eastern time.

I have a last tweak or two to make that I’m doing right now, but beyond that, it appears good to go, so I should have it ready by tomorrow, and if I don’t...well, I’ll be as surprised as you guys.

In the meantime, brace yourself for: Dreams of Fire and Ice


Surprise! Chapter 14 is out now! · 8:30am Jan 29th, 2022

Hey, you know that feeling when you have a cool idea and you can stop until you see it realized? That was this chapter for me. It really just grabbed me from the moment I sat down to write it and just flowed from one sentence to the next without stopping. Honestly it was kind of shocking for myself!

Anyway, please go and enjoy the new chapter and tell me what you think in the comments section! I love reading all the theories and ideas y’all post there!


November Update + Mental Health + My message to you · 8:34am Nov 17th, 2023

Hey y'all. Seems I missed a couple months, it's been... Hard. Figured I'd give a little update.

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Stuck In Place is back for Mother's Day · 6:19pm May 13th

The sex zombie series is back with a new chapter. Yes, I will be keeping the flow of this series wloy, but this next chapter adds a lot of weight to the story going forward. I can confirm that I am near the halfway point in this story

[Adult story embed hidden]

Viewing 9141 - 9160 of 10,587 results