
Viewing 901 - 903 of 903 results

Next Patreon Steps: Getting Organized, Developing an Author Profile and The Plan for my Unfinished Fics · 6:50am Jun 25th, 2019

Good Morning, everypony! I say "Good Morning", because it has just become morning for me here, after spending an entire night with figuring out what kind of pony author I actually am. Now all of that is done and I present to you the results, as the next steps towards my planned Patreon account.

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Userpage Redesign is Finished! Check out the Foal Author and Wasteland Dweller Fluttercheer! · 9:07pm Jul 1st, 2019

Wow, this took a long time! In total, I needed six days to completely re-design my userpage, make it unique and remove all the clutter that covered it (minus bathroom breaks, food breaks and, worse, sleep breaks and all those time-wasting necessities that the body demands). Much more time than I thought it would take me. The result is astounding and beautiful and it prepares me and my userpage greatly for the launch of my

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New Story is released: "Sunny Starscout & Izzy Moonbow: Serial Killers" · 6:51am Dec 25th, 2021

Good things come to those who wait. I can't believe that I really worked on a story on Hearth's Warming Eve of all days, but here I am, that's what I did. I'm crazy. I'm insane. Call me a lunatic. No, wait, don't call me a "lunatic", because that term is insulting to Luna. Call me a loco. Because I am a complete loco for working on Hearth's Warming Eve instead of celebrating with food, music and chilling. But a loco is what we need today and if we don't count myself, you'll get two locos

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Viewing 901 - 903 of 903 results